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Posts posted by drosser

  1. I hate the very sight of a tomato, but I love ketchup, salsa, and Campbell's Tomato soup.


    I won't eat a strawberry but strawberry jam is my favorite!!


    I won't eat anything other than the leaves on lettuce. I cannot stand the thought of biting into a stem!!!


    I love pickle and mayo sandwiches!!


    And also banana, peanut butter and mayo sandwiches!!


    I could go on and on...

  2. I work in a building with two floors with one company on each floor. People were always coming into the building and, if we didn't recognize them, we automatically assumed they were there to see someone on the other floor. The people on the other floor thought the same thing if they saw someone they didn't recognize.


    One day I left the office early. For some reason, my co-worker sat her purse on my desk on her way to the restroom. The restroom was bout 10 feet from my desk. While she was in the restroom, an unknown woman walked in the front door, come down the hall, saw two empty offices, took a wallet and a purse, and quietly walked out the front door.. The wallet was in a purse inside a desk drawer.


    My co-worker came out of the restroom, forgot she had left her purse on my desk, and went back to work. When it was time to go home, that's when it was discovered that the purse was gone and so was another co-worker's wallet. By that time, a lot of charges had been made on the stolen credit cards.


    Everyone of my co-workers saw this woman (except for the one in the restoom). The strange thing was, as I was leaving the office, she was pulling in. When my co-workers described her to me, I realized she was the woman turning into our parking lot as I was leaving. I even know what kind of car she drove.


    The police were called and we were told that this was a common occurrence in our office complex. We now keep the front door locked. We have a system in place where people have to be "buzzed" in now.


    It terribly scary to know that people are that bold!!!

  3. That's great!! My daugher is already working with my 5-month-old grandson with songs and stories. She reads to him and they watch Disney Movies. She was very smart, so I hope Adrian is, too!!!

  4. I have always been known as a very liberal person, and I have no problem with homosexuality. But. . .I don't think it's fair to bring up a child in that environment. I believe that God means for marriage to be between a man and a woman. I just feel that it would cause a lot of problems for the child because of closed-minded people who are homophobic, and it could also cause problems for the gay parents.


    I personally know a 17-year-old girl who was born into a family with a mother and father. She has a brother and a sister. At the age of 14, she found out that her parents were divorcing. Mom and Dad are both gay. Mom is now living with a woman and dad lives with a man. These poor children are so messed up. They love their parents, but hate the lifestyle. I've talked extensively with this young girl, and she feels that she and her siblings have been forced into a situation that is very unfair and hard for them. They've had friends who weren't allowed to associate with them because of the mother/mother and father/father situation. Adults make fun and so do kids.


    If two people love each other, whether gay or not, that's great. I just don't think it sends the right message to children if they are raised in that environment.


    Just my two cents!!!

  5. I used to work with a girl who had the same thing happen. It was her first baby, and she was terrified that something would be wrong.


    She had the baby a month early, and she was perfectly healthy.


    I know this is a very scary time, but keep your positive attitude.


    Your family will be in my prayers.

  6. I wish I could have him, but hubby said no!!!


    We have one cat and one dog, and he thinks that's enough.


    Good luck in finding a home for your baby.

  7. I've been halfway listening the my scanner all evening. I heard something about SWAT team. The dispatcher said "top floor, right-hand side of 916". I thought it was Douglas County. That's been about 10 minutes ago. I've been paying attention ever since but have not heard anything else.


    I don't know if that could be related to the police at K-Mart or not.

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