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Posts posted by JBrigman

  1. If you neuter a cat too late after it's started spraying, their urine changes smells and is unbearable, this can start as early as approx. 5 months, then neutering them may or may not stop the spraying. It's very important to neuter a male as early as possible, I suggest 16 weeks, we spay and neuter at 8 weeks/2 lbs. Good luck!

  2. OMG! Awesome Waffle House pix, I'm so jealous!!! I had a great time too and it was so worth the tired strugglin' day I've had! I think that means I'm officially old when getting home at 2 a.m. about kills me at 6 a.m. the next morning to get 3 kids up and ready for their school Halloween parties.

  3. we went and had fun but i did notice it was kinda slim this year...but hey we were in and out in no time and thats the way i like it in crowded places


    I saw you there but you didn't see us. Saw Loghan's fabulous costume! I thought it was lame they didn't have a costume contest this year.

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