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Posts posted by Gone

  1. I heard from a trusted friend who heard from some high placed reliable sources that a certain Paulding County official will be "lucky to not do any jail time". ;)

    Wonder if this has anything to do with that comment?

    "The plea agreement says the federal sentencing guidelines call for a 12- to 18-month prison term. U.S. District Judge Mike Mills will have the final say on how long Moultrie must serve."


    If that is all Moultrie will serve, I would think any official would not get anymore than a slap on the wrists also!


    One city I lived in the mayor did something similar, he did his jail time; not long after he was given a radio talk show and is more famous now. I saw him being interviewed on CNN a month ago as one of the guests. Shocks me that any one would trust him after all the corruption he was party to, but he is more powerful now with a radio show! And 23 years later it is as if it never happened. He was a lawyer; his license to practice law was revoked for life.


  2. This is when it is okay to put in a favorite DVD and let the TV baby sit the 5 year old. I like the cave idea too; my kids called it making forts...makes a mess of the house but no one can get hurt on pillows, cushions, sheets and blankets! It's not too much for hubby to clean when he gets home either.


    Will the baby take a nap with you until hubby gets home? It's nice it's rainy and sort of cozy today...a calm watch a movie, and take a nap kind of day.


    ETA: Benadryl works well too! My bad... :lazy: :lazy: :lazy:

  3. I'm so sorry.


    I hated it when the kids got pink eye. When they were in elementary school it seemed like once a year it came home!


    I thought there was nothing worse than that until my kid got LICE! :o YUCK!!! 80 So while this sucks it will go away with meds....it won't HATCH AGAIN!....count yourself lucky!


    Put any pillows or things you can not wash in a black trash bag for a month, use Lysol wipes or soapy water to wipe down all places hands touch...switch plates, door knobs etc.


    Again, I am so sorry you have that.

  4. Tornados and flooding.


    We were to move to the North Shore of New Orleans for a job, and I could not get over the fact there was no place above sea level to purchase. We were staying in a relative’s house that was built on telephone poles about 8 feet off the ground, but that was because the river floods under it! So in a Hurricane, it might still flood into the house!


    I am so glad we ended up not moving there.


    My husband reinforced a room in our basement for us to go in if there is a tornado...the neighbors laugh at me! But guess whose house they come to when we are under a warning! My neighbors across the street have no basement...so I told them our front door is always open to them...I'll be in the basement!



  5. I agree with almost everything that I read and would also like to give you some info on a Christian "group" home for men. It is a wonderful place- not just a rehab center- but they will actually help the person clean up, get them medical attention, and they also have a working farm that the men attend to - with growing gardens raising animals and they also have a fishing lake. You will be able to visit and you will have also provided an alternative to living in your home- what your father chooses to do with that alternative will then be in his hands.


    The name of the place is Valley Rescue Mission in Columbus GA - couple of different numbers- 706-653-2061/ 706-322-1562.


    You may also want to get in touch with S.T.A.M.P. on here- she may can give you some other resources. God Bless and good luck. Just remember that you are held accountable for the things that you do and first and foremost as a MOTHER husband first and then your children - you are not accountable for your parents and the lives that they live.

    Listen to Go Bama.

    I am a daughter just like you, but I chose not to allow my father to live with us...it was my biggest fear. I gave him addresses of places to live, and groups to support him. We gave him two different opportunities to go through two different rehabilitation programs. Once I lovingly gave him options, which as an adult he had the option of choosing, my need to honor my father was fulfilled.


    Of course he chose not to get clean, and found his own place to live. In my father's case, since he also smoked, he died from the emphysema at age 61...a real shame, but he made his choices in life. I truly was able to pitty him, instead of be angry at him once I left it up to him. He really chose a poor life for himself...so sad.


    You may want to go to some Al-anon meetings (support for the family of an alcoholic.)


    I could not let my children bear that legacy. I can tell you don't want to either, you just don't know what to do next. Listen to Go Bama!


    The bottom line is he must be out of your house. If your dad does not choose to get help, that is on him...not on you. Lovingly provide resources and options and let him take the next step.



  6. Wouldn’t you need a business license if you have had a yard sale for almost 2 years?


    The amount of stuff gets bigger and different every week or so?


