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Everything posted by whitewitch369

  1. bleach bath works too....just add some to water and soak for about 30 mins....i dont know why.
  2. now i am starting to get worried....the past three years our house payment has gone up cause of tax increases....we seriously cannot afford another increase...hubby makes decent money but i only get a small disability check...this is very bad news for us.
  3. Well, i gots the deep red (for now till it bleaches to strawberry in the sun) and lots and lots of curls....its kinda like the one in the middle of the slide show i guess. Need to get some long layers though. I will NEVER do the big hair with the dryer and spritzer again....nope...whack it all off first! ha
  4. the best caving i have done is in tennessee....go north of chattanooga on 24 and you will find all kinds of them...i am still tiny and could get thru all the little openings now but hubby cant so had to give up that hobby. miss is and repelling too.
  5. big foot got a laptop and he is hacking into the system cause we talk about him!!!! Just a thought...silly one but ive had a pot of coffee so excuse me..ha.
  6. that is why i dont like mace or stun guns...I AINT GETTIN THAT DANG CLOSE!!!! ME THE "LOUISE" get along just fine thank you.....(trucks name is thelma too..ha)
  7. good lord....that sounds lke the same guy that got hit in face with shovel on bobo while back....he is a "tree man" so wouldnt surprise me if he is the one armed with chainsaw....goodness!!!!!hope all ended up okay. Goofballs!
  8. there are literally hundreds of cycles in ingles parking lot waiting to ride in the procession with their giant flags and bandanas..awesome sight and also sombering to see at the same time. My son did two tours and is now home with me but i feel for this family. Also for the family of the soldier who went on a killing spree yesterday....both are just awful. Prayers sent.
  9. cool beans!!! when i get back from mtns this weekend if i dont spend all my money on my mom i will prob. get the least exp of them. My husband collects swords and so does my son. looks like a ren fair in my living room! ha. i need to take a pic and post this fan holder he made with all his long swords. have no room for anymore and christmas involves putting them all under bed every year out of way!! ha ang
  10. do you carry the rest. magnet bars that attach to the wall to hang your knives from....and if so how much we talking for about a two to three foot one? I am chef and have pots and pans suspended from ceiling but cant seem to get hubby to keep knives straightened in drawer.....dont have enough counter for blocks...just asking.
  11. you need to see what kind of "riggin" my old man did to the tines on this tractor...know how they have curves...well these were sold old on one side they were just straight six inch sticks and the rest of metal just gone!! ha. (this thing is from like late 70's ealry 80's but ewas my ex father in laws tractor and has sent. value so had to fix) He took to marietta and welded the heck out of these tines and literally MADE NEW TINES out of it. Its the silliest thing i have ever seen but it works better than we first got it from them. (dad passed and we put in new counters and floors and cabin
  12. so you have fabric by the yard as well as doing custom work? I do pretty well as long as its not like sheer materiall...my old machine prefers good old cottons for quilts..ha. need a mild change in one room though and would love to make a swag for behind the wood futon in grandbaby's room. I have a mosquito netting thing that hangs from ceiling but she mostly plays with it and the cats ike it too much. swag again the wall would be nicer with something large and decorative to hold up in middle. i dont know exactly where you are though...and welcome to pcom...the word of mouth best busines
  13. i have warned you gals you are creating a monster!!!! Be careful! (Nice pic john...looks about the same as round what 13 or so years ago? I certainly cannot say i have aged that gracefully so good for you!)
  14. we are in new hope too...no "real damage" since all our vehicles are about as old as dirt anyways..ha. but my son woke up to flat tire and he has brand new tires...weird. Came in two big swoops here too. We are very close to publix...and it was LOUD. The saint bernard was not happy and a cat who is NOT AT ALL friendly with me wanted hugging and kissing while i hid in the basement..ha. (lived thru four so i tend to hide and hope it dont spot me at all anymore)
  15. Thanks to both of ya for answers....This thing was my ex father in laws and kinda holds some sentimental value so wanna fix it. Hubby said there is a place on canton road close to hospital he is gonna try today at lunch since he is right there off square and if not then he will call Parkers next. (we usually use parkers for everything...at least I DO...and he has always come back with a fed up look on his face...dont know, i love them. This Ace Hardware out here in East paulding now is great only THEY WONT LET ME SHOP!!! Every three feet someone is asking if I need help?! ha.
  16. Okay, mr. fix it...ha. Try this one. Where does one locate new tines for an OOOOLLLLLDDDD tiller? Hubby tilled Sunday (dont ask me why...he is just did..not ready and too wet, but anyways) The tines on one side are literally just straight sticks about six inches in length!!!! No curve left at all!! talk to me here...ideas as to where besides junk places?
  17. I brouht two lawn bags full of my old work clothes (dressy stuff) since i cant wear and dont have much use. More to come i am sure. I may have a good many 14-16 size ladies things in the upcoming weeks as well when i help the Pinson Family go thru things...we will see, i know i put away a lot in storage totes for now for them, Not sure if anyone will be able to use or want to considering the situation as of yet and just too soon for all that. I will definitely be hitting your store to make purchases for the four kids soon as my own finances get back to normal. They need summer gear soon.
  18. They could offer as course in High School and as long as you passed the Drivers Final and received your certificate then you dont have to take the test again at the DMV....Make sense?
  19. If you havent gone by you really need to!! Just go ahead and buy what is on special and I PROMISE YOU itll be good. and you will return...parking is kinda tight, but I park next door at the gas station and walk over if I am in the truck so i dont take up too much room... I still hit Ingles "manager's specials" and "markdown" days but that is generally just for stuff for stew or chili. The best cuts are at West Metro !
  20. i made that tues. night...it was yummy. I used to be a line cook at Ocharleys so of course i have ALL their recipes
  21. hey..very cute...just curious...where do you get your bandanas? i noticed walmart had a big rack of them over by the purses not too long ago for a buck a piece...just lettin ya know. (i got the camo and some with bones and skulls for the bid old dog)
  22. oh, there are just no words except to tell you how sorry i am. my son went to iraq too and came back someone i dont even know. (not that he ever was very close to me to begin with..he shuts things out) I dont know what to do or if i can do anything to make him smile again...people just dont realize how lucky they are to have smiling, happy children do they? My heart goes out to you and your family for your tragic loss.
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