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Everything posted by AcworthDad

  1. That was exactly what happened with my case and both you and I know that the guilty party should have been tried, had his licence revoked for life and been thrown in jail for around 10 years.
  2. Maybe that's where the Obamas will go to live in 2013. Good suggestion.
  3. It's a case of "Do what I say, not what I do." The Obamas, like most left-wing elitists, are hypocrites. They see themselves as aristocracy. Rules that apply to the plain folk do not apply to them. They believe that they are entitled to live in luxury at taxpayers' expense.I've not seen any details that show that this trip of Michelle's is funded out of their own pockets.
  4. I am sorry to have missed the coffee. I was tied up with work and could not get away. I hate it when work gets in the way of my being retired.
  5. The left is determined to cut down big business. Damn the consequences. Envy rules the left. Damn right!!
  6. I remember Mitch and true high quality family TV. RIP, Mitch. I gave up on most TV shows years ago.
  7. It was the watermelon's fault.
  8. Ewwww! Speaking of which, where do sheep fit into this scenario?
  9. Yes, and I am grateful for that. The mosque should not be built as it disrespects 9/11. This is not about liberty; this is about disrespect and spitting in our face.
  10. and it sure as hell isn't because Manhattan real estate is cheap. You posted the precise reason.
  11. Let's just summarize with that statement. No mosque at Ground Zero. It is a slap in the face to New Yorkers and a direct, taunting insult to the US.
  12. It happens to all of us, even those of us who support the tea party movement.
  13. Gosh, I hope you ask the same question about Roy Barnes, who was born in 1948 and is 62 years old. He may be looking for a state retirement based on your thinking.
  14. I was never very impressed with Drew and his staff. I'd be OK with a reorganization top to bottom.
  15. He sure is and needs counseling badly. Maybe AE could get some counseling in a group for a lower price - there are several others on this board whose mental stability is as questionable.
  16. I absolutely believe that AE committed some major crime and got caught. He is overly consumed with hatred of LE.
  17. AE is consumed by his hatred (and this is a valid use of the word) of law enforcement and, has lost all credibility on this forum. I still say he was caught doing something very illegal and that is the source of his hatred.
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