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Posts posted by drosser

  1. We go every year for a week in May before Memorial Day. Last year, we found out that they were completely redoing everything to get away from the "Spring Break" reputation they've always had. They are building expensive condos and all the motels have gone way up in price range. We always stay at Quality Inn. They usually run around $79 dollars a night and that included a small kitchen area. It is always nice and clean and quiet. This year they have raised their rates to $119 per night. We are also looking for something more affordable.


    I'm going to do some research this weekend on the internet to see if we can come up with something else.

  2. This situation is so sad. My heart breaks for this young family and the loss of their precious baby. The news can partially be blamed for some of the not-so-nice remarks. Channel 2 made it sound like the baby was actually sitting on the curb (no stroller) and the parents were no where around.


    Please lift this family up in prayer and understand that an accident like this could happen to anyone of us at any time. Also pray for the person who hit the baby. I'm sure they are not in the best emotional condition right now.


    Such a sad situation!!

  3. My heart is breaking for the family who lost their child. Channel 2 said this morning at 5:30 that his injuries were not life threatening. I cannot imagine what they are going through. My grandson is almost 9 months old and all I want to do right now is take him in my arms and hug him tight.


    Prayers are being said for this family.


    I am glad that the boy on Angham Road is going to be ok.

  4. That was extremely generous of you of offer the services of your vehicle to your ex!! I don't know that I would have even considered it. I have a co-worker whose ex husband wanted to borrow her car so that he and the new girlfriend could drive to another state and get married. Needless to say, my co-worker declined!!!


    Glad everything is ok with the unborn baby though.

  5. They are great!! I remember going to an Aerosmith Concert when I was about 16 and Mother's Finest backed them up. Steven Tyer was so wasted when he came on stage that everyone was screaming for him to get off the stage and bring Mother's Finest back out. He made several ugly remarks about them!


    I have always liked their music!! I might have to look for that CD next time I go to the mall!!!

  6. That is just too scary!! I cannot imagine what all those poor people felt! We moved to Paulding because it was kind of rural and we thought the crime rate was low. Of course, that was 12 years ago. Now things have really gotten out of hand. People break into your cars in your driveway. There are drugs everywhere. Home invasions, too. Now it's getting unsafe to even go out and eat.


    I pray that these idiots are caught. I just hope that when they are, they get the punishment they deserve.

  7. Where do you live? I'm so sorry this happened to you. They've been in our car and truck before but the doors weren't locked. Nothing of value was ever taken. My husband is so stubborn that he won't lock his truck and they still get in it every now and then.


    I always bring my purse into the house. I won't even leave it in the car in the garage. Too scared that if they're bold enough to go into our vehicles, they might try to get in the garage.

  8. I don't blame the dog. I blame the people who taught him to be mean!!! Pits are just like any other dog. They learn what they live. If you treat them good and love them, they will be wonderful dogs. If you teach them to be aggressive, they will! I don't remember who posted it, but they were bred to be work dogs. That's why they are so strong.


    I had a part chow/pit, and she was the most gentle dog you'd ever meet. Never met a stranger. Loved everybody. We also rescued a pit from a subdivision. Whoever dumped him there had abused him. He loved us and was the biggest baby. Unfortunately, he didn't love everyone else. We had to give him away. But it was not his fault. It was the abuse he suffered before we found him. I miss him to this day.


    I want another one. Right now we have a chocolate lab that is the biggest baby there ever was. It would break his heart if we got any kind of dog. Next one will either be a red doberman or a pit. Whichever one it is will be a big ole baby!! He or she will never be taught to be mean or aggressive.


    So--blame the owners, not the dog!

  9. It absolutely disgusts me that this girl threw her baby in a dumpster. I don't care if it was dead or alive. That is just sick!! There is no excuse these days for anyone to become pregnant unless they want to.


    I look at my 8-month-old grandson and am so thankful that my daughter made the right decision to bring him into this world. She is not married to the father, and I'd have rather she'd waited to have a baby. But she made the decision at 19, which I'm sure was much easier than at 15, but it is still hard on her. And she loves him so much and is such a good mother.


    This girl and whoever helped her needs some serious help. I think there should be some kind of very stiff punishment for them, especially if it is determined that the baby was alive when placed in the dumpster. That is cold blooded murder to place a live baby in a dumpster and walk away knowing it cannot fend for itself.

  10. I know what you mean. My daughter had what she thought was a very good friend. My daughter used to date this girl's brother. That's how she met her. Well, they became best buddies. Always hanging out, going places together. My daughter helped this girl in so many ways. Well, in October they decided to become roommates. My daughter had her own apartment but moved into a larger one so they would have more space.


    Well--on February 1, my daughter went out of town for a week. She had given her roommate her half of the rent money. When my daugher got home, rent wasn't paid, roommate was gone. So was my daughter's living room furniture, her computer, about $500 in cash, her collection of State quarters that she had been saving since they were first distributed, clothes, shoes, her tool box, all her DVDs and who knows what else.


    My daughter could not pay the rent, so she was evicted. Now she and her son are living with us.


    Similar things have happened to my other daughter, too. You can't trust anyone these days, and it is so sad!!

  11. Does Dr. Gittleman take insurance? I have been using Dr. Lamb in Douglasville for years, and they have really screwed up my insurance because they were actually billing for services not performed!! They billed a regular cleaning as peridontal treatment and the insurance didn't pay because Dr. Lamb is not a periodontist. Now I owe a bunch of money and am paying them off a little at a time. The only good thing about them is that they are great with the shots and they always bill my insurance and left me pay the difference with my flex plan. Unfortunately, the expenses far exceeded the flex plan for the last couple of years.

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