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Everything posted by AcworthDad

  1. I agree re Zell. He is one of the few Democrats who has impressed me. I remember. "I did not leave the party, the party left me." Good points. We will need to continue to remind folks.
  2. Roy may be a good friend of yours, but I won't risk my vote on a Democrat. I'm not fond of Sonny either. Handel is my choice.
  3. I'm not a fan of Barnes anyway. Typical politician. From the above, we can assume that being a lock - step Dem, Roy would support Obama's plan to grant amnesty.
  4. For certain. If the county sticker were optional, I figure they'd ask if you wanted one or now when you got a new tag.
  5. I do not think so either. I'm also pretty sure you cannot cover it either. It must be visible.
  6. Read this: http://wsbradio.com/localnews/2010/07/roy-barnes-backs-az-immigratio.html Apparently Barnes supports the AZ law. That gives him one check in my book.
  7. This is why no Muslim mosque should be located anywhere near ground zero.
  8. Apparently both the mayor and the governor condone the building of the mosque. I think that the mosque should be built elsewhere and not as close to ground zero. How about in the Bronx?
  9. Looks like another irrelevant smear, so, yes, it's irrelevant.
  10. You are very kind. My son benefited from the experience but we both would prefer never to go through it again.
  11. I don't know for sure about drinking or drugs, but recklessness, disregard for human life, stupidity and the possibility that he was fighting with his girlfriend are all factors.
  12. ...as they are currently proving in spades. I've yet to meet a Democrat politician I trust.And, let me clarify. Democrat politicians promise the world and target those who do not pay taxes by promising to provide entitlements paid for by those of us who do pay taxes.
  13. This is a power trip for King Roy.
  14. I had thrown the flyer in the trash (recycle) but I just re-read it and now see the Oxendine name on it. Disgusting.
  15. You mean like the left and their endless complaints about racism and their fueling of the fires of class warfare and envy? Hmmmm. Not really, it's his party and politics that bother me.
  16. I think it is time for GA to have a female governor. I never liked Roy and I don't trust Ox.
  17. Nope. No Democrats, not ever, never.
  18. We've never taken advantage of it so we don't care that it has gone away.
  19. Means nothing to me - I assume you fixed it.
  20. I can't resist asking - what was the problem?
  21. I'm glad to hear that it worked out for you. Hopefully, something like this will never happen again.
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