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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. mei lan


    The one in the tunnels is. But only people who are on the list know where it is.
  2. He is not a whiny wimp, and he was in mortal agony. I just thank the Lord they got to them before a big 'un broke free and lodged in his heart or lungs.
  3. So the moron didn't even get any money??? :smh: I am so over this kid - I know he's 28, but I just want to kick him in the nuts and then turn him over to Mean Bubba for 30 years and then turn him over to the Lord (Who does not take kindly to people deliberately killing innocent people). GAH!!! I feel so sorry for the children/grandchildren of the Runions, and also for the kid's parents. He has ruined their lives just as surely as he has ruined the Runion families'. And this article says he was married with a kid. Their lives ruined as well. Gee frickin' Louise. http://www.dailym
  4. None that I've seen, Blondie; however, the car was found on property belonging to his family (as I understand it) and the bodies found nearby by searchers of the SO who were out looking for them. Reading between the lines, they have him dead to rights and just haven't released all the info yet.
  5. That was my thought as well. I know personally at least half a dozen families whose lives have been devastated by this type of situation, and that's not including the families of the murdered people. My heart goes out to them.
  6. Apparently his family is smarter than he is.
  7. I get what you're saying and I don't see that that will wind up being good for the affected employees.
  8. Not exactly current benefits...competitive provider benefits. I know how these types think and there's a lot of wiggle room in the phrasing...otherwise they would have said something like current provider benefits like they said current district wages. Also no promise of continued benefits after initial hire period.
  9. Wow. A sappy story that ate up like three minutes of my life.
  10. Well, you knew it was gonna end this way, but it just pisses me right off that this punk (allegedly) did away with them for what... $5K or even $20K...and got away with it for a whole four damn days. I tell you right now what happened...sweet folks looking g for their dream car went to buy the one he said he had...thinking they were dealing with a nice small-town feller like would answer an ad in the old Market Bulletin. But Craigslist ain't no Market Bulletin and that is just a crying shame. I agree with low - MurderRobRapelist. :sigh:
  11. My brother had many clots after a bungled leg surgery several years ago. He had the terrible shortness of breath and pain but thank the Lord none of the bigger clots broke off and went to his lungs. He was on daily shots of Levonox (I think it was) to his stomach for maybe a month in addition to warfarin by mouth for about a year. He had to take the generic warfarin because he had a reaction to the brand name version.
  12. I know of a school system in another county less populated than Paulding that has three (3) asst. superintendents for the county schools, and one of those retired, and went right back to work doing his exact same job as a consultant for a year or so. Geez frickin' Louise. But hey - let's nickel and dime the custodians and cafeteria peeps. :smh:
  13. :GASP: You shut your mouth!!! You KNOW nothing like this would ever happen with the fine, upstanding, no-appearance-of-evil leadership of this county! Take it back!
  14. Would this be county by county or a statewide thing?
  15. But have the rumors been disproven? I thought not. Think?
  16. That is hilarious. Especially when I try to picture my maniacal fat black beast there. Hahhahhahahahahhahahahhahaaa
  17. mei lan


    Somebody fetch me my smelling salts...
  18. This really is such an egregious conflict of interest. How on earth does a county this big not have its own attorney? :smh:
  19. I first read that as "Pcom Tips For Coordinating Colors" and thought wow they sure have an upbeat opinion of this motley crew. Hahhahhahahahahhahahahhahaaa
  20. Yeah, Imma trust Microsoft with all my stuff in the cloud just like I trust Google with it.
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