    I see bob tail trucks every so often, like they are bringing more crap. Maybe it is someone just picking up the stuff they purchased… but as my kids say, there is no way that much stuff keeps coming out of that small house! :ph34r: :angry2:


    This is one of the worst places for people to jam on their brakes and back up. A real danger everyday they take the plastic off the numerous tables that sit out laden with crap. :nea:

  7. Should I mention that we do cloth diapers too lol. And come December I'll have 2 in diapers again.


    Can I say I think you are Crazy! :wacko: :p


    I thought about cloth...but to get the diaper stain free seemed overwhelming! My brother was 10 years younger than me, mom used cloth diapers on him for a while, and it was a pain...she went over to the dark side of disposables too.


    I actually read about the pros and cons. The extra chemicals, water, and energy to clean a cloth diaper was about the same as the impact of useing disposables. Plus a cloth diaper, they say, does not wick away the moisture the way disposables do, and my kids had such sensitive skin. I was also a working mom, and I could not ask a sitter to deal with that, so I gave up the thought! I used the cloth diapers for spit up rags...but I did not hang them out to dry! :lol:


  8. When we first moved here 10 years ago, and did not have a family doctor, I used a doc-in-the-box over in Douglasville. They were very good, but the wait was horrible. I think that is the bonus if you can go to your own doctor, an appointment. Maybe in the summer no so many are sick though.


    I am rarely sick (usually strep throat- thanks kids) and have never even seen our family doctor. I see his Physicians Assistant...I do not know if I pay less or the same to be honest, but she can usually see me that day.


  9. I've been hanging out clothes as long as I can remember. My grandmother never owned a dryer in her life :). I've got 2 racks that I put on our back deck to hang out clothes. You can't see it from the street and my neighbors already think I'm a crazy hippy chick. In fact, I've got a load to put out right now. I don't like paying the power company for something that is free in the back yard, not to mention energy savings, the savings on the clothes and little wear and tear on the dryer.

    Oh and we've got 5 soon to be 6 in our house :)

    Bless you! Six to do laundry for?


    I like your thinking, I hate to pay the gas company too. However, I hated having to use a clothes line when I grew up, it just seems like torture....can't do it.

  10. The worry of getting Tetanus from a puncture wound is; the low-oxygen (anaerobic) environment of a puncture wound provides the bacteria with an ideal breeding ground for Tetanus. I do not think of a wasp sting as a puncture wound. In my experience you have no air getting back to the site where you were stung?


    You could call your family doctor and make a general inquiry. If you needed one from a wasp sting, based on that ,you would have to get a tetanus shot after a mosquito bite... it just seems counter intuitive. :glare:


  11. Growing up both my mom and my grandmother used clothes lines…don’t know how they did it! I can’t imagine the time to hang out a family of four’s laundry…I can hardly keep up using my dryer.


    Regulating it sounds harsh; however it would look wrong in a modern subdivision if it were in the front of the house. Or, I can see if it was not tidy and you saw it from the street in an older home..


    We are starting to live closer together, and must be conscious of our impact on our neighbors. I would expect to see a clothes line on a side yard of an old country houses, and find it to be sort of a comfort. :blush: :wub: There is a place for all things.


  12. Fresh!


    Betty Crocker- Chocolate Fudge box mix....never fails!



    3/4 C butter or shortning

    1/4 tsp salt

    1/4 cup water

    1 pound confectioners 10 x powdered sugar

    1 tsp vanilla


    Mix on high for 5 minutes....the BEST!


    Frost cake...your family will love it!

  13. We lost power and cable at the same time on Wednesday last week , power came on, no cable. “Customer service” tells me she will send a tech out to check the cable, but the earliest she can do that is next Tuesday! 80 I said “No, I did not think it was my cable, I think somewhere it must have been hit or cut or something because we lost power, then when it came back on in 2 minutes later, there was no cable.”


    She told me to turn off the box and turn it back on…I explained I had only one box, the TV in the basement does not have a box, and now it has no picture either, just fuzz. She wanted to argue that no one else had called in so the best she could do was send out a tech on Tuesday.


    I told her just make a note I called, but don’t send a tech because I am sure it is affecting my whole neighborhood. I hung up….not getting anywhere there! :nea:


    By the time one of my other neighbors called they ahd a recording saying they were working on the problem. It took them 8 hours to repair what ever happened.


    I'm gonna laugh when the tech comes out Tuesday, because based on other problems with them...I bet she put in the request and did not cancell it when I told her not to put it through!


    This is after a YEAR LONG year long fiasco of trying to get a severed line replaced and buried! They did it wrong 4 times! Too many details and frustrations to go into!


    I have thought of direct TV, but I do not want to pay for the extra boxes, and when there is bad weather, I can't see the news because you loose the signal!

