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Posts posted by drosser

  1. There is no appointment with anyone or anywhere that would be more important than the safety of my child. The parents should have reported this immediately instead of waiting. By waiting, other children could have encountered this brown car and might not have been as lucky.


    Just kind of makes me wonder.

  2. Someone is always getting into vehicles that are left unlocked in the Poole Brige Park subdivision. Ours have been hit several time but, fortunately, the only thing ever taken was a pack of my husband's cigarettes. They left the cell phones, CDs, sunglasses, etc. One teenager who lived on Poole Bridge Road was arrested.


    It is still happenening though. My husband thought it was all over and left his truck unlocked one night. Next morning, the glove compartment had been gone through and stuff was all over the front seat. He keeps it locked now.


    The good thing is that they don't actually break into the vehicles. They seem to be only going into the ones that are unlocked. We opened all our windows last night to enjoy the cool weather. Every time our dog barked, my husband got up to look outside. Didn't see anything.


    I just hope they don't start actually breaking into our vehicles by smashing windows, etc.


    Our neighborhood is still pretty nice. Most people take care of their yards. There is one that now has a "For Sale" sign in their yard. We'll be glad to see them go. They aren't real big on cutting their grass!

  3. My daughter accidentally locked her baby in the car yesterday. The car was running and the air was on, thank goodness!! She was hysterical. Adrian was having a wonderful time just looking around and smiling!!


    It took the DCSO about 10 minutes to get there to unlock the car, but that was the longest ten minutes of her life!!


    I assured her it happened all the time according to the scanner!!!

  4. I'm glad the guy was caught no matter how it happened. As far as Ashley Smith, I think there's more to the story than will ever be told as far as what went on while she was with Nichols. I, too, find it hard to believe that a recovering addict would just happen to have some of the stuff lying around. And, if it anyone else in a non-threatening situation, offering meth to someone, they'd be in jail!! I can't judge her because that's not up to me. I just hope that she is off the drug and does something beneficial with her life. She needs to make her daughter her top priority.

  5. 1. build my dream home out in the country and furnish it like I want

    2. make sure my kids are set for life

    3. build a home in the mountains for the winter

    4. build a home at the beach (I've kind of been rethinking that one since all

    the hurricanes!!)

    5. buy my husband a Harley Davidson V-Rod

    6. buy myself a Harley (not sure what kind yet)

    7. build a huge animal shelter where none of the animals were ever put down

    8. buy a Hummer and drive down the coast from Alaksa as far as we could go

    9. buy my best friend a Cadillac Escalade (her dream vehicle)

    10. travel, travel, travel


    It's so much fun to dream!! I played the lottery last night and only had one matching number!!!

  6. I'm lazy!!


    I've been married 3 times: 1982 1992 2002

    The 3rd time's a charm!! I finally found a decent man!!


    My first husband is strung out on ice and seems to have developed some serious mental problems. My second husband is in prison for child molestation. My present husband it the kindest, most caring man I've ever met. He doesn't do drugs and has no criminal record. . .and he was not my type!!


    I have 2 daughters from my first marriage.


    I have one grandson.


    I'm happier right now than I've ever been in my whole life.


    I've worked at the same job for 11 years and love it, but I would really like to not have to work.


    I love all animal and would empty out the shelters if my husband would let me!!

  7. That is so ridiculous!!! It shouldn't matter what kind of car he drove to school. They should be glad he cared enough to come to school. A lot of kids would have gone home and stayed!!!


    My youngest daughter went to Hiram for the first 4 years it was open. I had several go rounds with a few of her teachers. Even had to go to the school board once. I don't know DR. Newton, but she sounds like a real hard A--.


    KP527: Just be proud that your son tried to do the right thing. He is obviously a good kid. As someone else said, they should have taken into consideration what kind of student he was, if he'd been in trouble, etc. They just lump all kids into one category, which is very unfair.


    I'm just glad both my girls are out of school, because it seems to have just gotten worse and worse!!

  8. I agree that statuory rape and child molestation need to be kept separate. To me, there is a BIG difference.


    As for the man who grabbed the girl, it is ridiculous to charge him with any type of sexual offense. The girl probably WAS scared when he grabbed her arm, but she was the one in the road. He shouldn't have grabbed her, but he should not be charged as a sex offender.

  9. I just got home and turned on my scanner. I don't know the location of the accident, but they've asked for a helicopter and another ambulance. There are a total of 3 patients.


    The patient that the helicopter is for appears to have been unrestrained.


    Patients #2 and #3 are males complaining of leg pain but are ambulatory.


    Extraction has begun.

  10. I love the fair. My husband and I go every year. We only ride the Cyclops because it's the best ride there. We just like to walk around and check out all the exhibits. And we also love the food!!!


    We always go on Wednesday night because it's mid-week and is a lot less crowded than on the weekends.


    I can't wait until next year so that I can take my new grandson. He's too young this year.

  11. Shawn Roberts did the right thing. It is sad to have to take the life of another human being, but Clark deserved what he got. Mr. Roberts probably saved the lives of who knows how many other people by doing what he did.


    I think he's a hero!!!

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