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Everything posted by AcworthDad

  1. Democrats (aka. progressives, socialists, communists) continue to prove that they are nasty, evil extremists who want to bring America to its knees. On this forum, the Pubster leads the way posting his drivel from the Democrat mothership. Any objectivity he once had was stomped into the ground many years ago. Pity.
  2. Whining is the liberal normal state of being.
  3. Democrats don't want solutions. They thrive on complaining about problems. If there is no problem, they will invent one.
  4. Darn those pesky facts about LEGAL immigration. Thank you, Mrs H.
  5. Misuse of the verb "hate" when the correct term is "don't like" or "disapprove".
  6. We've tried both. Over time, the surge protector installed at the panel will cost less. It is supposed to be equally effective. We've installed them in two houses. The most recent install was $315.00 (with the surge protector).
  7. TP thrives on and craves attention. That is why he is here.
  8. I don't even enjoy Mexican food; but, I do have gas on occasion.
  9. Given that "COWA" is an expert in economics, he does not need to read articles that dispute his opinion and expertise.
  10. Agree. I have been using Adblock for several years. It is very effective.
  11. Someone or something has tampered with your mind. You continue to become both crazier and nastier.
  12. TP already has a special forum but none of his crap goes there anymore.
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