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Everything posted by vslade

  1. This the best response I have heard, and I agree with you 100%. At least we can get some of their mondy, and have you noticed how they spend. They always have a pocket of cash. Thank yuou, Freebird.
  2. I AM NOT SURE YOU KNOW EITHER??????????????????????
  3. Where is this and how much does it cost? Thanks
  4. But you have parents that just send their kids to school to play sports. If we didn't have these extras. we would never hear the end. You know what I can't believe you are trying to take things from our school system, and you don't even live here. I know you said you had property here, so you may be talking yourself into a property increase. I am sure you pay enough since you can't claim homestead exemption. So why don't you help us and yourself and let us vote it in. Just admit they have to get it somewhere.
  5. No, nobody has shown where the money was misspent. They just keep bringing it up, but no proof. Do you all honestly realize what it takes to run a school system, while they are trying to satisfy all the parents. I cannot start to think what it would cost. Like I said I do not have kids in school now, but I know sombody had to help pay when mine were there. The sales tax is not an increase, just what we are already paying, but if it don't go in, we will have an increase, it has to come from somewhere. Little Johnny cannot get an education with out it. I for one t
  6. If you don't live in Paulding, why are you even in this conversation??????? Do you think I would come to the county where you live and try to tell what you ahould or not do. Just wondering.
  7. So you want your children to go to school, sit in classroom all day with nothing else to do. Kids need theae extra things to do to help keep them motivated. Have you checked other school systems to see what they have, if they don't have these things, you might want to move there, since you seem to think they should not have anything. Yes if you check most school systems have mobiles, but we have gotten rid of a lot of ours.
  8. Did you vote for Obama, if you did look how much money you gave him, and boy is he spending it. You I don't have children in school any more, but I do know our kids have to have an education. I asked somebody on here to post some things that money had been spent for that shouldn't. I have not seen a thing posted. If you can't back up what you say, maybe you shouldn't say it.
  9. Now wait a minute Kim, you know that there are some parents , if their children did not have the gyms, along with all the other sports as the old saying goes they would have a hissy fit. I do agree that sports are important. Look at the way they did when the middle school sports was stopped, and it worked itself out. Yes we need the gyms, just like the football fields. baseball. softball etc. You all will never be able to please everybody. Thanks for what you do.
  10. \ You know I have found that if you ask you can get what you need for your child. Kim is why a lot that they have to teach is not in the book. But I grant you, the teacher can probably give you a wed site to use. Alot of the teachers have them on their website. Really, we had them when you worked for the school system.
  11. Name some things that were done that was not in the best interest of the students. I believe this board and Mr. Cole have nothing but the best interest of the students in their minds.
  12. No I am not stupid, but if it don't go in, I bet your property taxes will go up more than fifty two dollars. I am on a fixed income and I much rather pay it a few cents at a time, than have my propeety taxes go up. Just remember if you don't spend, you don't have to pay it.
  13. Well, I bet if the SPLOST is not voted in, we will be paying a lot more then the one cent. We will be paying on our property taxes. I had rather pay one cent on my purchases, and my propeety taxes not go up. As far as buildings, I don't think we will need anymore buildings for a while.
  14. This wreck was a half mile from the four way stop sign.
  15. OK why does Steve Golden still have signs on Hiram Sudie Rd? All his signs were supposed to be gone by Aug. 22, per the marshalls office. Now I guess he is putting them out for somebody else. Oh well, some people can put them out and some can't. I see something wrong with this.
  16. I want to know just one thing. Are they not any decent, honest people to run for office any more, or are they scared they might become like the dishonest ones if they happen to be elected?????????????????????????
  17. I heard on the scanner that the swat team was headed somewhere??????????
  18. Yes, and Tommy Graham and Steve Golden still have one on Hiram Sudie at 92.
  19. One-fourth cup sugar to one cup water, bring it to a boil, cool, I put a little bit of red food coloring in mine.
  20. Thank you, I am glad we are covered.
  21. The county will be short two ambulances, I understand two are broke down.
  22. I think they said it was a bad leg injury.
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