  14. Congratulations for getting her to the point where she is ready to go off to college! And defiantly congratulate her for her head start of advanced credit and honors. :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: A very admirable achievement on her part. How proud you must be!


    If you buy it all now, she won’t have an excuse to call you when she misses you! :wub:


  15. Not sure why you were told that they were looking in Paulding. It has been Costco policy to only put stores near interstates.

    I'm not sure that is always the case. My mom has two; each five miles from her (west and south) that are not by an interstate. The second one from her was built about 5 years ago, it is at least 7 miles from an interstate, can not be seen until you drive on just the right street, but it is where a huge business park area is being developed...and unlike our county they are not changing the land to Private Residential Development instead of industry.


    The one I used to shop at in Phoenix was not by an interstate.


    Again what I was told is they count on small businesses. If there were enough small businesses, they would be comfortable putting one off one of our four lanes.


  16. I don't know how old you are, but I remember over 25 years ago starting school and getting new things. I don't think it is a "new" advertising ploy. I think all kids deserve to have some new things to start out the new school year! I always try to get myself some new things too! :D


    PS I would love to know how the people that only spend $100 do it? :blink: Sneakers alone run $50 - 8O for my son. Let alone, socks, underwear, pants, shirts, backpack and the list goes on and on. (He must have new because he has grown and he is very hard on his clothes! Daughter doesn't have to have as much, but I hate to buy for one and not the other ;) )

    I did not say it was a "new" advertising ploy...I remember half way through summer all the TV commercials started reminding parents back to school would be coming soon.... wanted to shoot the TV =@ ...didn't you?


    My parents did like I do. When I needed clothes they were purchased for me. There was no "new wardrobe" for school. A new lunch box was the norm. My kids usually need a new three ring binder, and maybe a new lunchbox. Since I replaced the lunchboxes last spring…they don’t need a new lunch box yet.


    I buy sneakers at Marshals, or Ross for my boys. All name brands, $19.99 - $29.99 (I will not spend over $30 on a pair of shoes), 2 months ago I found some great OP skateboard shoes on markdown for $14.99 for my middle schooler. His feet grew out of 2 of his three pair of shoes. He loved them; they have been his favorite shoes if we have gone somewhere he needed to wear shoes this summer- or to ride his skateboard. They look like his DC’s he likes so much, and have great graphics. If they have shoes that fit, why would I purchase new ones just because they will be walking in school hallways verses to church, or to dinner....because they wear mostly flip flops or no shoes in the summer!?


    There is a difference between needing something and wanting something. Fewer of us would be in terrible debt if we could sort out the difference!



  17. She and her 2 sisters and 1 brother all lived in Berlin during WW II. I have heard the stories about the food shortages and going without. I believe it was a very bad time for her being the eldest. She was 15 at the end. Let's just say the Russians were not kind when they took Berlin. <_< She is an awsome cook but I have to put my foot down and tell her no more. Sometimes that includes gaurding your plate so that "the last little bit" won't just get dumped on you. Short of that I just see no reason for her to insist on things that we have told them we are not doing. I let Dis jr drink milk if he wants, just not before school or bed. I had to force him to eat at my sisters house today. He had a strudel for breakfast but did not want his lunch, which consisted of peas and a belettin patty. That's a meatloaf type patty fried in a pan. But he wanted the fudge brownie. Nope not until you eat more lunch. But I don't like squished peas. 1st they are not squished. 2nd what do you think happens to them in your mouth? We eventually compromised and he ate most of the patty but not the peas on the promise that I will give him the brownie later. His belly was hurting from eating all that patty. :rolleyes:

    I think the war...living after, no buildings or homes left, the lice, too many people in one house-any house they could find for shelter, made them tougher. Add to that the German no non-sense attitude ... it sets you up to be one overbearing person at times! Even when done with love, no one appreciates it.


    The problem is you have to do what is right for you kids, and balance respect for mom!


    My kids love hot meals for lunch…which I do not do…the German thing. Make a big deal over the good things. Try to avoid the milk thing! My brother’s MIL loves people to compliment what a successful business person she is, good cook, charitable etc etc…. after a while it can get annoying to always have to do that to stop her from picking at her family though.


    I’m so sorry! But get the recipes written down once she is gone, the kids will wish they had the recipes. My SIL’s male cousin really misses his Omas’ cooking…she taught the girl cousins, and he cooks some, but the baked goods…aren’t the same


  18. We do not all know, or remember, the history of how brutal the Japanese were. I was interested to see that SPHS senior honors history is reading a book that tells about the atrocities done by the Japanese for their summer reading. It helps frame why the bomb was used.



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