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Posts posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. Just another reason we shouldn't turn over our entire world's "operating system" to computers. I don't think we should have ever had computer systems in our cars in the first place -- or electronic cash registers that tell today's kids how much money to give back (so they don't have to learn how to count money). Computers could be the death of us. How scary...



    A great big 'amen sister!' to that


    All the talk about joblessness and rampant obesity and lack of privacy and being watched and monitored, etc. It's obviously due to our desire to have computers live our lives for us, yet nobody ever openly makes the connection when these problems are brought to light or discussed. They haven't made everything better. Not in my opinion, anyway.


    I said years ago, sooner or later, people who let a machine do their work for them (this was in reference to automated telephone systems) will soon find themselves without jobs. How many people do you know who have lost their job due to the efficiency (HA right!) of automation or the capabilities of technology?

  2. A beagle/basset mix named Bear, who was destined for the shelter when his family had to move. He lays down on the floor when he eats, and sleeps on his back with all his legs in the air in the strangest poses. I also have a very large female dog named LadyBug who appears to be something called a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog (probably mixed). She came to my house over 5 years ago as a lost or abandoned dog and after a week or two, I gave her to a family member of my ex's because we had too many dogs at that time. He has now returned her to me due to problems with a neighbor's goats and chickens. Her eyes are ice blue and she's smart as a whip and overly protective but not at all vicious. And last but definitely not least, a cat named Moochie who's 10 and rules the inside of the house and makes that very plain to me, the dogs and anyone else who needs to know. He likes to eat cherry PopTarts and hates to be shut out of any room of the house (or locked in, depending on which side of the door he finds himself on). I have two beta fish also.


    I had a dalmatian who died a few months ago, named Buford. He was 13, and had one blue eye. Dalmatians are very special dogs, neurotic & sometimes hyper, but very sweet and loving. I saw that someone here had a dalmatian. Tho I won't ever buy another dog, I will always be grateful I got to spend so many years with mine.

  3. Ut oh. Looks like Mr Godzilla didn't get the memo outlining which subjects are open for the voicing of opinion and which are taboo.


    Overall, it's best to stick to disparaging folks who drive hideous trucks with altered suspensions, trailer dwellers (not to be confused with those who reside in mobile homes-it is your responsibility to know the difference), and anyone else who generally has not met the strict guidelines for social acceptability as determined by those whose opinions matter here at Paulding.com.


    Any suggestion that there might actually exist law enforcement personnel who are less than honest and/or ethical is frowned upon, but if you do find it a necessary topic of discussion, please be clear that you aren't inferring that such corruption might extend to anyone belonging to this site. Otherwise, there might be some who are insulted or offended, which infringes upon those for whom such treatment is reserved (see previous paragraph).


    For the record, jockstraps don't appear to be held in very high esteem around here, either, so it's best you just avoid being one whenever possible.


    Where do you think you are, anyway? America?

  4. 1. Body Mass Index (BMI)

    BMI is a reliable indicator of total body fat, which is related to the risk of disease and death. The score is valid for both men and women but it does have some limits. The limits are:


    It may overestimate body fat in athletes and others who have a muscular build.

    It may underestimate body fat in older persons and others who have lost muscle mass.


    They are aware of the possibility of inaccurate readings.... ;)

  5. 5'4" 130 lbs



    I got that broad-shouldered build thing going on too. Since I won't ever be what most consider slim or slender, I figure I can either work with the body I was given or do nothing and get fat. Pick a body part you're already happy with, and make it the focus of your workout, rather than fret about stuff you can't control or change. It will all fit together nicely once it's said n done.


    If you avoid heavy weights and add a good cardio workout to your exercise routine, you'll get firm muscle without so much masculine looking bulk.

  6. DieHard,


    I say this will all sincerity, if you find a church like you describe, PLEASE let me know where it is.


    We, too, have stopped going to church for pretty much the same reasons you listed. We were very, very active in a church that we were driving 25 miles each way to attend, and attending three services a week. Somewhere along the line, what they were worshipping stopped being God. We stopped going. The really sad thing is this was the most sincere church we had attended in over 20 years!






