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Everything posted by whitewitch369

  1. i cant ever get a line under my personal picture either. tried it a bunch and it does nothing and never got any feed back on how to make it work. I can change my personal statement thing but never add a little something under the picture.
  2. I am getting to the point every winter i start threatening to move to a warmer climate myself.....but then again i really hate the coast and beach. Guess its the hot, boring desert for me if i have to go. I do travel to the hills alot in the summer and hike but it really only feels cooler in the morning and then right back to sweltering cause i am hiking. I prefer to be 95 degrees and sweating than freezing!!!!! I CAN ONLY HOLD SO MANY CLOTHES UP GUYS!!!(plus in summer i can get away with a wife beater tank and boys size 16 shorts the whole season if i want to!!)
  3. Choc ful o nuts with cream and suger. ( i have to water down some cause hubby makes it at 5 am and by 730 to 8 its a bit strong for me but good stuff)
  4. STOP TALKING ABOUT IT!!! I have been freezing all day long!....yeah, well, there ARE drawbacks to being skinny ya know!
  5. teeth chattering just thinking about it....love having the windows open and gettting that elect. bill that has dropped to half but still.....brrrrrrr.
  6. okay, ive seen a ton of pics of damage and i have to admit yours did bring tears to my eyes. That is just horrible...so sorry. I just had a thought if no one else has that maybe someone good with restoration of old photos on here could possibly donate some time or give discounts to get memories repaired and put a little hope back to some of these victims. I am no good at all in that area but thought about losing all my precious photos of grandparents and such and how hard that would be for us.
  7. WELL SAID!!!!!i have to agree there completely. I am presuming that some folks arent happy unless they are arguing with someone about something...even the simplest comment or question turns into a rather large fight on here sometimes. Sad.
  8. i was wearing enough close to drag thru there without adding anymore weight to the situtaion...the helmets alone are not exactly light in weight....plus they get in the way when you are trying to take pics....i promised to not take pics of the butts in front of me before they started so got none of those....i got hubby's disc loaded today and he got really good ones i will try to load later
  9. I miss the fair but hubby dont want to walk that much anymore....We used to go every year cause that is what we did on our wedding day. Went to cobb court house and then fair and then went back to work next day..ha. We were young and didnt see the need in real wedding and all the expense plus were broke. I guess we stopped going around our tenth anniversary. I do miss the smells and food and just looking at the crafts and all the awards to the canning folks and such.
  10. yeah,but caving aint caving unless you are on your belly pulling yourself thru holes a dog almost couldnt get thru to get to the next cavern..ha. (hubby just cant do that anymore with his leg but he used to go to california and just find a cave and explore all night from Idaho) There arent many critters or lizards or anything cause ITS FREAKIN COLD!!!!!! (omg...i was blue after one of them and he had the air running wide open at the little cabin too....had to sit outside and thaw for over an hour....60 dont sound cold but after a few hours it gets pretty unbearable) Definitely another good
  11. yes, some of the tours required you to lay pretty dang flat...actually its more like sliding on your belly in some spots than crawling like a doggy. Then out of nowhere the walls open up and boom...giant room with georgeous ceilings and water pools and such. There is even a sandpaper slide...yes you read that right. i didnt venture that but others did. They put sandpaper on your boots and hands and down ya go down this long slide. They have two websites...one is crystal palace tours and ones raccoon mtn campground. I think the tours one has the most good pics and descriptions of the tour
  12. My ex paid 40.00 a week for the first 16 years. (this was from 1986 on and by the way he is a cop) To be honest..the first few years i seldom got it until his mother finally caught him up then we set up an account it could automatically go into every check and all was well so i just considered myself lucky to get that. Then 16 hit and i went "OH CRAP>>>>COLLEGE!!!" I got my attorney to send him a letter requesting it be raised to 100.00 a week till she turned 18 and his wife had a fit but he gladly signed it to keep it from going to 22 percent of his gross income. Roll of the
  13. actually we went to several different caves but we stayed at raccoon and its about 8 miles away from chattanooga...really cool and best caves....45 min walking tour and crystal palaces is really nice and lots of good lighting....they have many tours so go check out their website. Hubby did great plus they have gem mining and go karts right there on the campgrounds to keep him entertained as well. (and a mini pool hall/game room i might add) Not the best kept up place in the world of course and rather old but still very cool.
