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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. We like Dr. Wendy Meeker at Hiram Animal Hospital and have used her for years. Good Luck!
  2. Well, you could get them little doggie rain coats to keep them dry, but then they might get pee on the coats!
  3. Weather web links: National Hurricane Center National Weather Service Click on the map for your area forecast. NWS Atlanta Radar Please everyone stay safe and dry. Also, if anyone see's Noah, tell him it's time to start loading the animals on the ark!
  4. We haven't been in a while (I need to make appointments for 4 checkups!) but we love Dr. Wendy Meeker at that clinic. Good luck!
  5. Dr. Lucianne Moyher at Dallas Chiropractic. 770-445-4600 They are now a commerce member on this site. I have been going to this clinic on/off since I was 22 and I am 40. She bought the practice 15 years ago and has a huge happy patient base now. They will file your insurance for you and also have "family plans" available if you purchase a set of 10 visits. Good luck!
  6. The link to the National Hurricane Center. http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/ National Hurricane Center
  7. Maybe a dose of Benadryl with the Tylenol will help him sleep better tonight? As for staying out today I don't know. At only 4 years old will it really matter in the long run?
  8. Beachcomber are you talking about Drew? It happened on Hwy 41 in Acworth at the 92 intersection? If so this was my stepfather's (now exstepfather) best friend and a co-officer with CCPD. This was towards the beginning of the development of the DUI task force in Cobb and my stepfather was a big part of it. I was a teenager of only 14 but I seen the pictures of Drew's cruiser. My stepfather said that only his skeletal remains, belt buckle and badge were left in the area of the driver's seat. It affected me profoundly and I have NEVER driven DUI because of this!
  9. Beautiful, cute and hilarious at the same time! LMAO They had such a hard time keeping a straight face.
  10. Well at least 2-4 inches isn't 18 freaking inches like we had during the floods!
  11. Hiya Chickie! I was recently wondering where your were. Sorry about your doggie. Congrats on returning to school and I am glad to see you are back on P.com. My sister was in nursing school doing the same thing as a single mom but she finally graduated this year. I remember her telling how difficult it was even for someone like her who loves taking care of folks. Hang in there!
  12. If you just need matching plates and napkins, a lot of people go to the Dollar Store beside of Sam's Club in Hiram for them. Otherwise I like Party City in Kennesaw. Is there still a Party City on Austell Road?
  13. Pubby, you are welcome and thank you for the invitation. I will try to stop by sometime. Can I see a ghostie while I am there? LOL
  14. Yesterday I didn't get home from Walmart until 1am and I had been gone since 4pm doing errands etc. I did see a couple of guys in sleep pants in there last night.
  15. Just hanging out with the cats tonight. I am still on antibiotics for a sinus infection and tired. How's it going your way?
  16. Now that's just creepy! LOL Hiya all. Kim I have been meaning to tell you that your daughter is just so darn cute in that avatar. It makes me want to tickle her untils she laughs. Sooo cute!
  17. Ok here goes (this is going to be long). I have met LPPT once and thoroughly enjoyed it. The only other P.com member I have met is my chiropractor of over 10 years, who has just joined as a commerce member after I recommended that she do so. So Pubby, I may have helped to earn the site some business. I would like to meet: Pubby.......I almost introduced myself at the Paulding Meadows Arts & Crafts Festival, but he was busy .................helping a group of four and I didn't want to interrupt. Subby.......He seems so fun. Zoo.......I am not positive but I may have met her at my
  18. There may be a new content button, but I still can't get the "back" button on my browser to work with the new web site and it is annoying the heck out of me! Yes my browser is always updated and yes it use to work on the old website.
  19. I didn't say there was anything wrong with it. This happens to be the same way that house cats came to be in such a large variety of colors and prints, mutation and more recently selective breeding.
  20. Coyotes and wild dogs have been in Paulding co. for decades! When I was a little girl my uncles would go hunting for them to thin the packs out whenever they started attacking the livestock. Yes we have fox too. I seen one just last year in front of Dallas Dodge crossing the road. It was a beautiful red fox. Absolutely gorgeous. We also have bear, turkey, deer, opposum, etc. This area was almost entirely farm land and forest not too long ago and the animals probably use the old trails or have no where else to go other than subdivisions now. So we now have alot more sightings. I have also
  21. AJ, they were probably done using a laparoscope. It's a tiny camera on the end of a flexible tube and is used mainly in surgery. I have had 3 surgeries performed with one. It is still extremely riskly, but when necessary, a doctor can perform surgery on a fetus while still inside the womb using a laparoscope to "see" inside. Another extremely detailed fetal photo would be a 3D ultrasound. It is much more detailed than a regular ultrasound, even showing the fetus' facial features, but it is not as detailed as pictures using a laparoscope. As for the question in the poll. I do not mind seein
  22. Um no thanks. I would have preferred to go through life without the constant ache in between my shoulder blades!
  23. It's not the cup so much as it's the number. They only go to 42 or 44 now. Thank you though.
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