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Posts posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. There has been talk in the past of companies who simply won't employ a person who smokes. Period. No matter if they restrict their smoking to the hours they're not on the clock. Don't know about terminating existing employees, though.


    All smokers don't stay at the doctor. I smoke (and yes, of course I wish I didn't) and in 18 years, I've made 4 claims against my health insurance (other than my ob/gyn annual visit and dental)....a kidney stone, an animal bite and 2 surgical procedures, one of which was an emergency, and none of which were related to smoking in any way.


    Maybe some smokers get sick more often because they're required to smoke outdoors, regardless of the weather? I don't know, I don't get sick as frequently as most non-smokers I know. I couldn't tell you the last time I had the flu :) (right offhand, though, the last time I remember was the year Princess Diana died)

  2. I always hate to see that 10 code regardless of where it's taking place, but it really bothers me when it's happening in a vehicle where the only chance you have of putting space between you is to open the door and exit the car, which, of course, is moving. How utterly degrading to be treated that way, not to mention incredibly dangerous to the other drivers on the road.


    I have a sincere distaste for bullies.

  3. I KNEW you were gonna ask me that! :o


    Divulging that kind of information could upset the time continuum and next week could go into unknown territory or even cease to exist. Sorry~~ :p


    What's next? You gonna ask for my last Bud Lite? :lol:


    edited because I'm an idiot today


    I had a feeling this might somehow involve beer based on the title of the thread.

  4. ...and it's our fault they have less experience and more importantly acceptable?!
    Did I say it was anyone's fault, or even that it was acceptable? I believe I said it might be a reason not to nit-pick every mistake these drivers make...or something to that effect. If you want to wave your magic wand and endow the newer drivers with years of driving experience thereby saving them the time and work of gaining it for themselves, though, I'm sure they wouldn't have a problem with that.


    I have one of those jobs and if you think a bus is cumbersome, try driving a fire truck emergency through five o'clock traffic.


    Add the responsibility for 30-40 kids to that...without the benefit of ANY siren.


    Like I said, when it's you being attacked, (or even not :) ) that 'whining' you hear could very well be your own. Thank you for helping me illustrate that point.


    In case you haven't noticed, there aren't an abundance of threads in which fire fighters are criticized, for their driving skills or anything else; if there were, there would be plenty here, including myself, who would speak up on their behalf, too.

  5. I voted....I don't have kids, but if the jboogie spoon didn't get their attention, they'd find themselves in a room with a bed and a dresser (and a window, of course). The first thing they'd lose would be their phone and internet privileges (unless they had driver's licenses, in which case their driving privileges would go first) They don't consider tv a privilege so much these days, but if they pushed it, that could be added as well.


    Of course, I realize that some would say I could never be so hard on kids if I actually had some, but to them I say "How could you possibly know this, since I don't have any?" :wacko: :lol:


    For the record, yes I could, because having been a kid, (and not the most obedient kid at that) I know what can happen when you don't have a handle on the situation....and I have a low tolerance for kids in general who have no respect and/or sport some badass punk attitude yet are totally dependent on others to clothe, house, feed and entertain them.

  6. Ahem-


    getting from point A to point B in and around Dallas isn't exactly a picnic these days. :mellow:


    What is taking place at HJMS every now and then that causes that awful line of traffic to form from the school all the way to the entrance of the Campbell Creek Apartments on West Memorial at the worst possible time of the evening? (I thought it might be sports-related but it sure seems like an awful lot of cars for something like that....)

  7. what drives me crazy is I will be talking on the phone and someone is sitting there talking to me at the same time.


    That, and someone who is trying to carry on a conversation with or have you ask questions of the person you're talking to on the phone.

    I just hand them the phone when they do that, whether they want it or not.

  8. This is a reasonable response to the situation, which I suspect makes the court jesters at the Republican Palace....I mean GOP headquarters....nervous.  There's a rumor circulating that the Rebublicans are very heavily relying on the typical, un-reasoned, knee-jerk-reaction politics from the Left.  The Left becoming reasonable at this stage in the game could be disasterous to the Right's, thus-far successful, strategy.  Film at 10:00---stay tuned.


    That is the most accurate assessment I've seen of the current political climate to date. :)

  9. Was the house on the main road (Bobo) or back on one of the side streets, or on Mt Tabor? I know there's Donna Lane & Tammy Drive off Bobo Rd, and then Sharon Court and uh, Gail Street? I think off Tammy Drive but Linda Ln isn't a street I recall right offhand. Bruce Ct is off Mt Tabor and isn't so clearly visible from Bobo Rd. Of course the way things change around this county it wouldn't surprise me at all to find out I have it completely wrong :wacko:

  10. Question for people in general


    Absolutely. I actually thought that was the basis for the original question ;)


    Whether that which is due God should be deducted from your income tax as other gifts are.


