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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Oh, honey, I know you are. I am still praying for you. And I'm glad you went to visit the eagles in person!
  2. I'm still clueless here - is this just a stop work order for one project, or a blanket stop work order for all construction in the county? I've never heard of the second, btw. But if the person supervising/inspecting the construction sees something dreadfully amiss with construction, he/she can issue the stop work order at any point until whatever is wrong has been remedied. So, since I am not on FB, can someone enlighten me to exactly what happened?
  3. STUNNING photos of the march (3.7M estimated) in France. Leaders from all over Europe and other places including Cameron/England, Netanyahu/Israel, Abbas/PA, Merkel/Germany, and scads of others. Holder was the only rep from the US, and he left before the march. I was glad to see several Muslim leaders there, including Mali's Prime Minister (or whatever he's called). You really do need to click on the link and see the sheer magnitude of turnout. Pictures also from rallies in London's Trafalgar Square as well as other places around Europe. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-290
  4. Did you take that picture, Lucky? How are you doing? I was about to start a thread for you and surepip to check in and tell us how you're doing.
  5. Our tax $$$ at work for us. :steamcomingoutofmyears:
  6. What is this in reference to? I mean, is this some huge issue that I haven't heard about, or are you having trouble with someone cutting on your property?
  7. Here are some other fantastic pictures. Many, many pictures at the link below (the Daily Mail has the greatest pictures always), but here are a few that really touched me. In the link, look at how many people are in the streets of various cities. Wow. Also, the little girl in the photo below is at the memorial outside the kosher deli in Paris...so precious. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2904490/A-nation-mourning-Thousands-pay-tribute-terror-victims-France-floral-tributes-laid-outside-Jewish-deli-four-hostages-lost-lives.html . . .
  8. Winning! I love that word! I also like the word burgled. It makes me laugh for some reason.
  9. We were very impressed with them on the occasion we had ot use them. I love having a good opinion of a company.
  10. I completely agree. I do not engage in name-calling of this nature.
  11. Fascinating. They really cry one eye at a time? Wow. That would freak me out. I have never seen Dexter, but I've heard it's great...I might put it on my to-view list.
  12. In a rare disagreement with my strange and weird pseudo-cousin, I think that opposition to any politician at any level (but esp. those in higher office) make us look stronger. Only a strong society can offer the freedom to criticize those in power without fear of retribution. I disagree with a majority of his beliefs, but I have no hatred towards President Obama and I respect the office of the President. If I met him, I would not refuse to shake his hand. FTR, I also had tremendous disagreements with both Presidents Bush. I will say this - I don't think knee-jerk reactions to any is
  13. Ooh, baby - don't tease me like that. It's not good to be tempted by such a hunk of manliness when said hunk of m. is married. ] Since our trash companies have added recycle garbage bins, we have been SHOCKED at the amount of stuff we recycle, and that doesn't include styrofoam and light plastics! I'd say we run 60% regular garbage and 40% recycled garbage.
  14. I've given this some thought since I originally liked his post. I think what he was saying (and what I intuited without thinking) is that the French have responded with boldness and bravery and determination to repel these attacks. And while we would respond that way police-wise (see: Boston terror attack), it seems to me that we are beginning to suffer from terror fatigue over these things, and have gone soft, as it were, vis a vis the willingness to back a strong and determined response. (Not talking war here. Response domestically.) Example: The cult following of people who think the
  15. These articles have a good bit of additional information (posted in reverse order of publication). The mother has a wild child appearance, but one article also states she has MS, which could be the underlying cause of the custody placement. Another article states she had previous child neglect issues with DFCS. His mother said she wished he had killed himself instead of the daughter. His booking photo (in first article) lends credence to my theory that so many of these bizarro criminals have weirdo eyes. :shudder: The Sunshine Skyway Bridge (photo on down in first artlcle) is at 60' t
  16. Interesting theory. Would like to see some sort of study done to document. Edited to add that I say that not because I doubt what you say...I say it because I'm guessing you're entirely right.
  17. OH EM GEE - I LOVE the times we live in!!! God grant this free flow of information stay free for our lifetimes and beyond!
  19. This just may be the funniest thing I've ever heard you say. It is truly shocking that he's conned folks into building a new stadium for a losing team, and then on top of that, charging for the PSLs, and then the outrageous ticket prices. For a CONSISTENTLY LOSING TEAM!!! I mean, the Cubs sell out nearly every game at Wrigley, but they are the Cubs...they're tradition! The Falcons, not so much. Honestly, those ticket prices y'all have quoted are shocking, and not much shocks me these days. $353 for one ticket?!?!? Ye gods!!!
  20. Je suis Charlie. As Stephane Charbonnier said even after death threats, "I would rather die standing than living on my knees." A fine example of courage, Monsieur Charbonnier...RIP.
  21. Credit where credit is due - Today's Washington Post is printing one of the latest Charlie Hebdo cartoons that got them in hot water with the killers. It's a drawing of Mohammed saying, "100 lashes with the whip if you don't die laughing!" Major kudos, WaPo!!!!!!! http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/erik-wemple/wp/2015/01/08/washington-post-opinions-section-publishes-controversial-charlie-hebdo-cartoon/?
  22. You are missing details which idiot faux journalists do not bother to put into news stories these days. I don't think there ARE any true journalists left...or if so, very few. One of the things I've always liked about Pubby is that he is an old-time reporter.
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