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Everything posted by Baileybleu

  1. They said a paulding county high school. Not the Paulding County High School. Get it?lol lol It was easy to do there
  2. Yeah it feels too soon. Whos idea was it to put spring break on Easter?! That is the dumbest thing I have heard of.
  3. lol- You got to act fast Pubs. Should I admit I just had to google the word thwart.
  4. Hey, I beat you to it posting this. No fair lol What 17 year old is still a freshman? Nice...
  5. Sandestin. I am so ready to be at the beach.
  6. What is everyones plans? I am going to Florida. I am excited!
  7. Like this page! Brigette attended South Paulding High School. Some of you helped this family when I had collected donations. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000853323973&ref=ts#!/BrigetteBarronFoundationInc Written by Janice, Brigette's Mother About. Making A Difference In The Life Of Families Who Have Children With Cancer Mission Our mission is to take stress off of families so that they can spend their focus on their children during treatment. Description We are a new foundation that provides services for families who have childre
  8. I am a notary LGM. I see the forest calling our name lol
  9. I do actually. Just trying to figure out when I have time to come by
  10. She is really cute! We use to watch this show. My girls loved it. I know many people thought it was way over the top in a bad way, but for some reason I did not think it was that bad. But then we recorded this season and when one mom kept talking about drugs I wouldnt let them watch it anymore. Is this season more crazy than before?lol So, I canceled the season bc of that episode. Let me know when to watch!
  11. Thank you. I will do that. I have not done that yet. I am not sure why I never thought of that. Where are they located?
  12. In the United States, Myriad Genetics performs all commercial BRCA1 and BRCA2 testing. They report results within a month. (Abnormalities in other genes have been associated with breast cancer risk. Right now, these appear to be a less common cause of breast cancer than BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations, although research is ongoing. If you want to be screened for those, talk to your doctor and genetic counselor about where to be tested.) The cost of the BRCA test ranges from about $300 to $3,000, depending on whether you get the limited test, in which only a few areas of the gene are evaluated, or th
  13. You can do the test. You would just have to pay for it and ins more than likely wont cover any of it. There is a patent on the this test by one company which is why it costs a lot of money. My aunt who had breast cancer did the very expensive test ($1000's). It tested for a ton of stuff and allows the family to know what to be tested for. Her results came back for everyone to get this test. I bet this is the test your doctor was talking about. (maybe)
  14. I do not know of her being allergic to anything. I have to keep lotionon her all the time. I feel like if I forget once then it comes up every where again. The doctors said she would grow out of it probably around 2 but it is still happening and she is 5.
  15. Any tips on what to do and not to do? My daughter has it. She will be fine one day and the next day wake up with it all over her arms. I feel so bad for her bc I know it hurts I have a lotion the doctor gave me, but it doesnt always help.
  16. I come from a large family. Everyone on my dads side of the family is getting tested. Both of my aunts had breast cancer. One day everyone is fine and now everyone is going to get this test.Many have came back positive out of my dads siblings. Now that means all of their kids have to get tested and so on. I know this test is a "good" thing, but when you get the results back you don't want it has been overwhelming for so many people especially for all of the females. One minute your fine and the next minute doctors are telling every one who is positive to get an oophorectomy and a m
  17. Did you know???? WHAT WOULD YOU DO? You feel healthy ... What would you do if positive- surveillance or surgeries? Genetic Cancer http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Risk/BRCA BRCA1 and BRCA2 are human genes that belong to a class of genes known as tumor suppressors. Mutation of these genes has been linked to hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. A woman's risk of developing breast and/or ovarian cancer is greatly increased if she inherits a deleterious (harmful) BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation. Men with these mutations also have an increased risk of breast
  18. This is silly- Charge them all a couple grand and this will be over. With half the school being arrested they wouldn't owe that much ( yes half the school is an exaggeration) THen everyone is happy...
  19. I did not do anything. A bunch of people spray painted the road, but I chickend out. lol Go Hoyas lol
  20. Who is on your March Madness Final 4 Bracket? Or is it too early to tell We should all upload our brackets after it closes. (for those who play) Just for bragging rights for some of us lol
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