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Everything posted by TwoKidCircus

  1. A two minute conversation with any influential republican member would have told you the cigarette tax was never, ever going to pass. I think you overstate your confidence when it comes to the legislative process just attending a couple of budget meetings.
  2. Interesting group. Rick Crawford and Stephanie Benfield are not even on appropriations, Ron Stephens is on the economic development sub of approps and doesn't have anything to do with the K12 budget nor does Butch Parrish. This shows me you don't know anything about the "inner workings" of the legislature that you spoke of. Why not try meeting with Ben Harbin, Earl Ehrhart or Terry England who actually make the decisions in regard to the K12 and Higher Ed budgets???
  3. I would still like to get an answer to my question. Mr. Avery: what state representatives have you met with about education issues?
  4. What inner-workings of the state legislature have you done?
  5. How do you suppose to have better education and more jobs along with lower taxes? I am a middle of the road sort of person but I do think that the politicans in Atlanta have done what they can with downturn in the economy. As for Avery, I do not want to go from one unexperienced young man to another.
  6. Because you and your ilk have not backed anything up with facts - just conjecture.
  7. Innocent until proven guilty or should I just believe surepip's claims as true? What if he is the one speaking mistruths? I do not believe Beverly Cochran to be a Shearin stooge. If anyone would take the time to actually speak with her, you would know this.
  8. I see it differently. I believe he has an axe to grind and doesn't mind trashing innocent people in the process.
  9. Wow, I am speechless. No wonder the majority of candidates will not come on here. I wouldn't want or appreciate a site where someone can be trashed anonymously like you just have.
  10. I went to Steve Golden's event last night was came away very impressed. The one thing that bothers me about Stout, besides the whole mother in law thing, is that he only lives in Paulding. Does not work or attend church services here. As far as I know, his child does not attend Paulding County schools. I don't like that at all. I hope to get to Paulette Braddock's event to meet her also.
  11. Great post! I haven't been on this board long but long enough to know that surepip does use this site, unjustly, to further his cause. What makes it bad is that most will people what he spews without looking at the other side which we can't hear.
  12. You are asking people to call the wrong people. It is the Board of Regents that suggested closing down 4-H. Not the legislature.
  13. Well, he verified the details to Tom Crawford and he printed an article yesterday that is making the rounds. It is just my opinion but he has been dragging Richardson's name through the mud for having an affair and a lack of ethics and for this to be verified by him shows me a lot about his character.
  14. We are members of Bentwater's Golf club but have no access to the neighborhood's amenities - you have to live there. We love it though.
  15. Actually, I know that your statement about furlough days is false and I would suspect that much of what you wrote is also or just embellished to fit your needs.. General Assembly employees and the Governor's staff have all taken 3 forlough days since September. Actually, today is the last one.
  16. I can tell you that he helped me, personally, with a difficult family situation with my son. He would call me every couple of weeks to check on the progress. Not his staff, but Glenn Richardson himself. That goes a long way with me and told me a lot about his character.
  17. Do everyone on this board a favor, more like it.
  18. First, he is a Republican. Second, you spelled his name incorrectly: it is Glenn with two "n's". Third, that is just silly to even make that comment about drugs because doctors are addicted, pilots are addicted, teachers are addicted. Does that make them any less of a person? Heck no.
  19. If his election to his house seat was tomorrow, I would still vote for him. I hate that his depression lead him down that road but, I find it refreshing, in a sense, that he is publicly acknowledging his illness.
  20. My recent topics button will not work again. It takes me back to the home page.
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