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Posts posted by Gone

  1. I completely agree.

    I think 14 is plenty old enough to decide how you want your hair. He is becoming an adult (whether you like it or not! :wacko: ) If you don't let him start making small decisions like that, he will feel smothered. I'm not saying that you should let him make ALL decisions for himself. Pick and choose your battles, especially with teenagers. Heck, letting him make decisions like that might even get you "cool mom" status! :p

    I came home with my tongue peirced when I was 16. My parents didn't like it (and believe me, they let me know) but they let me keep it because it was my decision to do it. I eventually got tired of it and took it out. I would say the same thing will happen with the mohawk. He will probably eventually get tired of it. I think it's more of the thrill of doing something different than actually having it anyway.


    I agree with aj, and I hope you know your kid well enough to see if this will lead to other rebel things. Next time will he get say a tattoo, or gauge his earlobe, or something that when he is 23 and looking for a job in corporate America, it might affect his future chances?


    My husband had long damaged hair when he was a teen (he was a swimmer.) It was gross! Every one at the time in the 70's had long hair. He hates it that his kids have hair that covers their eyes ...he has no platform to stand on in pointing a finger at his kids. They remind him of that all the time.


    To some extent hair is a trend, it will change in a year, or a month? Remind your son when he has kids they will hold this over him....then when you are a grandma, and you want to take your grandkids side on some new fashion they want but your son doesn't.... :D :p

  2. Please refer back to the opening post and see that no one has done anything to NC. Just consider this a curiosity question and pretend that she is brunette. She is just having discussion about it and never said anyone did anything to her. Is there a sterotype for ADD? :wacko:

    Yeah, you ask a person if they took their meds today! :rofl:

  3. Please refer back to the opening post and see that no one has done anything to NC. Just consider this a curiosity question and pretend that she is brunette. She is just having discussion about it and never said anyone did anything to her. Is there a sterotype for ADD? :wacko:

    Yeah, you ask a person if they took their meds today! :rofl:

  4. Please refer back to the opening post and see that no one has done anything to NC. Just consider this a curiosity question and pretend that she is brunette. She is just having discussion about it and never said anyone did anything to her. Is there a sterotype for ADD? :wacko:

    Yeah, you ask a person if they took their meds today! :rofl:

  5. Please refer back to the opening post and see that no one has done anything to NC. Just consider this a curiosity question and pretend that she is brunette. She is just having discussion about it and never said anyone did anything to her. Is there a sterotype for ADD? :wacko:

    Yeah, you ask a person if they took their meds today! :rofl:

  6. Your memory is correct, however 'an' historic vs 'a' historic seems to be in transition. From TranslationDirectory.com " In summary, the form you use seems to be little more than a personal preference. Both usages are sufficiently common to be considered correct in contemporary English."


    Here is the quote from Common Errors in English by Paul Brians


    You should use “an” before a word beginning with an “H” only if the “H” is not pronounced: “an honest effort”; it’s properly “a historic event” though many sophisticated speakers somehow prefer the sound of “an historic,” so that version is not likely to get you into any real trouble.


    Site: http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/anhistoric.html

  7. I think it may be because of how movies of the past and present have blond actresses play the "dumb blond." Just like they always had the heroine wear high heels and fall and trip when the monster chased her.


    Didn't Marilyn Monroe play dumb? Doesn't Paris Hilton play dumb? I'm not a movie buff, but I bet there are some better examples from the 50's. Seems to me that the original Dick Tracy movies/comic books had the “dumb blond" secretary?


    Just like the big beefy guy is a moron who can't tie his shoes, and is always slow. We have, as a society, had images that push a stereotype. JMO

  8. What is scarier..Putting my kids in a SC school..YIKES...BUT at least they have private schools that are close unlike here..And I will have a choice. -_-


    DAMN maybe Hubby should take the sea duty orders to VA Beach after all :lol:


    Here is the link for the SC schools...pick the best one. It is by cities, so click on your city.




    But you are right, SC is lower than GA! Ouch.....

    May 4, 2008

    COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) -- A new report shows South Carolina's graduation rate has improved slightly in five years, but remains among the nation's worst. The report released Wednesday puts South Carolina's on-time graduation rate as fourth-worst in the nation, with Louisiana, New Mexico and Nevada faring worse.





    You are correct, Virgiana Beach might be better. Virginia graduates 84%.

    Look up their schools.


  9. Paulding Co School District has a graduation rate of 66% compared to the Georgia average of 74%. The percentage of Paulding adults, 25 years of age or older, who have a College Degree is 18% compared to the State of Georgia at 21%. The State I am from, 32% have a college degree. The city I am from, 54% have a college degree. Site reference: http://www.publicschoolreview.com/


    Georgia’s ACT scores national ranking increased to 41st. I want, and I would think most residents want Georgia to be one of the top, not 41st!



