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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. actually I am not... when I was a teacher it drove me insane it has crippled our education system instead of helped it out... but this is not what we are chatting about
  2. Things happen in private school just like public... But it a kid brought a knife to your kids class you would want something done I blame the parents for allowing him to take it to school It will not follow him to college Zero Tolerance pretty much is self explanatory
  3. great post... Pcom is on big dysfunctional family... with a black sheep or 2 or 3....or more
  4. well moister has to be in the air somewhere( might evaporate before it hits the ground) before you can get one..so you kinda do... but I see what you are saying.... this amount is a bit over kill
  5. I understand the kids excitement about joining the scouts and getting a new swiss army knife ( i think that is what you call them) But he did take a knife to school... Granted it was small and had a fork/spoon thingie ... A knife is a knife no matter what the package or size it comes in ... I am sorry it happened but somethings bad things happen to good people
  6. The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the RAIN. I love rainbows,,,,makes my heart all warm an fuzzy
  7. wow... wow.... ummmm.... yeah wow
  8. I put under 5k... It was a Disaster... literally. The night before My dress, decorations, the chapel and the DH's suit got ruined it was crazy and I cried the whole time... but I was on a mission and was gonna get married that day. Even though I missed the Material things that I had planned but I do know it wasn't needed now. 4 hours after teh ceremony was suppose to happen we ended up getting married in the pastors little 2 bedroom crappy apartment . but almost 16 years later...here we are still married and happy
  9. I like BOGO's better than BOLO's
  10. I started buying a few things last week... I don't know if I am gonna get out the day after Thanksgiving this year or not... I didn't last year and it kinda felt nice just staying at home watching all the crazy people on TV
  11. My friend is a 911 operators and they say they have kids call all the time to report they got introuble and my mom took my video games away... last week they said one kid called and said her parents locked her in her room until she cleaned it... because she used the words locked in my room they had to send a police out but there wasn't even a lock on this kids door.... My friend lives in Washington...I am sure 911 operators everywhere gets these calls
  12. I know that silly but I was asking why to keep hitting 1 to get 911 to finally pick up.... why not just call 911 to begin with...lol I wasn't the only confused one.... the post above me was confused over that too
  13. then what's the point...why not just call 911 to start with I have no clue.. I have never called 911 or the non emergency numbers
  14. you can get that here not even leaving to go on a vaycay
  15. we went in Feb 09... we had an ocean view room that turned out to be scaffolding view. The ship got an engine problem and was extremely bumpy... some peoples glasses jumped right off the table. They had a computer problem and internet was down a lot of the times.. the kareoke bar was lame due to the computer issues.... it was just a older ship... it wasn't what I was accustom too in cruises. Granted we still had fun and only paid $179 a person I LOVEd Keywest
  16. I would rather keep my $5 bucks a month and just not either answer the phone or say wrong number
  17. the boat is sooo stinkin big... you will still get lost at times...lol
  18. 0_o I love me some Family Force 5.... I can still do that if ya want me too
  19. I have been on Both...Just stay away from Monarch Of The Sea's.. worst Boat I have ever been on... everything was broken or run down
  20. I really enjoyed our all inclusive vacation to Viva Wydham in Freeport Bahamas ... It was amazing but I liked the cruise a lil bit better both are 2 thumbs up
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