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Posts posted by JBrigman

  1. You have to have seen Toy Story to get this:


    One day my daughter and her friend that is a boy were watching Toy Story in her room. Me and they boys mom is in the other room. Next thing you know we hear her say to him "Brayden, Do you have a Woody?"


    OMG - we were like what?!?!?! Then we realized what she was asking him and what they were watching. (for those of you who have not seen it- Woody is the doll on the movie)


    I get it completely after seeing the movie a hundred times. I caught my 2 year old saying..."I am your father!" (Quoting Zurg) And instantly in my head I shocked he remember such a tiny part of a movie.

  2. We opted to skip the whole party thing for my 3 year old. I don't think a kid needs a party for every birthday, just the milestones. Like we'll have a big one for the baby when she turns 1, the 5 year old had a big one last year. Perhaps let them pick, do you want a party and no present or a present and no party. We go to all the usual fun places, Pump It Up, Monkey Joe's, the park, Dac Kids, etc. to spend the big bucks to go there and invite people. At those big places the kids don't see or spend any time with their family anyway.


    My son turned 3 last weekend, which also fell on Mother's Day, so I got lucky. My parents and my family spent the day at Cave Springs, fishing, playing and got a bucket of chicken on the way, made my own cake, took it, drinks and his presents. It was a great day of (well almost) FREE fun!

  3. Love, love, love them! Dr. Sharon is the greatest. I personally avoid the other female pediatric dentist in this area.


    I'm with you Madea and I wouldn't trust my kids to anyone else. If Dr. Sharon moves, we're going to have to go too! My son is a monster at the dentist, at least he used to be and it took about 4 adults to hold him down. Now, just 2 years later, he is begging to go and so excited about his appointment tomorrow. They turned him frown upside down -- seriously!


    Okay, please pardon the ignorance -- but at what age should you take your child for their first dental visit?



  4. I vote bad! Sure it might contain your dog, but it doesn't stop predators (stray dog, coyotes, and whatever else we have around here) from coming into your yard and their your dog is left defenseless and unable to escape. I think a 10 x 10 chain length kennel is much safer and humane.

  5. This is why it's so VERY important when someone finds an animal that they take it to animal control and once it has been their for 72, then they have legally lost ownership of it and had you done that and then adopted it after the 3 days, she would have no rights to the dog. Sounds like you really saved it, but at this point giving it back is the right thing. I'd maybe come right out and ask her if she truly wants it back as everyone told you that the dog runs loose all the time and you saw it almost get hit.


    Good luck!

  6. I was wrong, they counted me, we just got less. And to me it absolutely is FREE $.


    JP184 was right on the $: If your tax liability (Line 56 on 1040) is not $1200 or more then you will only receive $300.00 per adult if filing jointly and $300.00 for each child. You must have at least $3000.00 income also. If you had $3000.00 income and at least $1200.00 tax liability and you filed jointly then you will receive the $600.00 per person and $300.00 for any eligible children that you have.

  7. I went to the irs site and just did the Economic Stimulus Payment Calculator and sure enough it came out to be $1500, guess I should have done it long ago so I wouldn't have been bummed for getting $1600 less than expected. Whatever, it's free money right...and already spent, paid some debt off, just wanted to pay $600 more.

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