    QUOTE (winston1972 @ Aug 24 2008, 08:15 PM)

    We had dinner tonight with several other couples, who like us have ended up in GA in the last several years due to job opportunities. The conversation of schools came up and the consensus was we all are scared of public schools in this state

    And I still do believe that homeschooling is better than B&M. My problem is with all the whiners that move here and complain all the time and I still stand by my statement...GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM IF YOU DONT LIKE IT HERE!!! Apparently there are some people that are just not happy no matter what.



    Okay, it's official. Don't worry about bringing up the graduation rates, or improving curriculum so our children have a better base of knowledge from their public school education. The solution is joining TMKONA29M and home school your kids.


    Perfect solution. Because I am sure that will be a much broader education, since only 18% of our residents possess a college degree.


    Did you know a person with a College degree has to sign off on the tests you give to your high school home schooler, to get credit? And of course we all are fluent in a second language that we can speak and teach to our kids. I am absolutely positive we all can teach high school Chemistry, Algebra, Trigonometry and Statistics. :wacko: I hope you appreciate my sarcasm?! I have a college degree, and I could not teach all subjects to my High Schooler, not to the level he will need to go on to college.


    Let's take it to the State Capital, because if we all Home School.... just think how low our homeowners taxes will be! :yahoo: ...And if this catches on nationally, think of the trillions of dollars that can be saved!

    In fact why even have public education? We can be like other third world nations and just not worry about it. Problem solved! :drinks: Grab a case of Bud and relax!



  10. Is anyone else as sick as I am about hearing this GREEN stuff all the time? <_<


    Yeah, over it too! There was some study that Americans are so guilty, we like it when what we purchase goes for a "cause."


    I'm not falling for it...Holiday Inn for instance has a "rain forest" coffee... they say people will pay more for it because it supports a cause! What BS!



  11. [quote name='TMKONA29M' date='Aug 25 2008, 01:00 AM' post='2233964]

    I see the problem...too damn many transplants!!!! I was born and raised here in Georgia and before every freakin body from everywhere else thought it was a good idea to move here, our schools were pretty damn good. No overcrowding, great teachers, etc...Kids even went out to play with the neighbors kids without having to worry about bullies, then everyone started pouring into Georgia bringing their problems with them. Sorry for the vent, I saw an opportunity and took it. BTW...if you dont like it...LEAVE!!!!![/quote]


    QUOTE (TMKONA29M @ Mar 11 2006, 06:07 PM)

    Well...I can tell you that he was kicked out of her class 2 weeks ago for walking in right when the bell rang. She told him to leave and never come back...and I guess since he has rotc for 2 periods shes just trying to keep things going with him. I dont care who you are...thats no way to talk to anyone...adult, teen or child. Im 35yo and I respect everyone...I would never demean or degrade anyone because its not my right to do so. My son attends PCHS. Im so glad that I have decided to homeschool my youngest...theres nothing anyone can say to make me feel thats its the wrong decision.



    Just a minute…You at one time felt home schooling was better than public schools in Paulding. I am suggesting we improve our schools…why would you tell people who were not born here just go home? The fact is our scores are not what they can be…all children of Paulding deserve the best education to prepare them for the world they will live in.


    I am bringing up the fact we have not as a county or state reached our potential…What are we willing to do? I guess instead of trying to identify the problem and then solve it you feel it is best to hate. I have been a part of this community for 10 years. I have lived in many states, and cities. And no, I did not move here from the north! This is a great place to raise a family if it were not for the fact the schools are struggling from the out of control growth we have here, as well as the poor curriculum. In my neighborhood, the kids play outside all day with no problems. I have great neighbors, a strong subdivision, a mix of locals and transplants.


    I see you feel if it was the same county, population 5000, from way back when, there would be no problems…you might be right. Since land was sold to develop, people moved into those developed homes. So now what do we do?


    Well, we voted out some of our school board, as well as changed some of our commissioners. So I guess we wanted things to improve. Many have brought up the fact that the standards are a state thing, NCLB is a federal thing, and our curriculum is a Paulding thing. So as citizens how do we make this the best school system for our kids? I made a suggestion. I also shared examples of why I made the suggestions.


    All parents want their kids to succeed and thrive…when we see a problem we go to make things better for them, protect them, and feel horrible when maybe we made a poor decision that affects them. Many parents see moving to a state with low school scores is a problem for their kids… Most moved here due to jobs.


    My husbands corporate HQ was here, they moved his job here. He commuted for over 6 months. The year prior to that his company sent him out of the country 25 to 45 days at a time. Our children, 2 and 6 years old at the time, did not have a dad in essence. I worked for an airline and traveled out of town too. Very difficult. We could have kept at it, but instead I asked for a transfer here to get the family back together. My company paid for the move. Now when you have remorse, and think …oh no, what have I gotten my kids into? the next step is making the best of it and trying to improve the system.


    So let’s make it better for all children. I know many who home school. I do not think that is the solution. I believe in public education.We need all our children to be ready to go to college if they want .




  12. Susan Lucci is not Phillis Diller daughter

    Yeah Susan Lucci was born to Jeanette and Victor Lucci.


    I had fun reading these, :good: I think some are correct.


