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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. I am never gonna live that down am I ...
  2. ha..nice play on words... I guess they did make it a "brief stop"
  3. well that would be easier to clean up that spray paint... Plus the rain washed out the skid marks too hmmm what name can we give these "new gang bangers" <----thats me hiding in fear
  4. Their boxer briefs they are on the stop sigh at Cohran Store and Sentor rd... been there for 2 days now..
  5. Morning y'all, I hope everyone had a great nights sleep.... So what are you guys doing today?
  6. My lil yorkie hates bugs.... I mean really hates them. He barks at a fly and hides when one gets in the house He hardly ever barks ( only ate door knocks and doorbells) Well I sit my computer down to go get some water and Ozzie starts barking at my computer... l I left it on a post that me who else posted on and her little ADD bug running all over the place got my dog all hot and bothered
  7. I got one at the corner of 61 and ridge earlier today
  8. omg ...you can follow them on facebook http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100...amp;ref=profile
  9. next time let one of use know and we can come get you
  10. Diet Dr pepper or cherry coke zero Do you have internet on your phone?
  12. It use to be a BMW ...Now I will settle for one that is paid off How many bedrooms do you have in your home?
  13. Big Bang Theory , How I met your Mother , Big Brother and 90210 DO you have Tivo or DVR?
  14. don't eat the stuff What is your fave commerical?
  15. more pics have been added... it is a photo contest... hmmmm I wonder how many pcommers will be out at wally world today
  16. She will be 15 in September ...... She also went from being a blonde to brown ...*sniffle* She started High School and just growing up tooo stinkin fast
  17. 18...when I got married What was your 1st job( babysitting doesn't count)
  18. rent a movie at Blockbuster idk... I just read Mommywood by Tori Spelling...haha I love her books I am about toread her mom's book ...just got it at Target
  19. Cruises or Viva Wydham in Freeport Bahamas Do you like rainy days
  20. getting on Pcom...lol jk...I love this place no regrets...just lessons learned what are your pets names?
  21. MExican What is your shoe size?
  22. Maybe after lunch tomorrow we can go to walmart and post our own pics...lol wait I hate going to walmart... maybe we could play the walmart bingo instead of pcom bingo...You think pubster would go for that
  23. yes it is... You get the rain drops 1st
  24. check it... out I will be looking for JLH's work to end up on this site soon (hint to John ) http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/
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