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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. did someone film it with a cell phone for youtube? with all joking aside that is really sad...people are stupid. poor kids
  2. someone just sent me this... it is so stupid it is funny So I thought I would share
  3. I made homemade philly cheese steaks... it was yummy in my tummy
  4. I have PT this Wed.... Maybe next week
  5. I live by SPHS too and here the band... You learn to ignore it and all...I have
  6. lol ohhhh nooooooooo girll...ha not mine at all ...
  7. I can't stand Natile...why is it so important to her for the HG to think she is 18 anyway...i haven't figured that out
  8. I can't wait for it to come on tonight
  9. they wanna back door him from everything I have seen
  10. did your dd get special design? that is usually extra
  11. I heard it was a pcommer but didn't know which one... Bless your heart!!! I remember seeing it on the news did you end up moving ( sorry for being nosy...you don't have to answer)
  12. where you the one who got shot sitting in their home...
  13. when did these parts get Anaconda's .... I think it is a different kinda snake silly willy
  14. I try to tell people my halo is held up by my horns Can't say I have ever been that close to a chicken... I only like to hear the smacking sound with them... that is my lips a smacking as I am a eating it
  15. Sadly I think Jeff is gone this week... I so wanted him to win... I hope I am not right
  16. I KNOW.... I was shocked tooooo...haha KRM told me it was worth it though..ha
  17. I already found that out this week...
  18. this is where I get mine http://twitter.com/BigBrotherLeak
  19. I get the bb leak tweets... they made me sad yesterday
  20. to many animal people would attack me ... Plus ..nevermind..I don't wanna get a bullet
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