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Posts posted by drosser

  1. My daughter got a similar e-mail and then a letter with a check from a "company" called Safeway. The check was for $320,000 and made payable to her. It was drawn on the Bank of Montreal. We have no idea how they got the address but she assured me that she did not give him any identifying information. She just replied to the e-mail and said she was interested. It wasn't for being a nanny. I can't remember exactly what it was but she was supposed to cash the check, keep 9.9% for herself, and send the rest to this guy at the company. She actually called the number he gave in the letter and has spoken with this guy several times. She told him she knows it is a scam. Of course, he assured her it wasn't.


    She took the check to her bank (Regions in Gwinnett County) and the teller said the check was real and that she could deposit it since it was made out to her. They told her they would have to hold the funds for 2 weeks before she could have access to them. This was a week ago. The bank accepted the check and as of last night, her balance was $320,427 and a few odd cents. Of course, she isn't going to spend any of the money.


    She did all of this and then told me about it last night. She kept asking "what if it's real" and I told her it definitely was not. Of course, she's only 20 and thinks this might be like winning the lottery!!


    I would have thought, though, that by now the bank would know that the check is no good and deducted the money back out of her account. Does anyone know how long it takes before the bank will find out the check is no good?

  2. It will be 12 years in December since I moved her. We moved from Powder Springs. The growth that has taken place is incredible! The traffic is horrible, but I still like it here. Most folks are friendly and helpful. I wasn't real pleased with the middle and high schools. I couldn't imagine living anywhere else unless I won the lottery. Then I'd be on the beach somewhere!!

  3. The child support issue does not surprise me. Not because it was Judge Beavers, but because Georgia is the absolute worst state regarding determining amounts and enforcing child support.


    I've never been in his court for a divorce case, so I can't judge his decisions. However, my oldest daughter went before Judge Beavers several time in juvenile court. He was always fair. He was the closing attorney when we bought our house her in PC 12 years ago. He was hilarious!!!


    It scares me that any judge would send a child back to an abusive parent, whether it was the mom or the dad. But I have heard about it happening many times, not just in Georgia but in many different states. I've never been able to comprehend how that could happen but it does.

  4. Congratulations!!! My first grandson is almost 4 months old. Treasure every minute with your little one. They grow up way too fast. These past few months have flown and I can't believe how big Adrian has gotten. And what a personality he has developed!!!


    I wish you a speedy and easy labor and delivery. My daughter's labor and delivery was SO easy!!! Much more so than mine was. Glad to hear you are getting the epidural. There's no reason to be in pain!!!!

  5. I reported this to the authorities. I was asked to fax all the e-mails that I had printed out, but was told that they had too much to do to go after these people. I was told the only way they would pursue it was if someone was stupid enough to send these people money.

  6. I agree with TBAR 100%!!! A lot of those people from NO are just looking for a continued hand-out. They were on welfare in NO and they want to come to Georgia (or other states) and have the government continue to take care of them. That's BS!!! Why should they be given more here than what they had in NO?


    I'm sorry that so many people's lives were disrupted by the hurricane, but there comes a time when they have to stand on their own two feet. I feel people should try to help themselves before looking for a hand-out.


    I have a co-worker who has organized helping some of the evacuees through her church. These people are already working or searching for work and they are definitely not wanting to be taken care of by the government. They were self-sufficient before the hurricanes and will continue to be self-sufficient here in Georgia.


    I have no sympathy for people who are not willing to at least try to help themselves.

  7. I certainly hope that the new Wal-Mart eases some of the congestion at the one in Hiram. I absolutely hate going there because there is never anywhere to park and they never have enough cashiers. I hate standing in line for 30 minutes just to pay for a few items.


    I love Wal-Mart. I just hate the hassle of having to go there.

  8. I played this game to with some guy who said one of my long-lost relatives had died in a car accident and left a hugh sum of money. I played along for a couple of months. It was fun! I actually had a couple of the guys call me on the phone. One was supposed to be some big investment guy and the other worked for the company that would be bringing me the money. Yeah, right!!


    I think the most fun I had was when I explained to the big investment guy that I just wasn't going to be able to come up with the money that I needed to give him in order to get my millions because I was with the federal government and had been investigating him and his little scan. I think he was dumbfounded because he didn't hang up the phone until I told him that he was in a heap of trouble!!!


    TBAR, be sure to keep us posted on how you're doing with scamming the scammer!!

  9. Thank you, Wanie!!


    I didn't feel like it would have been in violation of the HIPPA laws to say if the person was ok or not. That's all I wanted to know. It concerned me to see two rescue vehicles in my neighbor's driveway. I already know their names. . .they are my neighbors! I just knew that I wouldn't be able to find out anything until I got home this afternoon.


    I thought that if it was transmitted over the scanner, and anyone who had one could listen, then how could it be a HIPPA violation to repeat something heard on the scanner. I know they don't give names on the scanner, but I wasn't asking for a name. I just wanted to know what happened and if everyone was ok. Not necessarily nosey, just concerned.


    No one appeared to be home when I left for work this morning, and no one's at home now. So I am worried that things are not ok.


    Oh, well. I'll find out when I see someone home.

  10. We went last Saturday,and it was the last weekend. We go every year! We had to park at the high school and we walked, too. Boy! My legs and butt hurt so bad the next day. I guess that shows how out of shape I am!!


    There is some kind of festival going on in Smyrna this weekend. I saw a sign on my way to work today.

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