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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. Thank you but I hope I get more than a nap as I haven't slept all night. I am a night person and last night I was out shopping.
  2. That is EXACTLY what speed my ticket is for and it was also when I was going up hill! He offered to let me see results from where the gun was calibrated earlier in the day, even though I had not requested it.
  3. Then I wonder why so many people in such a short distance are suddenly being pulled over? In the past I've notice that SOME areas were 45mph on 381 towards 41 after leaving New Hope, but I have never noticed that it was 45mph almost the entire way. Later on I will research and look to see if we have new changes in some of the stretches on that road. Right now I need sleep! Have a great day.
  4. Yesterday just after 5pm I was traveling from New Hope towards 41 on 381. I had not even gotten to hwy 92 when I was pulled over for going too fast in what I THOUGHT was a 55mph zone. As I pulled out to continue on my trip ANOTHER officer was making another stop less than 1/8th a mile from my stop. Have there been recent changes in that area from 55 to 45 mph zones? I watched the signs on my way to 41 after my stop/ticket and it seems like it is now 45mph almost the entire distance to 41 after you leave New Hope. I am going to HATE driving that stretch at night doing 45mph when the road is alm
  5. The same here as you. We made burgers last night from the 93% lean ground chuck bought from the New Hope Publix this week. We had no problems and I am very sensitive in my mouth due to all of my dental work. I would have noticed anything unusual as this is our regular store and a regular purchase.
  6. This is correct. In all of Paulding county it is illegal to park on any PUBLIC road, street or drive for any period of time unless the vehicle is DISABLED. A public road, street or drive is any that is maintained by the county and all are maintained by the county unless it is privately owned property. If the road, street or drive is PRIVATE and you have permission to park there, then it is legal. If in doubt then call the non-emergency number for the sheriff's office and ask. 770-445-2117 You can look up Paulding county ordinances here: Paulding County, GA Code of Ordinances I believe this
  7. Publix doesn't add pink slime to their ground beef/chuck and I don't think they ever did before the big controversy. Hence why it is more expensive in their stores.
  8. Which Publix have you guys noticed this about the ground chuck?
  9. She has been found. dallas-hiram.patch.com/articles/paulding-girl-found-authorities-say
  10. The times that I have had throbbing pain years after a root canal was performed it turned out that there was a cavity or abcess under the crown. See your dentist right away because more than likely the tooth or root has a problem. It can become serious and you don't want to lose what is left of the tooth because that will mean needing a bridge or even an implant. I am going through several implants surgeries this year for 2 implants as they have to be done in stages. Good luck.
  11. That means it is raining and sunny at the same time. We have more storms on the way. http://radar.weather.gov/radar.php?rid=FFC&product=N0R&overlay=11101111&loop=yes
  12. Whatever you decide is the best gun size and caliber for you PLEASE pay attention to me on this one point. PLEASE DO NOT BUY A TITANIUM HANDGUN! My first was a solid titanium Taurus .38. It had a very beautiful blue/gray/green shine to it and was very light weight, which I needed since my carpal tunnel and arthritis is so severe. I received it as a Christmas gift from my husband one year. He took me with him to pick out something I felt comfortable with. We purchased it brand new and I practiced with it that Christmas out at my dad's home in S.Carolina (he lives on 12 acres). We had absolutely
  13. Call the non-emergency number for the Sheriff's Dept and ask. I bet someone there can give you a link to look it up. 770-445-2117
  14. With the new whole house air purification system installed on our upstairs unit we now have no need for filters. Every so often a tech will come out to perform the maintenance and clean the purification system. We prefer that our humidity not get below 40% as I and our eldest cat have asthma. If the humidity becomes that low it can cause us severe coughing attacks and increased tightness in the chest. This is why I am glad that our humidity is now programmable.
  15. Baaahaaahaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! :rofl: I doubt that commercial will air in the U.S.
  16. It's not short cycling, we did take that into consideration. During these 90+ degree days it is running a lot and the air feels great. It runs slightly less during our 80+ degree days. Our new units also have a humidity control for decreasing the humidity to the setting we have programmed. I am waiting to see what our new electric bill will be as we drastically increased SEERS but we are now also running a downstairs unit that previously didn't exist, however the downstairs unit is a heat pump type of system.Thank you for your info.
  17. I've never even heard of this one. Thank you for your help. We replaced and upgraded the upstairs system and added a whole house air purifier. The downstairs/basement unit was entirely a new install. Even the duct work had to be installed. It seems to help keep the upstairs cooler by keeping the downstairs cooler. This has been the best our house air has felt in about 6+ years. Our upstairs unit was 14 years old and a little too small for our personal preferred settings. The coil on it started freezing up solid (then it would thaw) and we had a freon leak somewhere. We decided to replace since
  18. If you hear of the pilot's name then please PM me. I know 3 pilots who fly between here, Piedmont, AL and south GA. I think they sometimes use the airstrip in Polk. I will say a prayer for the pilot and their family for comfort and peace. This is horrible.
  19. What are the 2 brands? We have had 2 new HVAC systems installed recently for the upstairs and downstairs.
  20. The Aerosmith concert of course!
  21. It is not illegal for the sales person to be on the STREET unless the "street" is a posted private drive. However, it is illegal for them to place anything into or onto any mailbox. It is illegal to come onto your property if you have a "no solicitation" or "no trespassing" sign posted. Also, if they come to your door and you ask them to leave and they don't leave or they leave and come back, these actions would also be illegal. If you wish to report suspicious activity that you see in Paulding County but do not believe it is an emergency, then you can call the Sheriff Dept's non-emergency
  22. You might want to ask them individually and make sure. They could have purchased the drinks themselves and not even thought about what the drinks contain. My husband works in the food packaging industry on machines and travels the U.S. He says that some of the ingredients allowed in the drinks in the U.S. are banned in some countries. I would have to ask him which ingredients.
  23. I would. However, the report said that someone refused it.
  24. Are they drinking energy drinks? Some of those drinks have more than caffeine, they have several herbs in them that can sometimes elevate liver enzymes.
  25. Good grief! This creeps me out more than normal because we just flew to Minneapolis 2 weeks ago and came home last week. I ate a meal going there. Thankfully I didn't on the way back to Atlanta because they were having chicken salad sandwiches! I can't believe someone would find a needle in their food and not want medical attention. In the medical field if you are stuck then immediate HIV testing is done and I believe a possible "preventive dosing" of meds is given. After about 6 weeks the testing is run again.
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