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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Great video about the stuff made in America. Don't know what it has to do with terrorists and making people mean but it's a very good piece.
  2. I'll bet they set up some sort of fraud trigger in the software before resuming.
  3. Smart. So people can still use the software, but they will have to print and mail the returns.
  4. Thank you, dearest. I've looked him up, and he sounds like a great dude (and his wife sounds supremely nice as well). I never watch TV news of any sort (but esp. not network news), and therefore I didn't know who he was.
  5. Beautiful. Ain't nothin' like the fear for the health/well-being of a child or grandchild.
  6. I don't know who this Bob person is...guess I should check him out.
  7. I could have been wrong about his getting out of this unscathed...he's taking a LOT of heat from other media types who serve or have served in danger zones. And then there's stuff like this...
  8. There's a bunch of Internet memes now about this, with people on Twitter saying stuff like he misremembered reporting from the moon, etc.
  9. If you're going to the hospital itself, do the valet parking at the main/emergency entrance. I was there for 13 hrs recently and it cost me $8 but it would have been worth $80 as far as I was concerned. IKR? I felt dirty just writing it, but you know I'm right. :sigh:
  10. You obviously don't get how this works, do ya? The Grammys are this weekend. Perfect time for a major tribute to Whitney and Bobby Kristina during the midst of poor Bobby's grief. And if said tribute happens to sell 50 or 100 thousand records in the process, well, would ya look at that!
  11. It'll blow over and he won't be fired.
  12. Wow...good to hear a first hand account. Sorry you went through that.
  13. This one time, in band camp, we went on a field trip to the Middle East and our whole bus load of kids was taken hostage. True story. I swear. Pinkie swear, even.
  14. Perhaps, AlOker, but when you have LAWYERS making the complaints against him (they're about like doctors for telling on one of their own), it does tend to make it unlikely. When you berate people to the point of making them cry, it also tends to make it unlikely.
  15. You know what chaps my are about the whole thing? It's a stupid, useless death. She never had a chance, but her stupid parents had more money than they knew what to do with, and just trashed their lives and hers in the process. They threw away more privilege and opportunity than thousands of people would see in a lifetime.
  16. Oh dear Lord - I just fell into a cuteness coma. SQUEEEEEE!!!!!!!
  17. I didn't know her but what an awesome thing to have people say such things about her. RIP, dear soul...
  18. Yeah, don't tease us - what's the better product?
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