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Posts posted by drosser

  1. I am so sorry for your loss. I just called my dog in and gave him a big hug and kiss. We have an invisible fence that keeps him in the yard, so at least we don't have to worry about him getting hit by a car. I highly recommend them to anyone who has a dog that might venture into the street. They are expensive but well worth it.


    Luke is our baby. We treat him like a child. I can only imagine the heartbreak you are going through. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  2. We went to Playa del Carmen, Mexico and stayed at the El Dorado Resort and Spa. WOW!!! Absolutely incredible!! We loved it. We stayed for a whole week and can't wait to go back. It was all inclusive, so we ate and drank and ate some more!!!


    It was the most beautiful, relaxing vacation I've ever had. And it was not that expensive considering how much we ate and drank and all the fun we had!!!


    My second husband and I spent our honeymoon in Montego Bay at the Royal Caribbean resort. It was very beautiful, but there was so much to do. We played a lot of volleyball on the beach and in the pool. The food and drinks were great. And that was the first and only time I've ever had anyone bring me iced towels, champagne, and cavier while I laid by the pool!!! They really spoil you there!! That was in 1992.


    Now we just want to relax, so we'll be going back to Mexico!!


    Also, I've been to Hawaii!! It is VERY beautiful but also VERY expensive. The only reason I got to go what they my very best friend has a time share over there, and her husband was just too bogged down with work to go. So he suggested that she take me!!! YEAH!!! I hate to fly, but got right on that plane!! The only problem was that their time share is not on the beach. You have to get in the car and drive. We crashed one of the really nice resorts on the beach and that was fun!! I was scared someone was going to find out we weren't staying there but they didn't.


    I've been to the Bahamas, too, but it was at a time when me and 2nd husband weren't really getting along. I was by myself a lot and just didn't enjoy it. I'd like to go back now to see if I'd like it better.

  3. Poole Bridge Park Subdivison off of Poole Bridge Road (off Ridge Road) is really bad. It is a very small subdivison. There is a 3-way stop when exiting the subdivision. A lot of people from farther down Poole Bridge Road seem to not know or not care that there is a stop sign. I leave for work at 6 a.m. and on two occasions, I've almost been hit when pulling out of the subdivisin. People run about 50 or more and they will be on you before you know it. I know there's not a lot of traffic exiting the subdivision, but the stop sign was put there for a reason.


    There's going to be a bad accident there one day. It's just a matter of time.

  4. EthersLove:


    The carrier drives a postal truck. I was just a little bit ticked off the first time it happened, and I could almost understand if it was pouring rain or something. But to just not make the effort, not once but twice, there is no excuse for.


    I doubt that I will get any results from the post office, but at least a complaint will be on file somewhere. And if it happens again, I will just start having my mail delivered to my work address.

  5. I have about had it with the Hiram Post Office. Some of you may have read about the problems I've had with the carrier refusing to get her lazy butt out of the vehicle and bring our packages to us. Once again, I got a slip left for me to pick up a parcel that my husband could have easily signed for since he was home!!


    I went through this the week before Christmas and am in no mood to have to go through this again.


    Does anyone know who at the post office I could file a formal complaint with?


    My husband and I both work and neither one wants to have to get off work early to go to the post office to pick up a package that could have been left when the mail was delivered. My husband works for himself and doesn't have the time, and my boss would not be happy with the reason I would be leaving early.


    Last time the carrier left it on Monday when she could have done the same thing on Saturday. What's the difference? I am just very p----- off right now.


    I want to file a formal complaint againt this carrier because this is the second time in as many weeks. It is really ridiculous!!!

  6. I didn't go to college right out of high school. I got married and had babies. My ex-husband always wanted to live out in the county. It would be hard for me to find a job that paid decent money in a small town, and we needed both our incomes. We decided that if I went back to school and got a degree in some kind of social work, I could get a job pretty much anywhere. I'd always been interested in working for DFCS or in the juvenile justice system.


    I worked full time, had two children, a husband, and a house to take care of. I was also under a great deal of pressure at that time. I managed to graduate, with honors, with a degree in Criminal Justice and a minor in psychology. I only missed two classes in the 4.5 years I went.


    It was hard, and I missed out on a lot with my kids. The only bad thing is that I got a divorce before I even graduated. I almost quit, because I was basically going to school because of him. But I decided that I was going to graduate for myself. I had come too far to quit. I managed to graduate, with honors. I have a BS in Criminal Justice and a minor in psychology. I only missed two classes in the 4.5 years I went.


    I've never used my degree. I'm still at the same job as when I started back to school. I've doubled my salary since I started, and I cannot afford to take the cut in pay that would be necessary if I got a job in my chosen field.


    But I have my diploma, my honor cord, and the knowledge that I can do anything I want to if I want it bad enough. I busted my butt to get my degree, and I'm really glad I did.


    So, if you want to go to nursing school, GO!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  7. NY Gal:


    The chinese restaurant in the same shopping center as El Jalapeno has all you can eat crab legs. The problem is that they have gotten such low inspection scores!! My husband loves the place. I hate it!!! He goes just for the crab legs.

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