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Everything posted by Baileybleu

  1. this store sux- the only thing cool about this place is the mini carts for the kids to push
  2. Usually when it takes me a second to get something- you are usually right there with me
  3. omg- i swear- I had to read that like three times to understand it. Now that I get it I can not stop laughing.- I doubt mrs b got it either at first
  4. Thats what I was thinking thanks
  5. i am knew at this. lol- yeah. that Great- Mine goes on and off. I swear this oven has been a nightmare
  6. Should the fan stay on the whole time during cooking or should it be going on and off? Thanks
  7. You should tell them that. You would get a cut I bet Those other girl could be on there- Didnt some rob a bank in Brookstone area
  8. why did you pull it up before you knew what it was? lol
  9. I hear ya, but to me it takes the enviroment a lot longer to recover than any family. After all if we dont take of our planet no one will be able to live on it at some point. So, this is the bigger issue to me. All of it is devastating though.
  10. yep that is it!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I have a Durango and I say no with younger kids. It does not have bucket seats- so to get someone in the back I put them in throught the truck or make them jump over - It is a pain. I would not own a many van for many reasons. They do not seem as safe and I would feel like terd driving one. I love my Durango 2007, but it kind of sucks with carseats. I wish I had gotten a Tahoe- They are just a tad wider and they can get in and out of easier. My brother has one and I like it. My dad has a navigator and that is my favorite just a tad bit more costly! I drive it sometimes and I do n
  12. I saw that, but I have a feeling that is probably not who owns the van. lol why's he call cops? Hey! rooby h. digs men in uniform Advanced searchAbout 4,390 results (0.59 seconds) Did you mean: why's he call cops? Hey! ruby h. digs men in uniform that is what google says.
  13. there is probably a body in there
  14. Just bc some are broke- You just sometimes have to take time out just to have a little fun in life.
  15. I will be at a Phish concert. I am scared. lol
  16. off subject- but it creeps me out that people fish at that cemetary next to Allgood.
  17. Yeah I know lol- I meant that they seem to have made up their own word. lol It was the only word that made it make more sense to me. idk
  18. Does it say this Why's he call cops? = Why does he call the cops? Hey, Rooby H. digs men in uniform
  19. I bought the lash blast and I do not know if I just got a old one, but I did not like it.
  20. I think there are many great country singers that dont show their booty. Mily is a pop country singer though- She knows who her buyers and knows how to make it work. Miley does not have a strong enough voice to stand their in a suit every day.
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