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Posts posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. And in regards to my BAH, HUMBUG signature....it's an inside joke amongst me and a few other pcommers. I do not enjoy the holiday season and i make no secret of it. It has a little to do with my family sitations and a LOT to do with the politics and commercialism that CHRISTmas has become.....


    shouldn't this be in the jokes forum then :lol:


    it does not bother me one way or the other, when you first posted your topic it did, and i  am i  just being honest,  ;)


    I had a alot of personal issues going on, and i thought if that was all i had to complain about,  i would be so grateful.  but now it does not bother me.


    i will contuine to post topics where i think they need to go, and if the mods want to move them then so be it:  ;)


    I am sorry Chirstmas is such a bad time for you, but look at it this way,  it could be worse... you could be sitting at a funeral; home or a hosiptal waiting on a loved one to pass away,  or you could be one posting for prayer for a loved one, ( in the wrong forum)


    I know that Christ is left out of Christmas alot, but Christmas is what YOU make it,  you can have Christ in Christmas and still be able to enjoy the material side of Christmas,  who says it has to be one or the other ;)


    And in your usual manner, well said and thoughtfully worded.


    I also don't care for the materialism and rushing around that Christmas has become, and changes that have taken place in my personal life don't make it an especially happy time of year for me, either. When I consider how many people have far less to celebrate yet still manage to find the joy in it despite their misfortune, though, I realize that my own issues seem small and petty in comparison. Carrying around a bad attitude won't do a thing to improve my own situation, but it sure does take the fun out of Christmas for everyone around me. What's the point in that?

  2. I guess I have my opinion due to the fact that when I make a trip to Kroger, Wal Mart, Target, etc...  I have to dodge big SUV's in front of the stores, wait on the on-coming lane to clear so I can make my way around while at the same time try to let the 1,000 shoppers walk through with buggies, children and multible bags in hand.  Just makes for a tiresome trip.


    Exactly. What blows my mind are the ones who, once the car pulls up to the curb, continue to talk with the driver or other passengers rather than get out of the vehicle (as "dropping off" would imply)-referring to people in general, not the person who started this thread, btw. Talk about causing traffic problems...as well as holding up those trying to find a parking space so they can walk to the store.

    I have to admit that I don't even have the patience to look for the closest space, though, and would rather walk the full length of the parking lot rather than ride around at a snail's pace to find a space closer to the entrance.


    I guess I can see the chivalry in dropping off a perfectly healthy woman at the entrance of a store and then joining her inside to shop together after parking the car, but I always enjoyed the walk from the car to the store with my husband when we were out shopping, myself.

  3. Whether or not Bush is coherent isn't a political view or issue. (He isn't, by the way). It's no secret that he isn't exactly what one might call eloquent.


    Stating the obvious isn't disrespectful. Facts are facts, like it or not.


    Hell, it wasn't disrespectful to talk down to and berate ChrisinPC over HIS lack of improvement in the very same area, was it? A title or office can only garner so much respect. At some point the office-holder has to step up and earn his, too. That's the whole concept of personal responsibility, isn't it?


    A high school drop-out on the internet held to a higher standard than our Ivy-Leaguer President.



  4. Born at Kennestone Hospital, raised in rural Paulding County til I graduated high school, then lived in various parts of Cobb, Cherokee and Douglas Counties for the next six years, after which time I moved back to Paulding County-been here ever since.


    My parents were both born in Paulding County, as were their parents.

  5. I would lean toward contacting churches at christmas time. It seems that they may know which families really need help.


    Also, the local schools. I don't know how you would go about asking if you don't have kids in school. The teachers know their kids, they would know who needs a little extra support.



    Very good suggestions.

  6. I'd rather take an a$$-whipping then deal with Thanksgiving and Christmas every year.  Let's accelerate this whole process into one day:


    12-4 - Eat turkey until we're sick while screaming at relatives.


    4-8 - Go sit in traffic until you want to kill yourself.


    8:30 - Flush $2,000 down the toilet.


    9:-12- Get $hitfaced and usher a new year in.


    Sounds like a plan to me...out of the way in one day. No getting $hitfaced here though; I rather leave the hangover for somebody else B)

  7. If he doesn't pay you, take any action available to you to get your money. If he goes to jail for the other, maybe it'll teach him a lesson.


    What in the $%@& is wrong with people these days? You wanna play, you gotta pay. I say let him learn his lesson right up front; if he gets away with it once, he'll expect to always get away with it.

  8. Oh I know many men who gossip and carry on as much or more than the women I know, and who actually get bent out of shape if you know more about a person's personal business than THEY do. It's funny at first, then it's just...annoying.


    What most women do isn't drama, it's backstabbing :mellow:

  9. If my (imaginary) child were going to experiment with drugs, I think I'd rather they did it before they were away from home on their own for the first time. If you treat a kid as though they can't be trusted without cause, holding the threat of a drug test over their head to keep them in line, the minute they're away from you they're likely to go hog-wild just because they can.


    Drugs are not a new problem, nor was it limited to just pot, even back in the dark ages when I was in school; granted, it wasn't the same stuff, but there was definitely more to be had than just pot, if you knew where to look. I think the difference is that the kids who were into the harder drugs back then usually dropped out of school and did that stuff elsewhere.


    I thought the idea was to get away from having the schools involved in the parenting of children, not vice versa. Moral issues are the job of family and the church, and I think illegal drug use is a matter that should be handled by the family, and if necessary, law enforcement. Schools are already stretched to the limit just trying to educate these kids. Let them do what they exist to do.

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