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Everything posted by AcworthDad

  1. Prayers sent. How is she doing this morning?
  2. You can keep that up there. We have enough of the darn stuff down here.
  3. My wife takes an iron supplement. She barely qualifies but gives regularly. You can get some really potent supplements at Walgreeens. I take a supplement as well.
  4. I even asked my brother if he had any of his old scout uniforms. He replied, "Are you on drugs?"
  5. I'll check again. The Red Cross always calls me because my blood is perfect for children.
  6. Where and when is the next blood drive? I give about 4-6 times per year.
  7. I can bring whatever you prefer depending on the weather- 69 Road Runner - 67 Coronet - or- 97 Ford. I would need special parking for the Road Runner or the Coronet. I get nervous when I can't see them. I am going to be taking the Coronet down to the AJC International Auto Show the last week in March. Eagle Scouts are everywhere. My son is an Eagle.
  8. Since the car stalled for no reason, that points at something other than the starter. When the starter clicks, it is generally because it is not getting enough voltage to crank the engine. I'll bet that a trickle charge will make a difference and I'll bet that the problem is either your battery of the alternator. And, with it being so cold, the battery now has less of a charge than when it was warm. If you have a meter, you can test the charge of the battery. Just a thought...check the wiring at the starter to make sure it is clean and tight also. But, disconnect the negative cable at
  9. Check the connections at the battery. Make sure cables are rust free and tight. Check your negative cable. It is the ground and should also be clean and tight. Start there and tell us if that makes any difference. Also suggest that you put a trickle charger on the battery to make sure that it is fully charged. Find somewhere warm to do this.
  10. Do you not realize that anyone disagreeing with Global Warming (whoops) climate change is an "extremist"? I think it is really estreme to think that man is responsible for climate change and can modify it somehow. This does not mean that we should not do reasonable things to preserve the environment
  11. I can live quite nicely without snow. I shovelled the damned stuff for many years. In the early 70s, we had so much snow, my car was buried under it. You could not see any sign of the car. If I decide I miss snow, I'll fly there, take a look, and fly back the same day. So, I hope it passes us by...but, if it does snow, no big deal.
  12. You decide who you want to participate. If you need a scout from 40+ years ago, let me know.
  13. Check out MUST ministries: http://www.mustministries.org/communityservices.aspx
  14. If you can find me a uniform, I'll wear it. Just let me know.
  15. I was a cub scout and a boy scout in the 60s. But, I do not have any old uniforms. My scouting took place in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
  16. Thanks, she is our sweetie and that is what we fondly call her. She was abandoned outside my house and adopted me.
  17. This is Socks. She is 13 years old and weighs a little more than 6 pounds. But, she takes no prisoners.
  18. The Ford Flex can seat seven. I think that the Taurus X can seat 7 as well.
  19. I've not seen anything from GM that has interested me in recent years. I'll stick with my Fords as well. My wife loves her 500/Taurus and my old CV gets me around. The Terrains is good looking though.
  20. We use Dr. Goette on Stilesboro near Mars Hill; I've been using his office for 13 years.
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