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Posts posted by Gone

  1. What a huge crock!


    I heard about this and wished I drove a HUGE SUV or H3...just to piss in their cornflakes :angry: .....wack o idiots. :wacko: I don't waste electricity...but for this nonsense I wish I could.


    I hear all the TV stations are covering it...you can watch live! Haaa haa haa...Spend electricity to watch other people turn out their lights. Me, I'm going to watch paint dry instead! :p



    "A global event created to symbolize that each one of us, working together, can make a positive impact on climate change." WHAT CLIMATE CHANGE!>>>> the climate has always changed... :wacko:


    This is the biggest hoax played on man since the hole in the Ozone...which they have recent info that all they know about Ozone...has changed...my what a shock!


  2. $1.73 on monday $1.99 today...IT'S A CONSPIRACY!


    NEW YORK - OIL prices plunged on Friday on profit-taking amid a dollar rebound and renewed concerns over rising stockpiles, traders said.

    New York's main contract, light sweet crude for May delivery, dropped US$1.96 (S$2.97) from the closing price on Thursday to US$52.38.


    In London, Brent North Sea crude for May shed US$1.48 to US$51.98.


    The price drop came as US stocks fell on Friday after rallying most of the week on expectations that the recession gripping the world's biggest energy consuming nation may be easing.


    Crude prices likely ran out of steam on worries the worst may not be over for the US economy, analysts said.


    'Clearly it's reacting in conjunction with the stock market selling off, people taking some profit on the crude oil price run up that we've seen for the last week and the strength of the dollar,' said Andy Lipow of Lipow Oil Associates.




    The president of oil-producer United Arab Emirates meanwhile said in an interview published Thursday that an oil price of US$70-75 would be 'fair.' The current 'weak level' of around US$50 'hurts everyone and, in our view, a fair price would be US$70 to US$75 a barrel,' BITE ME :angry2:



  3. My daughter is very good and honest so I trust her and like you said I know where she is at. One of the things that scares me though is that Ive been told the crowd changes at stars and strikes at a certain time on weekend nights and I guess that scares me a little. They grow up so fast and I hate to hold her back from growing up but I also hate to give her too much bc she is only 14. My kids are always telling me Im the stricktest/most old fashioned/paranoid/etc mom but I just worry. I figure I only have one shot to raise them and I dont want to screw up. lol.


    its funny how once you are the adult your outlook changes on so much :lol: all I keep saying is my poor parents.

    It is okay for her friends to know you are the strictest...that way you can always be her black hat...when she knows she should not go do something, and she does not want to look like she is just too un-cool...she can blame you. You wear the black hat...you are the BAD guy. All she will have to say is "you know my mom if I were caught ...at that party...drinking that...smoking that...fill in the blank...you would never see me again."


    My kids get to do a lot...and they are very aware that all the good stuff goes if they make bad choices...as in; all they would have remaining in their room is a bed, sheets, and 2 changes of clothes...then they would have to earn the rest back.


    So far I have never had to clean their room out ...but my 18 year old has told me there have been parties over the years that people wanted him to go to that drinking and drugs were going to be the main attraction with no parents and no sober drivers. He was always able to blame my husband and I that we were strict and if we found out... his friends that know us said yeah, there is no way, he would never get to do anything again.


    Give her until 10:00, if she is responsible, makes good choices, next year you re-evaluate and she can look forward to 11:00...by then she will be getting a learners permit...growing up ...there has to be some privelige for being 15 ;)


  4. A new supermarket opened in Hiram.


    It has an automatic water mister to keep the produce fresh. Just before it goes on, you hear the sound of distant thunder and the smell of fresh rain.


    When you pass the milk cases, you hear cows mooing and you experience the sent of fresh mown hay.


    In the meat department there is the aroma of charcoal grilled steaks with onions.


    When you approach the egg case, you hear hens cluck and cackle, and the air is filled with the pleasing aroma of bacon and eggs frying.


    The bread department features the tantalizing smell of fresh baked bread and cookies.





    Waite for it








    Waite for it









    I don't buy toilet paper there any more.


  5. so what yall are saying is............close to Dec. 21, 2012.......I can blow my money how ever I want because its not going to matter, and I can go around butt naked and it will be ok........hmmmmmmm.................I think I'll stop here, before it gets to crazy. :D B) :ph34r: :unsure: :blink: :blush:

    You're better off betting people it won't happen... get their money the day after.... hard to lose a bet if you’re all dead....


    I'm just saying ... I wouldn't run up my credit card bills. :pardon:

  6. Movies 278 is listed. They are hard to find but so are the others!!


    The sales tax *should* be reported by county. I would think that the AJC reports their sales tax as they should and county sales tax would go to the respective counties. They probably do it this way: Price of paper including tax would be $2, tax would be 14 cents (in a 7% county) and the price of the paper itself would be $1.87. Of course, that would mean that if you live in a 6% county like Cobb, the paper itself costs $1.89 with the tax being 11 cents.


    Years ago I lived in Mableton. I received, for free, The Mableton Neighbor. I got to read all about Powder Springs but not Mableton. When I moved to Powder Springs, I started getting The Powder Springs Neighbor. In that paper I got to read all about Smyrna. IOW, no local coverage in the free papers either.

    I did not know that 278 movies are in there now! ...we are used to going on the 278 website now. :pardon:


    The city does not receive tax for the papers sold on street corners...it was on our Paulding Access TV of the commissioners meetings...someone complained about people in the intersections selling stuff...how dangerous it is.


    They specifically brought up they do not have a license to sell in the street, or on corners, nor is it legal for anyone to solicit or sell in an intersection... donuts, Shriners, papers...they should be ticketed. Plus they are not paying the county any sales tax selling on the street corner.



