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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. i see google is your friend too... this was the 1st thing to pop up when I googled word for word
  2. Glad she spoke up... I guess I scared her... all I would of done was give her a hug
  3. I have met some really cool cool pcommers and still have a few I would like to meet who would you like to meet off pcom that you haven't Mine are.. *Me Who Else *Lady Stinkin Raider who was at my house but refused to introduce herself I know there is more but that is all I can think of right now
  4. it is just a chat board silly willy...don't let it ruin your day or cause stress... the drama on here is my entertainment and makes me chukle. someone use to email my hubby to tell on me if I was on here to much and or was off color... but it has stopped. I would just laugh it off
  5. That means I got to step away from the computer then...ha
  6. top posters and t2dm thingie... Where did they unpack it at
  7. are we still talking about this lordie...
  8. I would rather have pcom than info on my health insurance
  9. i will pass on that and the religious forum
  10. lol... I prefer the drama and snarkyness to this dull board stuff ha
  11. it isn't rocket science or much different from the old board... lol but we are missing a ton of peeps that would post all the time
  12. I am completely done with Ashlyn's... now I just need to finish getting stuff for the Dh's side of the family I just can't believe how when we were little time was slower than a turtle... how it is stuck on hyper drive... They only thing I have to buy for Thanksgiving dinner is mashed taters and the gas money to go to Alabama
  13. 49 days till christmas this year has just flown by
  14. so have we unpacked from the big pcom move yet? I haven't seen some of the old pcommers posting on the "new" board...
  15. the ones at Kohls for college were $25 I bought a GA one for my MIL
  16. this has to be the oddest poll ever...
  17. omg... Let us know where you go and we will come and support you. I wish the best for Mac's/Brandon but I don't see this as a good sign for them
  18. I think it is funny too... I should of went to roll her car last night.. ha But I don't like wasting tp
  19. awww I wonder what happens when he goes through a car wash?
  20. It was a guest bath so it was a half bath with no shower curtain my friend said a few people read my fb status and brought her packs of tp... ha she said she has at least 34 rolls now. this is gonna be a running joke with my friends for awhile probably
  21. maybe your rollover minutes are out and your subconscious is telling you that you talk to much that made me chuckle
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