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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. That's what his publicist's intern said on Twitter which had previously been approved by Bieber's mgt. and the Klein folks.
  2. I'm with MsGaStorm - I think civil unions are the answer for all people (of an age to consent) wanting to be joined in matrimony, and then if they want to be married in the eyes of God or whatever, they can do so in a church that is willing to marry them as in Europe. Gator - The problem with your scenario would come if the next of kin (as recognized by the state, which would not be you if you were just living together) disagreed with you on medical decisions, etc. You would be frozen out and wouldn't have any legal right to the process of whatever was going on with your significant othe
  3. What do you mean not an exciting way to spend a day?
  4. Yes, the misdiagnosis was what I was referring to, not that it caused fibromyalgia.
  5. Reporters aren't interested in reporting any longer.
  6. Oh I believe that totally. I get severe flu-like symptoms if I'm not on meds if I'm exposed to mold...as in my bones hurt and many of the other symptoms low listed. That is some evil stuff right there.
  7. There's nothing quite like that wet noodle happy feeling like you're gonna burst into tears and collapse at the same time due to the good news. I'm so glad you got great news, M.
  8. I do not have fibromyalgia, but I agree with this completely.
  9. MsGaStorm should be along with some good information. Sorry you are going through this.
  10. The ship is sinking. Too sad for words.
  11. My nephews do, but I don't see the appeal. Kinda looks like an old DOS game to me.
  12. Ain't touchin' that with a 10' pole!
  13. True story. True story. True story.
  14. Pfft...they don't need no more stinkin' lawyers when they have the powerhouse behind them. But excellent purnt.
  15. Yes, a ballot would be by far more acceptable to us lowly peons than the PTB making all the decisions for us behind closed doors.
  16. HAHAHAHAAAA I started laughing the minute I read that. hahahahahahahahaa Too good.
  17. So the guy complaining on FB is talking about a stop work order dating back to the drought?
  18. I read somewhere else that other folks are having issues with Nest Cam 2.
  19. THANK YOU, precious person!!! Finally I get an answer!!! Stop work orders like this are done all the time when egregious violations of one sort or another are discovered. He's lucky they issued the stop work order before the EPD got there...he may still be in major trouble over it. Building materials dude needs to pull up his big girl panties and deal. He should know crap like this happens all the time in the construction industry.
  20. Will somebody fill me in? Also, if the EPA/EPD is involved, you can bet it's a big deal.
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