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Everything posted by HappyMommyto1

  1. Dang thats bad!!! thanks for sharing
  2. Lord thats worse then Pot Holes!! To get the pictures off.. Send it to your email address!
  3. Someone posted the other day, that it had Big Pot Holes in the Parking lot!!
  4. No really a friend has it on her camera.. if I got it off the Internet.. I would deff not take credit.. But I copied it off her card!.. No lie.. But If copied it then.. Im sorry.. but she said she found it
  5. If any one needs water and would like to bring some Jugs and get some.. I have no problem with it! we are on well so we have plenty! We always Boil ours anyways! But if you need some send me a pm.. we live on buchanan highway
  6. I was just on there and I hard no problem.. my crops are looking great LOL
  7. We have seen so many signs when I seen this one it made mr laugh
  8. Friend and I were out in Carrollton and she said she found this sorry!!! Had no clue she found it on the internet!!!! SORRY
  9. Just to let everyone know.. Millinium Daycare in Bremen has 5 confirmed cases of Swine Flu! As for flu with a 4 year old.. Most likely Tamaflu and rest..
  10. Over in the Draketown area the skys are Blue and the sun is bright and Its lovely!
  11. It was a Great Episode! I always record them.. LOL
  12. Super Sweet of you!! I need to get with you about my Husband and Sons hunting pictures
  13. I cant even imagine either! its just crazy the damage that has happend
  14. Im so sorry to hear that.. If he needs anything Please let me know! I will help in any way I can! Please if you did help.. just let us know. we are willing to make sure you get the things you need!
  15. You Could come up Buchanan highway and go through villa Rica.. and hit the highway~
  16. Hey I made the List!!!!!! Never before.. Way to go LR...
  17. That made me cry!! that was so sweet to make her dream come true
  18. Us too!!! there is a House Down the street from us that Has been up for sale about 4 times since we bought our house a year ago... and we figured out .. it not on a hill and there is a creek running right next to it and it FLOODS.. well someone just bought it last weekend.. Guess they will find out to! But my flowers are growing LOL
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