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Posts posted by drosser

  1. This girl could cause your son to spend a minimum of 10 years in prison. That is a mandatory sentence. I personally think it's unfair for a teenager to have to face that kind of punishment because of consentual sex. But that's the law.


    One of the registered sex offenders in Paulding County is a boy my daughters went to school with. He and his girlfriend were together since middle school. In high school, they got caught having sex. Had been doing so for a LONG time, just never got caught. The girl screamed rape and he did a lot of time in the Paulding County jail. He did NOT rape that girl!!! His life is virtually ruined. She now has a baby with another one of my daughter's friends and they're not married.


    It is very scary for the boys these days. A girl gets pregnant, which is bad enough. The boy can go to prison, which is much worse.


    I think I would call the mother and explain my feelings to her. Not that she cares, but at least you've told her how you feel. And I'd also have a long heart-to-heart talk with my son. Maybe he's not aware of what could happen if this girl gets mad at him.


    And to answer your question, NO WAY IN HELL would I allow my 15-year-old daughter to socialize with boys that old.

  2. It looks like the standard for a child molester in Paulding is 30 years with 15 to serve. That's exactly what my ex-husband got. And that was for 5 counts with one child. It looks like Borum would have gotten more.


    As far as him wearing a suit at trial, I think that's also standard procedure so that the jury is not prejudiced against him by seeing him in jail attire. When he's being sentenced, it doesn't matter because the jury is not there.

  3. My friend's daughter said that there are a lot of fights at PC High, and the majority are racially motivated. It is really scary to think that school is such an unsafe place these days. She knew one of the boys that was arrested. In fact, she was talking to him when the officers came up and arrested him. She made a hasty retreat to the school office. They told her they knew about and expected the arrest but wouldn't tell her why.

  4. Does anyone have any information about four male students being arrested yesterday? I have a friend whose daughter goes to school there, and she heard it had something to do with a party over the labor day weekend.


    Just curious because that's a lot of arrests at one time.

  5. That's awesome!! My youngest daughter had an opportunity to do something similar during the summer between 9th and 10th grades. It was pretty expensive but there were fund raisers going on. It was a lot of countries she would have visited in 21 days in Europe. Unfortunately, she didn't get to go due to family matters. I hate that she missed that opportunity.


    Congratulations to your daughter!!!

  6. That's awesome!!! It's just insane to see what those people are doing on the news. Stealing is not the way to handle this. I pray for our Douglas County officers and all the others involved in trying to stop the thieves!!!


    I will say that I understand if it is a mother trying to get formula or diapers for her baby and even old people who have nothing else. . .but a big screen TV and other such items - - - that's BS!!!

  7. I'm glad to hear that!!! It's bad enough with so many places being out of gas and then those that are have the most ridiculous prices.


    Now maybe I won't worry so much about getting to work next week!!!

  8. I haven't been on line in a while, so this is the first I've heard about this terrible tragedy. My heart breaks for the family and also for the wonderful people who stopped to help. My husband and I used to own a motorcycle, and I know first hand how dangerous they can be. We've had a couple of close calls by drivers not paying attention to us.


    Personally, I think the crotch-rocket types of bikes should be legal on a closed course only. I have seen so many of these motorcycle riders do some really crazy things. I hate to see one of them going down the road. My husband and I were driving on I-20 Saturday evening, doing about 65. The motorcycle that passed us had to be doing 100. It was insane!! There is no reason for anyone to go that fast.


    I've never witnessed anything like this accident, and I pray I never do. But if it ever happens, I hope I have the good sense about me to do what Flops, his wife, and SpoiledWife did. I commend all of you for being with that young man. At least he knew someone was there and was not alone.

  9. Same thing at Poole Bridge Road and Poole Bridge Drive at Poole Bridge Park Subdivision. There is going to be a serious accident there because people coming up and down Poole Bridge Road seldom stop for the stop sign, especially early in the morning (before daylight) and after dark.


    I've almost been hit a couple of times pulling out of my subdivison.

  10. Noami Judd -The Home Store in Smyrna - about 9 years ago


    Keith Hamilton Cobb (Noah Keefer on All My Children) - Cobb Galleria - about 10 years ago


    Vincent Irizarry (Dr. David Hayward on All My Children)- Sears at Arbor Place Mall right after it opened


    Robin Mattson (Janet Green Dillon on All My Children) - World Congress Center - several years ago


    Michael Lowry (Jake Martin on All My Children) - Sears at Arbor Place Mall right after it opened

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