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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. mei lan


    Those two milquetoasts are worse than useless...they're hindrances. I read the other day Herman said he won't run for any office again. That's a shame...I was looking forward to him shellacking that moron Chambliss. :sigh:
  2. OH EM GEE...that is funny on so many levels!!! HAHAHAAHA Thanks for the great post-lunch laugh. (I always say it that way now...sort of a perverse OCD thing. )
  3. See Butterfly Lion's latest thread - she's partnering up with a diabetes drug mfr. That's why it was news.
  4. Aaaaaaaand there you have it - why her diabetes was news.
  5. If I'm not mistaken, PBO threatened a veto because he's going to put his own piece of legislation up doing the same thing or something similar. I haven't read any particulars about that, however, so I'll wait to see.
  6. The more I read about this cruise fiasco, the more sense you make. Those folks were TRULY on their own. As with 9/11, the amazing thing is that not more people died!!! Not only did the captain leave (in one of the first lifeboats hiding under a blanket), but the crew took off in lifeboats as well, leaving the passengers to fend for themselves. Ye gods. Thank the Lord they were in shallowish water and so near to the shore, because many folks jumped off the ship right into the water. :sigh:
  7. Yeah, I didn't get why it's news, either, unless it will affect how she prepares food and the meal choices she makes. Then it might be a brand thing where she wants to make sure everybody knows why she's doing what she's doing.
  8. Correct you are, madam! Which makes me laugh all the more. hahahahaa
  9. Oh, yeah, in the original commercial, he's WEEEEEEE WeEEEEEEEEEEEEE WEEEEEEEEEEE hanging out the window and they stop at his house, and he's still WEEEEEEE and the mother says, "Here's your house, Max," and he's still WEEEEEEEEE and she says loudly, "Maxwell!" And he says, "Oh, thanks, Mrs. A." hahahahahahahahaaaa
  10. I like that phrase...living in the yellow zone. I'm like you, LPPT...I check everything and try to imagine scenarios. I would never ride a carnival ride! :shudder: RE: hotels - I have heard firefighters say don't stay above (I think it is) the 6th floor because that's as high as their ladder trucks can reach. I think about weird stuff. But, as we have discussed in threads ad nauseum, better safe than sorry. It just takes one time. Let me know what you think.
  11. Dudes!!! What is wrong with you? The pig is my fave! Wheeeeeee, wheeeeeee, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Pure. Adrenaline. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
  12. Read that book Rhonda W. posted about here the other day - The Gift of Fear, by Gavin deBecker. It will change the way you approach EVERYTHING. I never assume (or I try to never assume) that anything is safe. I'm really working on heeding my intuition. This was also true on 9/11...building security kept telling people in the Twin Towers to go back to their offices, everything was fine, blah blah blah. Some ignored them and left the building, which of course, saved their lives.
  13. Oh, good. I was wondering if I was the only one. Way annoying. I mute her.
  14. Hey, that's very good to know, UM. I HATE needing something done because I can never find anybody good to take care of it. I'll keep this little nugget-o-information on hand for the next time I need something done.
  15. Another thought - the little boy who survived...what happened to him? He would be what...about 12 now? Living with his father or his grandparents? Ye gods. what a horrible, awful mess. I gotta stop thinking about this. I'm feeling sick.
  16. Thanks for the update. How pitiful for them.
  17. I was wondering earlier about their family. Do they still live around here? That has to be such a crushing oppression on a soul to know your children committed such a horrific crime. There's a great line on an old "Law & Order" episode. Jack McCoy is talking about a man whose son tried to frame him for murder, and then the father asked for mercy in sentencing. He said, "I remember how I felt when I realized my father was a son of a bitch. I can't imagine what it's like knowing you've raised one." Sad, sad, sad.
  18. Texas Roadhouse in Hiram has always given us good service, and the Bojangle's in Acworth ALWAYS gives good and cheerful service.
  19. The sheriff's office said the gun was not loaded at the time, but was test fired by investigators to determine its functionality, and it was in operational condition. Dude. This is wrong on so many levels. How would you like to be the deputy who found it? Holy sh*t, what is on this thing?
  20. mei lan


    I should add that the reason I had to ask my mother where we camped is because I was 5 when we were there. But I can see the campsite, the marina, smell the smells, and a fisherman had a little octopus in a 5-gallon bucket. That was an awesome trip. Ooh, keep us posted!
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