    People want to go into church and put on their cloak of self-righteousness and then wonder why others don't care to attend with them. Doesn't matter how far you drive, how many services you attend, how active you are, how much you give, it never seems to be enough. I stopped going to church because the people wouldn't let God in there too. Was all about people, but not in a good way. Other than trying to drive up attendance (which of course brings in more money), I cannot honestly think of a single cause they ever got involved with, outside of collecting money a couple times for some long time members with financial hardships. Any fund-raising was for sending the kids on trips, building fund, then there was the new building that had to be furnished, a bus, a new steeple for the new building, and on it goes. Well, no, in the beginning they used to collect pennies in Bible school for missionaries, but I think even that stopped after a while. Once they let a local politician who was running for re-election speak rather than the usual service/sermon, and that was just about the last straw for me. Not the place for it, and I sure didn't like feeling cornered into listening to this man further his political agenda. Seems he had done a favor for the church and this was their way of repaying it---getting him a captive audience for his re-election spiel. NUH UH.

  7. Does anyone know if this Floyd Clark is any relation to Rodney Scott Clark, whose son died in the car crash over the summer?



    Not sure, but I don't think so. I went to school with his sister and I may be wrong but I think he only had one other brother, and his name wasn't Rodney or Scott.

    This guy here goes by the name of Ricky, I believe.

  8. You can draw more bees with honey :p

    Yes you can, and how ironic, coming from one of the handful of folks here who made some embarrassingly ugly remarks to this lady. She has been accused of subterfuge, of originating and/or propagating rumors simply for asking a question, she's been told he has no class, to get a life, and by the way, of all the places that were listed that she could have learned of the meetings she's been told would have educated her, the newspapers are the only place I would have happened across this information myself, and I not only have lived here all my life, I work here as well. I personally didn't see this notification and I do read the paper thoroughly when I have sufficient time...which isn't often. You all do realize that cable TV is not available to everyone here, right? Believe it or not, some of us don't watch television and have no interest in paying someone to pipe in even more brain-rotting programming than is freely available already.


    Some of you should be ashamed for the things you've said to this woman; her initial question did not warrant attacking her in such a way. Good thing you're not responsible for welcoming new residents....funny, the rudest of you are all for attracting more folks. Maybe those of us who don't want the county bursting at the seams should nominate you as the welcoming committee....


    Just because you've been posting here for a long time gives you no right to mistreat other people. In fact, if you work for the county or hold an elected position here, she either pays your salary or is your constituent, I believe.

  9. One thing it won't be is huge steel mills, 5000 acre factories, giant smoke stacks.


    What it will be is warehousing, distribution, (Light) manufacturing, light industial  and other less intrusive ventures that will pay many times the taxes that residential would on the same amount of land.



    Yes, and how many of those tax dollars will be absorbed by the large number of new residents moving to the county? Doesn't sound like it's going to be enough to get anyone who already lives here any significant tax break, and it will only create jobs once businesses occupy those offices....again,

    let's consider the fact that Paulding County is not experiencing a shortage of available housing OR retail/office space.


    Apparently our water shortage was miraculously resolved while no one was looking, too....we just haven't received the memo yet.

  10. A PRD isn't quite the same thing as a subdivision or "building houses on land that they own". Seems I recall some years back there WERE some PRD's that were not approved, or that had many strict stipulations attached to their approval-of course, as stated earlier, there were stipulations to this one, which pretty much tells you that stipulations are about as meaningless as approval by the county, being that they claim they don't have any true say in the matter. If you are asked to approve something, then conversely, one would think that you have the option of NOT approving, yes?


    What good is this county board of commissioners if they cannot make decisions that are in the county's best interest? Either this is a prime example of how broken our system is, or we aren't getting the whole truth here.


