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Posts posted by drosser

  1. We go to my in-laws today and exchange gifts with them. We'll open presents with my girls and grandson tomorrow.


    When the kids were small, we always let them open one present on Christmas Eve. We waited until Christmas day for the rest.


    One year, we opened all our personal gifts on Christmas Eve and it was a let down on Christmas morning. The kids loved their presents from Santa but me and hubby felt left out!!!

  2. LR: You are awesome!!! Stand up for what you believe in!! I was born into a family where racism was a way of life. It was horrible. I was severely disciplined when I was 16 and caught talking to a black boy in my class. My black girlfriends where not allowed to call me or come to my house. My mother is one of the most prejudice persons I've ever met. I made up my mind a LONG time ago not to be like her.


    My oldest daughter was raped at the age of 11 by a white man. He was her step-father. We didn't know until she was 19 that it had happened. The bastard is in prison now. Because of this, my daughter chooses to only date outside her race because she is extremely uncomfortable with white men. I will admit that it bothered me at first because I knew that the prejudice ones would give her a hard time. She's a tough one through!! She'll put a prejudiced person in their place in a heartbeat, and she might not do it nicely either!! If she hadn't had a miscarriage in March of 2004, I'd have a precious bi-racial 18-month-old grandson. I grieve for the loss of this child daily. I know he would have had some hard times to face, but he would have had so much love from me, my husband, and my youngest daughter. My mother would never have accepted him, but that would have been her loss. Someday, there will be another grandchild, and he/she will be bi-racial. I can't wait for that day to come because it will be another grandchild for me to love.


    I even got some flack about my youngest daughter having a baby that is white/Mexican. Several people made some ugly comments. That's ok. I'd kill for that little boy. He is the most beautiful child!!


    We are all God's children. We are all precious and loved by him. That is enough for me.


    My everyone have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

  3. I love my in-laws!! They are the most wonderful people in the world. It's my own family that I dread having over for the holidays. My mother is the one who is so critical of everything. My home is never clean enough. My furnishings are not good enough. She hates my dog. She criticizes (sp?) everything and every one. She wasn't even invited over but announced that she's coming anyway. I have been very depressed over this. I wish it was different, but it's always been this way. My mother is a very unhappy woman and tries to make everyone else feel the same way.


    I did see on the weather that it's supposed to rain on Christmas. Maybe that will deter her, or at least she won't stay long and ruin my 1st Christmas with my grandson.


    So I know how you feel. It has certainly taken the Christmas spirit out of me.

  4. That is terrible. It's bad enough when a stranger steals from you, but it is worse when it is someone you know. I would definitely go to the police. Hopefully, they can get to the bottom of this. It sure would be nice to find out who the ones breaking into cars are and get them off the street. All the cars being broken into have made me feel less secure in my home.


    I would definitely cut this guy out of my life. There's some wonderful guy out there who will love you and your child. Your child won't miss anything by having this person out of your lives. Some men are just not fit to be parents.

  5. Not to put a damper on this happy event, but. . .back in 1990 or 1991, there was this guy in Douglasville that did the same thing. He and his wife dressed up like Santa and Mrs. Claus and had their house and yard all decorated. They gave out cookies and candy and it was a fantasy land for the kids. The kids all loved it.


    I don't remember how many years this went on, but it turned out this guy was a child molester.

  6. That would be awesome! The only down side would be that one of my daughters lives in Gwinnett County, and she wouldn't be able to bring the baby for Christmas. And I really want to be able to share his first Christmas!! If the possibility gets more definite, they can always come early and spend the night!!!


    That would really be wonderful!!!


    LET IT SNOW!!!!

  7. I left at 5:45 from Ridge Road and drove to Cobb Parkway/Terrell Mill Road. The worse for me was on Richard B. Sailors Parkway. Lots of icy patches. There was a bad accident on the opposite side of the road near the new auto parts store that was just build. It was an SUV that had apparently slid on ice and rolled. Looked bad. I pray everyone was ok.


    There are icy spots on Austell Road and Powers Ferry Road. Just drive slow, stay back from the car in front of you, and you should be fine.


    From what I've heard on the news, I would avoid interstates until it gets daylight.


    Everyone be safe!!!

  8. Many years ago, my cousins in Cave Spring, Georgia had a momma possum for a pet. She was absolutely precious!! She had babies and I wanted one so bad!!!


    My grandpa said I could have it but my mother pitched a fit. I didn't get my pet possum!! They were really cute, and if you get one as a baby it can be trained. The one they had was almost like a cat.


    I hate to see them smashed on the road. They are living things and don't bother anyone.

  9. I just drove from Ridge Road to Cobb Parkway/Terrell Mill Road in Marietta. Nothing wrong with the roads. Just wet. The trees are beautiful!!! When the lights hit them, they sparkle!! It's weird seeing icicles handing from stop signs, etc. It's supposed to warm up so we should be ok.

  10. Two daughters. Different as night and day!!


    Oldest -- very sweet; would give you anything you want, just ask; very stubborn and opinionated; way too impulsive; she just doesn't think things through and has gotten into trouble because of that; way too trusting; 23 years old and still does not know the meaning of responsibility; more on the serious side


    Youngest - - also very sweet; happy-go-lucky; takes whatever comes and never complains; very responsible; always thinks things through; never been a minutes trouble to anybody; goofy and loves to have fun; and, even though she's only 20, probably one of the best mom's I've ever known


    People have always been amazed that they are related because of their VERY different personalities. They used to never get along but have grown closer now that they are grown. Still have their differences but love each other.


    It is amazing how different your kids can be!!!

  11. Usually by this time each year, I'm done except for stocking stuffers. I normally buy all through the year. But now that I have a new grandson I've spent all my extra money on him!!


    I've got to get busy, but at least all my grandson's presents are bought!!!

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