    When I worked for an airline that's second hub was in Las Vegas, they told us none of the hotels wanted to have the flight attendants stay at their hotel. When guests saw the flight crew, they would think of going home...just as they do not have clocks, and no windows so you can not tell what time of day it is...... you loose track of time and just keep gambling. It is all very calculated.



  13. Our state is failing our kids!


    I believe Georgia needs to change the whole curriculum…model after one of the top states that has high scores. Use the same books, standards, and techniques of a successful state to teach. Don’t try to invent the wheel because Georgia, you stink at it. Most of the top states are sort of rural like Georgia with teachers who care like ours, parents who are involved like ours, and a slower lifestyle like we have here. We have the potential to be SO MUCH MORE. But not with the state standards and curriculum as they are now.


    I think the CRCT is a poor test… there are much better standardized achievement tests like ITBS, or Stanford 9, and I am sure there are even more. Many times the tests our county used have had to be thrown out due to inaccurate scoring, or as in the case of last year’s math and social studies, the tests that did not test what standards were taught. I have been here 10 years… long enough to have test scores thrown out for one child in three different years! Each time it happens I wonder if we got a refund from that company for the whole year!


    I have continuously been disappointed with the choice of books used to try to tech the standards (or QCCs from past years.) When my kids do not bring a book home to read or study from, because all the info they are studying is from other sources, I am angry that the school board keeps purchasing new books that do not have the information that needs to be taught!


    The math curriculum they used last year, and I guess will use this year in Middle school is a joke, and most of us knew it before they started teaching it…then came the test results at the end of the year 57% failure…hmmmm? The math curriculum they use in Middle school does not get them ready for the one they use in High school!


    Now some of the problems in Paulding have to do with our rapid growth. The desperate need for teachers means we have had a lot of unseasoned, inadequate, and incompetent teachers. You don’t get rid of bad teachers when you can not even fill the positions you have. My child’s first grade teacher had only taught one year, she did not know how to help kids learn to read. She was a nice person, but not qualified… too many stories to tell about that year; sadly it impacted my son dramatically.


    My other son has had horrible problems with math teachers. In middle school he was given a teacher not certified to teach math… In 9th grade he had a teacher that was pregnant with some sort of complications. She should have taken a sabbatical, but instead she was there only 1 or 2 days a week. 10th grade he started out with a great teacher. The guy was recruited from Tennessee. He abandoned his contract after 6 weeks since he could not sell his house. The rest of the year they had random teachers, and subs…none of them worked out so the class had about 14 weeks of actual instruction of the 36 weeks! Criminal! They did get a science sub for math, who did not really know how to teach…so he would have the smart kids show the class how to do the problem! The only way my son passed the math classes was going almost every day for tutoring.


    My friends who live in other states, do not have horror stories like I do, and their kids are much more prepared for college. We can do so much better here! Sadly it is too late for my kids.





  14. I thought this was a great email!... I don't know Ken...but I like a no nonsence policy!




    Think I'm gonna vote for Ken since I know him and know he means it!


    ----- Original Message -----

    From: Ken

    To: undisclosed-recipients:

    Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 10:31 AM

    Subject: I NEED YOUR VOTE!!!!

    I am running for president. Here is my platform...

    After a careful review of the options for the up-coming election:



    (1) Press 1 for English is immediately banned. English is the official language. Speak it or wait at the border until you can.


    (2) We will immediately go into a two-year isolationist posture to straighten out the country's attitude.NO imports, no exports.

    We will use the 'WalMart' policy:'If we ain't got it, you don't need it.' (3) When imports are again allowed, there will be a 100% import tax on it.


    (4) All retired military personnel will be required to man one of our many observation towers on the southern border.

    (Six month tour) They will be under strict orders not to fire on SOUTHBOUND aliens.


    (5) Social Security will immediately return to its original state. If you didn't put nuttin' in, you ain't getting' nuttin' out.

    Neither the president nor any other politician will be able to touch it.


    (6) Welfare - Checks will be handed out on Fridays at the end of the 40 hour school week and the successful

    completion of urinalysis test and a passing grade.


    (7) Professional Athletes --Steroids - The FIRST time you check positive you will be banned for life.


    8 ) Crime - There will be no more life sentences -- if you are convicted of a Capitol Offense, you will be put to death by

    the same method you chose for your victim, gun, knife, strangulation, etc.


    (9) One export will be allowed - Wheat -- The world needs to eat. A bushel of wheat will be the exact price of a barrel of oil.


    (10) All foreign aid using American taxpayer money will immediately cease, and the saved money will pay off the national

    debt and ultimately lower taxes. When disasters occur around the world, we'll ask the American people if they want to

    donate to a disaster fund, and each citizen can make the decision whether it's a worthy cause.


    (11) The Pledge of Allegiance will be said every day at school and every day in Congress -- right after a prayer to God.


    (12) The National Anthem will be played at all appropriate ceremonies, sporting events, outings, etc. Sorry if I stepped

    on anyone's toes, but a vote for me will get you better than what you have and better than what you're gonna get.

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