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Everything posted by AcworthDad

  1. She was very effective and will be missed.
  2. And yet, Slick gets away with being a rapist.
  3. We had that president in 0bama. He was (and still is) useless and very negative.
  4. Every day, I am thankful that the Hildabeast in "Nacho" president.
  5. Great post. However, some prefer to sit back, whine and complain.
  6. Strange that we have not heard a peep from pcoms left wing extremists.
  7. No, and I will NEVER forget the people who did this and their mantra to kill all infidels.
  8. I was 22 in 1969. Like many here, I dislike rap and hip hop (neither is music) and prefer good ole rock n roll.
  9. Based on his current wealth, 0bama only save himself.
  10. The pubster worships Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky. What a waste.
  11. Disgusting. What happened to being held accountable for your actions?
  12. If I said that Obama wants more immigrants from Kenya, would I be a racist? What would you say? This is an ignorant comment by you. I'm only aware of one process which is the same for all immigrants. What makes it more difficult for one nationality over another?
  13. No, please review the legal immigration process to determine why.
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