  7. I believe that the police/firemen are no different than any other profession (ie lawyers, dcotors, nurses, etc) - there are good ones and there are bad ones. And we should not judge all of them because of the actions of a handful.

    Yep...I think the one in question was on a POWER trip ...saw the tape on the news ...it was distressing when you knew the outcome, that the MIL died.

  8. There are literally thousands of jobs in paper mills across the country in jeopardy because of newspapers shutting down. That paper has to come from somewhere and it comes from places like Augusta NewsPrint in Augusta, GA and Abitibi Bowater in Grenada, MS, among many other small towns across America. Not only does the demise of newpapers have an impact on jobs in mills, which are generally high paying jobs, but it impacts loggers, truckers, production workers, workers in converting plants, the people who work at the newspapers including the delivery people.


    JMO, but what is killing the AJC is not the advent of online delivery of newspapers. It is the newspaper itself. It has gotten crappy.


    BTW, if the AJC goes under I know of three jobs that would be impacted: my hubby (from working in the paper mills that make newsprint), my SIL (who is a vendor) and a neighbor (who works in production at the AJC).

    When we first moved here we subscribed...then we found the AJC never covered Paulding unless a tragedy happened.


    No local election coverage.


    No local sports coverage.


    No local movie theater coverage.


    No local coverage of any kind.


    For 9 plus years after that ...each time they came to our door, asked us in the mall, or called our house to get us to subscribe ... the answer was why, you don't carry anything about my community.


    Even now they sell the Sunday newspapers for a buck on our street corners... does our county get any tax money from these sales? Nope... no investment in our community, no investment from us!


    Smart news agencies will find a way through on line ads to switch over to the internet to get out the news.


    I do agree it is nice to sit outside and read a news paper, not have to sit at a computer terminal... but I don't know that is the lifestyle America leads anymore!

  9. :nea: I'll bet anyone any amount with any odds that it doesn't happen.

    You must have survived Y2K just like me!! :rofl: I did it with no extra gas in cans, cash in a drawer, or large quantities of peanut butter and bread.... unlike many neighbors! :o


    At least with the end of the world you don't need supplies! :ph34r: :lol:

  10. I'm not sure of how, I figured when was more important. I'm not going to do any Christmas shopping in 2012. I don't think anybody else should either. We won't be here to open anything.


    Well if it does not end, that will give you about the same amount of time most people do their last minute Christmas shopping! :p

    I guess you have to wait till the 22nd though! :lol:

  11. I also make my bed daily. I usually do it right after my shower. And if DH is still in bed (rarely) I make up my side! (He doesn't like that much!)


    I'm the crazy one about the way it all goes. The comforter has to be on a certain way, the pillows have a special arrangement, the throw pillows have to be placed just so..... If he walks in, he will always help me with the bed, and we have this "dance" we do (as if he doesn't know yet!) He pretends to get offended that "his" way isn't good enough. Then he thinks it's HILARIOUS to put the throw pillows in a completely different pattern than I like.


    He says I'm like Sally (in "When Harry Met Sally".) "You're the worst kind. You're high maintenance and you don't even know it."


    Oh, I know I'm high maintenance, but I do the maintenance myself, so nobody's hurt! :p

    Cute :lol: :D

  12. Uh huh...I know where you live! I ain't scared!

    Just remember that no ones knows how to be a redneck like my hubby...might just have to get him to show your youngins a few tricks!

    (skips away with an eviler laugh!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Oh, is that where you put gasoline in the creek and light it to watch fire flow down stream? :o :rofl:

  13. And it's YUCK outside!

    (not to mention one of my best friends educated my 4 year old on how much fun jumping in puddles can be.) :(

    Wait till he's older and decides it's even more fun to ride his bike in the rain! I know my neighbors must think I am a horrible mom... my son heads out when it rains. I have to be very careful to only allow it if there is no lightning!

  14. I think it goes to show, this idea of the government choosing who to give money to does not work.


    It would have been better to not have any taxes taken out of paychecks for 6 months to a year .... heck for 9 trillion dollars they could let us be tax free for 2 years...see

    how that helps Main Street!


    Let that money stay with the workers instead of giving it to a corporation that is so global the money will not circulate in the US, it will go to making it stronger where the government can not regulate it... off shore!


  15. I walked into our room later








    I then asked him " Is that how you make a bed?"




    He replies with: " I did the hard part"




    Then I thought- I am getting on pcom in the morning. lol



    :rofl: :rofl: Now that's funny!



    The best part is when they "yell" at the kids for not making their bed...or doing a good enough job! :wacko: I have to pop off to DH "apples don't fall far from trees."


    I try and make the bed each day...it's 1/3 of the room...if the bed is unmade, the room can be clean and still look messed up!


    I almost have the older son making his bed regularly (when he does not over sleep.) The younger one I am lucky the towel is hung up in the bathroom!


    Note to self :huh: ...work harder on bed making and towel hanging. (Not leaving shoes all over the house too!)


    My goal is to do a better job than my mother in law at preparing my kids to live on their own or with other people (room mates)... eventually a wife. :good:



  16. Too sad for me to watch. :cray: :cray:


    We have always gotten our animals as strays that were dumped in our subdivision, or through a shelter.


    Why would anyone go and spend $300 to $1500 on an animal? They don't love you anymore than a shelter dog or cat.


    I have known of people, who went out and spent some serious money for dogs, and honestly the "pure breads," seemed to have strange deformities, health problems, and other things that indicated too much inbreeding as the dog aged.


    My mutts have escaped those types of problems! :D


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