  14. all of their tours are guided but only one of them is a walking tour...i have more pics but i have to edit the lighting cause it was so dark...hubby got some excellent shots but he hasnt loaded those from his camera yet cause he took it to work to make a screensaver. The two crawl holes that are first are where i went in to do the other tours at later. This one i walked thru with hubby cause he cant crawl or slide on his belly (or fit at all in some of the spots...there was on in particular hole you had to crawl in and then stanad up and do a 90 degree turn and then crouch back down to get t
  15. I never know what order this thing is gonna put them in but some of them are of crystal palace rooms and big rooms that opened up after crawling for a while a couple are of holes before i had to dive into them....CLAUSTROPHOBES CLOSE YOUR EYES >..ha okay, the first 3 are the holes...i previewed it before posting...i hope you can click on them and make them bigger cause i cant figure out how to make them larger in the post....i had a blast and got all yucky!!
  16. Maybe they will be able to rebuild the scream machine this time around. That one and the little jerky mine train are the only ones i will get on at all in regard to coasters and last time i road the scream machine i decided it felt just waayyyyy to rickety for me. (course with both of us with handicaps unless someone gives us some free passes or something we probably wont ever go back anyhow..ha..getting too old)
  17. ha!!! i have been saying that about damn droughts all summer...this has seemed like the dreary'est summer i can remember. Id rather it be boiling to the point i cant hardly breathe out than be raining all summer every day!!! (yes, i said that but then i am tiny and once it drops below 75 i start to get cold and keep a sweater in my truck to wear in the grocery store or i wont make it thru the whole store!!)
  18. WE LEAVE TOWN FOR FOUR DAYS!!!!! Good lord people...what the heck have yall been up to while i was gone to cause such storms. I will post the caving pictures when i get them all loaded on the computer and shrunk down to fit, but too much going on and phone calls and such yesterday to even fool with it. We had a decent time despite the rain and mother nature dampening every meal we tried to cook outside. (which was all three nights of course) I felt bad for the scouts that pulled into the field on friday night though cause it poured on them from 9pm when they arrived all night long....bles
  19. definitely not pleased....i am sick to death of rain and it depresses me badly when i cant go outside plus WE ARE CAMPING THIS WEEKEND> oh well...another trip i was looking forward to ruined....still going but its gonna be awful with all this bad weaher so if ya hear any loud thumping comeing from chattanooga area its me beating my head against the cave walls!!!! ang
  20. lgm says the same thing about my long curly crap!!! yet most of the time HERS is abover her shoulders....and she keeps getting it cut all the time. Pay no attention to her. Steel magnolias quote" I feel the need to make things as simple as possible!" Go for it...if ya keep it in a pony tail all the time what is the point anyhow right?
  21. its definitely gonna rain the whole time so yall wish me luck. 4 days cooped up in a tiny hut with him after 23 years this may be HIS LAST anniversary trip!!! ha. bye all
  22. I guess it was just because it all looked so different and i usually get the bill different time of year. New stuff just throws me off especially after 22 years of the same old same old. I am not a complete goof but this does not look like the other bill that i forward to the mortgage company every year and keep a copy of for my taxes later. I do have an escrow and they upped our mortgage payments some but not major. I will give them a call after this weekend when things arent so hectic and i dont have HR in the evenings.
  23. DO you happen to have a 1 800 number for their account services dept or wherever my call needs to be directed to?
  24. i just paid the monthly mortgage lst week and dont keep the stubs so i will have to call them later in the month i guess. already called tax office and waiting...not holding breath cause only time i ever get ans. there is to go in. thanks though cause i am definintely panicking!!!
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