    By the way, I'm still waiting for an answer on the water question. Yes or no...is there enough water for those of us who already live here to use freely? If not, where in the world is the water for all these new families going to come from? Remember, this is just one of many developments that have been approved, some of which are already underway. Water. Either we have it, or we don't. It would only take a couple seconds for a reply. Yes....or no.

  11. While I was sitting in traffic today at the courthouse, I thought how interesting it will be when all those people move to these PRDs on Cartersville Hwy and can't get to any point in the county south of Dallas without sitting in a snarl of traffic at the red light in town (just ask anyone coming into town from Merchant's Drive around 4 pm on a Friday afternoon what it's like already)....the only thing I can find the least comfort in all this is the fact that Mr Shearin will have to sit in that same snarl to pass that way himself.


    It also occurred to me that someone here might be able to cite the authority by which they are able to restrict our water use, since that same authority apparently doesn't enable them to restrict residential development....is there enough water for those of us already here to use as we please, or is there not? Simple enough question, I think.

  12. I remember driving down 75 and seeing the blue dome from miles away.

    I remember the Omni and FulCo Stadium and loved both.

    I remember Jeff Burroughs, Biff Pocoroba, Mike Lum and Dale Murphy.

    I remember when Dale Murphy was a catcher.

    I remember Snow Jam

    I remember worrying about catching on fire in a Pinto.

    And...I remember filling up my 1967 mustang with gas, getting a Whopper meal at Burger King and getting a pouch of Red Man all for less than $5. ('72 Beetle, after a full tank of gas my $15 paycheck still lasted all week-didn't have a Burger King around here, but we did have a brand spanking new McD's.....no comment on the chewing tobacco-haha)


    When I worked at the state office building next to the Capitol (moved in before it was finished, so I remember when it was built, too) we used to walk down to the hotel across from the stadium for lunch and then hang around hoping we'd get lucky enough to see any one of the Braves over at the stadium.


    Sigh. Good times.


    **I also remember traveling GA 400 while it was still under construction and there was very little traffic and NO TOLLS. HA!

  13. I moved to a remote corner of the county in 1989. I never dreamed in a million years that the woods around my home would be destroyed and replaced with houses. I didn't even want to live that far out back then but over the years I grew to love my home and had planned to live there for the rest of my life. Now it's just ugly and noisy and I used to know instantly if someone came into my driveway, where now they've destroyed so many acres of trees the traffic on 278 sounds as though it's passing within 100 yards of my house, instead of the 5-6 miles away that it actually is.


    If they can't stop residential development, then those of use who already live here and have paid taxes for years shouldn't be restricted in our use of resources. If there is enough water for 3000 more families (and that's ONE development, mind you), then there should be plenty for everybody. If there is a shortage of water, and if the schools are already at capacity, and we don't have the police, fire and other emergency services to keep up with growth, then who the heck can do what is best for the county if not the Board of Commissioners?


    If there is a water crisis (or any other crisis, for that matter) it is one of the county's own making. We just get the privilege of living with the consequences.

  14. I understand that everyone has a right to make a living, but while we are under permanent water restrictions and the schools are overcrowded, I still cannot understand why they are unable to slow down at least the residential development. There are already many empty houses sitting in these newer subdivisions unsold. In fact, there is a house that was built literally in my backyard last summer, and it hasn't sold yet. It was all the builder could do to cram this house onto a lot that just wasn't suitable for building at all, and I assume the lack of any yard to speak of, not to mention the lovely view of the back of my house :wacko: would be the reason it hasn't sold yet.


    If the people who have lived our entire lives here wanted to live in Cobb or Douglas County, we would have moved there. What part of that do the people governing this place not get??

  15. A large, barking dog is one of the best deterrents you can have; in my opinion, better than even a monitored alarm, because it's THERE, at that moment, and takes your house out of the "easy mark" category.


    I've always had large dogs that barked at the slightest movement. Annoying as that can be, I've never had a problem with anyone messing around at my house when I'm gone/sleeping/alone, etc.


    Oh, and it also never hurts to have a neighbor who is always interested in what goes on at your place, either..... ^_^

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