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Posts posted by drosser

  1. No blinkers. I have a brand new pre-lit tree this year. It has white lights. I normally use multi-colored lights, but I wanted something different this year. The pre-lit trees are the best thing I've ever found. It used to take us 2 to 3 days to get the tree just right. It only took 2 hours on Friday night!!!


    I would love to get a pre-lit multi-colored tree so that I could alternate. I'll be checking for deals right before and right after Christmas!!!

  2. I was stopped for speeding just over a year ago in Cobb County. They were doing a speed check and, yes, I was speeding. There were 3 officers involved in this speed check. I am really bad with street names so I don't know the name of the road. It is the one that runs between the Burger King and Mrs. Winners off of Austell Road. I was headed towards Powder Springs road. I was very polite and the officer was very nice. I was going 50 in a 35. It's a VERY fast road and I don't know why the speed limit is so low. I didn't even realize I was going that fast. What really got me was the fact that a truck that was behind me also got pulled over by another officer, and he was going 53. HE DID NOT GET A TICKET!!! I asked the officer why and he said it was officer discretion.


    I was really pissed off!!! I didn't try to fight it because it would have been a "he said, she said" kind of thing. I paid my $120 and am more careful now on that particular road.


    So, I agree with the statement that they know what they're going to do before you are ever stopped.

  3. I have been at a seminar for the past two days. While there, I spoke with an attorney who works closely with our company. He spoke with his wife, who is also an attorney, and works for the Federal Trade Commission. She said this particular scam is ongoing. The check, of course, is a fake. She suggested that we start with Regions Bank and explain the situation. They should be willing to investigate. If not, then we were advised to consult an attorney.


    She is going to the bank tomorrow. I'll let you know what happens.

  4. My grandson was born on July 7, and we think he is teething. He drools all the time and always wants something to chew on!! Also, he is trying so hard to roll over!!


    They are all so precious!! And they are growing up way too fast! I can't believe he's 4 months already!!

  5. It seems to me that more and more of these scammers are targeting young people. How old is your daughter? Mine just turned 20 and got this check in the mail and she actually deposited it and it cleared the bank. She now has access to $320,000 that is probably from a counterfit check. We are going to be working to resolve this. I just hope she's not in any trouble. She knew it was a scam but just wanted to see if it would clear the bank. We're going to be speaking with an attorney.

  6. I live very near where this happened. I haven't been out today, but I usually pass by there twice a day on my way to and from work. I know which trailer you are talking about. I hope everyone is ok. I know they occasionally have pit bull puppies for sale.


    These are not the nicest of trailers and I just hope the people had some type of insurance to help them get re-established.


    Very, very sad.

  7. I worked in a personal injury law firm for 7 years. About the only people who hire an attorney are the ones who really aren't hurt. The lawyer I worked for was a scumbag and took on any case that came his way, even when he knew they were bogus. I finally had enough of his almost illegal activities and quit, taking a $12,000 a year cut in pay. The really sad thing is that almost all of the "fakers" actually got a settlement.


    Now I am a Workers' Comp adjuster. We see the same thing all the time. We had one girl who could not work because of the severe pain in her shoulder. We caught her on tape pushing a car out of the road!!!


    My daughter was in an accident back in 2001. She was not at fault and was not hurt. Her pride and joy Camaro was almost totaled. The other girl made an illegal left turn and my daughter hit her. The other girl got the ticket.

    She had some minor injures and the next week, she was driving a brand new car. Her mother tried to sue my daughter on behalf of her daughter. Some scumbag lawyer in Marietta took the case. It got as far as depositions, and when the girl turned 18, she dropped the case because it was her mother's idea to pursue a lawsuit. But it was a major headache for almost two years!!!


    Don't be surprised it you get papers from an attorney regarding your son's accident. This lady sounds like one of those that is looking for a little easy money. I wish you and your son the best with this.

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