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Posts posted by drosser

  1. Im off Ridge Road by the elementary school. It is so black outside, I can't tell what it's doing. The wind is howling through the trees, though. All this makes me nervous.


    We are under a severe thunderstorm watch, but out TV went out about the time they told how long it would last.


    Everyone stay inside and be safe!

  2. I had my scanner on all day yesterday and, for some reason, it no longer picks up anything in Paulding County. All I can get is Douglas County. I haven't done anything to change the settings. I was wondering if PC had changed their frequencies.


    So I didn't hear anything about any of the accidents recently. If anyone knows what could cause my scanner to no longer pick up PC, please let me know.

  3. If you are going to have a dog, you need to assume full responsibility for it. Especially if you live near a busy road. The most wonderful thing that we ever did was to get an invisible fence. No way that dog would have been in the street if the owner had an invisible and had worked the program with the dog.


    I was being nosey the other day because of police activity in our neighborhood. I thought I'd take our dog for a walk so I wouldn't look so nosey!! I took off his collar and put on his chain collar and leash. He refused to budge once he got to his boundary even though his normal collar was off. I could not drag that dog out of the yard!!


    An invisible fence is the answer to your pet being run over. And they are not that expensive. It all depends on what area you want your pet contained in. It was the best purchase we ever made as far as our dog is concerned.


    I'm sorry this person's dog was killed, but it is the owner's responsibility to keep their pet safe.

  4. In a heartbeat if it was doing something I enjoy! I can barely afford the gas to get to my job with the prices like they are. And our insurance costs way too much for the coverage we get. And I just got a raise that will all be taken in taxes. I do work with some wonderful people that I would miss, but I would have to take another job if it sounded like the one in the original post.

  5. I'm off Ridge Road near the P B Ritch Elementary. The wind woke me up about 3:45 and I turned on the TV. My husband, daughter, and grandson slept through it all. I was a nervous wreck! The wind was fierce and the rain was hard. Didn't hear anything that sounded like hail. Not much lightening. So far, I haven't seen any damage. We have an arbor that my husband built for our muscadine vine. Usually the slightest wind will blow it over. This morning, it's still standing. I can't believe it withstood that wind!!


    I'm glad to hear that everyone is ok. Property can be replaced, but not our lives.


    Roswell Road and Cobb Parkway got it really bad.

  6. I'm normally in bed by now, but am staying up to watch the weather at 11. I pray that it doesn't get bad. I saw some of the pictures from Tennessee on the news at 6, and they were devastating.


    I won't get much sleep tonight, either. Hubby is in bed snoring!! He can sleep through anything!!

  7. I just spoke to my daughter. That is the Hannah she knows. She said that she wouldn't be surprised if the charges were drug-related. She also knows AJ, Hannah's boyfriend.


    Hannah does have a child, but her child is very young. My daughter said that drugs were the reason she stopped hanging out with Hannah and some of her other friends.


    It made me sad to know for sure that this was a girl who I'd had in my home on many occasions. She was such a cute and sweet girl! I hope that she gets her life straight and stays away from drugs!


    Oh--just in case anyone wants to get offended, I'm not judging her. Drugs are so prevalent these days, it is easy for anyone to get into that kind of lifestyle. I just pray that this incident helps her learn a lesson and she goes on to live a happy and productive life.

  8. My daughter lived in the Columns and the maintenance sucks. They also claimed she did not give sufficient notice when moving and she is still paying monthly on the supposed fees she was charged. I wrote the letter to the apartments regarding her upcoming move, so I know she gave sufficient notice. Lesson learned, send that kind of correspondence certified!!!


    So beware of these apartments.

  9. I decided to take a little walk up the street. There were 4 sheriff's cars and the car belonging to the DFCS worker. One officer approached me and asked if I knew a little girl named Katie who lives at 40 Poole Bridge Lane. He pointed out the house. I told him I didn't know her and asked was everything ok. He said everything was fine.


    I walked on to the end of the street and, on my way back, a sheriff's car approached and parked near the residence. The little girl was in the back seat. A man and a woman came out of the house and talked to the little girl. Then they went inside the house with 3 officers. They came back out about 5 minutes later. The woman was holding the little girl's hand and the man was carrying a pink backpack. The got in the DFCS car and the officers all began to leave.


    I have no idea what was going on at the house, but it was enough to have a child removed by DFCS. That makes me sick at my stomach. Way too close to home.


    Everyone please keep this little girl in your prayers. She looked so sad and scared.

  10. Congratulations!!! Grandbabies are the most precious gift our children can give us. I know how proud and happy you are because I got my first grandson 8 months ago! I didn't think it was possible to love a baby this much!!!


    Post some pictures when you can!!

  11. What a beautiful baby girl!!! Being a grandmother is wonderful. I have my almost 9-month-old grandson with me right now. He's sitting in the floor playing while I read P.com. You love your kids but there's something so special about the grandkids.



  12. So glad that everyone is ok. That is so scary to have a baby in your vehicle and be involved in any kind of accident. I was rear-ended on my way to work in December. I stopped for the light and the lady behind me was determined to go right on through...both me and the light! My back has been bothering me ever since and sometimes I have a hard time picking up my grandson.


    But I'm alive and that's all that mattered. The bad thing is that the officer who worked the wreck didn't even give the lady a ticket. But her insurance company is covering the damages anyway.


    Again, I'm glad everyone in your family is ok. Hope your Dad's neck gets better soon.

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