    Ok maybe I didn't state that correctly, but I do know what I meant to say and I hope you do also.....'cause I don't know another way to say it :p


    edit-In referencing God I don't mean to be exluding anyone else....to me it's the part that we give God (or the church) from that which we receive

  11. Well if it's not a problem for you and you're happy where you are that's all that matters, but it's nice to know those that qualify are allowed the deduction. Maybe that will change for y'all someday.


    Thanks for answering the question. :)

  12. We don't "tithe" persay, but we do donate money and supplies to our coven. :)


    Serious question: is that tax deductible?


    When I attended church, what I gave depended mostly on what I had to give. My ex husband was self-employed and some weeks didn't make any money at all....he did volunteer a great deal of time and labor, though, especially when we were building a new sanctuary, as he had extensive construction experience (and wasn't afraid of heights :lol: )


    Any money given was included in the statement the church provided for tax purposes and was claimed as a deduction, yes

  13. Interesting article in today's AJC:



    Do you think that maybe that people who can afford to buy things will cut back? I sure hope so. If you cannot afford to pay off your full credit card bill every month, you should think twice. It is very likely that you are living beyond your means.


    And, just incase you didn't realize it, borrowing from your credit card for any term longer than 30 days is the worst place to get money (that you don't have).


    So, think before you use that card!! You'll ruin your credit alright. You'll get into debt over your head. What's your option then? Bankruptcy?!



    True, and it's great advice for someone who isn't already buried in credit card debt, but a bit late to be of help to those who are. While I no longer use credit cards and don't intend to in the future, I do think it's a form of bait and switch to increase the minimums mid-stream. The debt, whether necessary or not, was accumulated based on the terms when the accounts were established. The fact that this was done at the same time the bankruptcy guidelines were changed, making it tougher for most individuals to seek relief from overwhelming debt, does make me somewhat suspicious of the underlying motive here.


    I also don't think the banking industry would push for legislation intended to 'help' consumers with no regard for it's own potential gain.


    It's funny to me that despite the claims that this was changed with the thought of helping people get out of debt, you sure won't see any public service announcements or handy tips included in a credit card statement explaining to new account holders how to best manage credit card debt. Heck, when I did have open credit card accounts, there was an offer included in every statement trying to sell me some overpriced junk that could "conveniently" be billed to my credit card. If they want to help consumers, let them stop the underhanded methods they use to assess late fees, etc. I know people who do pay their cards, on time and in full every month and have for years, who have been assessed late fees. Helpful would be to stop jacking up interest rates 125-150% if a payment is received a day late more than one time in any six month period.


    Of course the influence the banking industry has in government has absolutely no bearing on this whatsoever :ninja:


    edited to fix a stupid mistake :mellow:

  14. I have a lot of respect for bus drivers you have a difficult job.. I do have a problem when it is 28 degrees and my child as well as others who get out 5 min before the bus is expected and they stand out there for 45 minutes to have no bus come.. that is wrong..there has to be some way to communicate that the bus is running late.. My child is lucky the bus picks her up from our home, if it is cold out I tell her to sit inside and listen for the bus today she was inside and we both did not hear it until the bus was here at the house

    I also understand circumstances beyond the drivers control, bus frozen, ill children, not enough drivers for the routes...however those kids that were standing out there turning blue waiting on the bus that was wrong..

    When do we tell the kids to go home 15 minutes late, 20 min late..????


    All the more reason for a bus to continue its route if there are other people available at the scene to assist a person involved in an accident. ;)


    You can whine all you want but I stand by my statement. It's not just my opinion, I think you'll find the majority of people agree those buses aren't driven the way they should be.


    No way you've witnessed the manner in which every bus in the county is driven, unless you spend all day every day searching for school bus drivers to critique.


    I haven't seen yet where anyone has mentioned the fact that a great number of buses on the road this year have less experienced drivers than in years past due to the growing number of students and the need to hire additional drivers with each passing year. I understand how it would upset parents to see bus drivers endangering their students or other drivers, but maybe we could refrain from nit-picking and keep in mind that some drivers on the road won't operate these buses as smoothly or efficiently as those who have years of experience under their belt. If traffic is a headache for us, imagine driving a large, cumbersome vehicle full of other people's (noisy) children for whose safety you're responsible, having to adhere to the rules set by the BOE for bus drivers in addition to traffic laws (which other drivers habitually disregard), and that you've may have less than a year's experience on the job.


    I think if that were the case, you'd be pretty ticked off to have to defend yourself for doing a job that few people are willing to even consider taking on....in other words, that 'whining' you refer to would likely be your own.

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