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Posts posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. Dumb (and probably nosey) question alert: what the heck is RMSF ? And what happened to your mom?


    Sorry you're having such a bad time of it.








    If you do leave town, can I volunteer to go along? You know, to help with the driving....

  2. The 'government' such as it is, has found that it's far less burdensome and requires a fraction of the effort to pander for votes than to 'govern' (as in tend the COUNTRY'S affairs rather than the INDIVIDUAL'S affairs) that I don't think we'll see an end to this crap anytime soon.


    Can I say crap here? I hope so 'cause I just did.


    Lord knows they have nothing more pressing to worry about.......

  3. An article in the paper a few weeks ago said the moratorium was for developments zoned R-2 w/sewage in favor of PRD zoning, which was favored by the chairman. I may have kept that page of the paper, I'll have to see if it's still around here somewhere.....

  4. They act aggressively when they feel you are threatening their nest, or so I heard. My house looks like some drunk got wild with a watermelon scoop in a couple places where they not only bored a hole but made a path right to their new front entryway. I filled it with wood epoxy. :)


    Yeah, I know they just bored another hole somewhere else, but I still had the satisfaction of evicting the little vandals from their existing spot.

  5. As I can be.

    I study the words and then make my own decision about their value to me.

    Conlige suspectos semper habitos.


    Senito aliquos togatos contra me conspirare.


    Deseo que ellos repasen a la carretera 278 com punteado pero eso es apenas mí.




  6. :wacko: @ this whole thread. I guess tact has gone the way of the dinosaurs.


    How on earth did so many people mistake Paulding for Stepford?


    Ok sounds like my area,except all of our critters run lose. The dogs lay on the front porch,the cars are on cinder blocks next to the tree I use to either skin a deer or hoist an engine. I tested out our christmas lights that I also placed over the dog pen & they work. The biggest noise here is people firing there guns & siteing in there scopes. Every now and then some one stills a rebel flag. But lately those targets with Cynthia Mckenny are a hot item. But hey our neighbor hood is friendly,well except when the neighbors get into a fight and the woman beats the mans ass. I certified her as a pure reneck gal,loves to work on cars too. But hey what can you expect when she married her second cousin & she plays the banjo when her son plays guitar. Good solid fun thats what I say,anyone passing the falstaff beer.


    Hmmm-few surprises there, but thanks for sharing. :)

  7. willie- minature rat terrier- 4 pounds, 11 weeks old.our older scanner dog is 120 pounds.BIG difference.




    Congrats on the new puppy-can't blame you for spending time with your new puppy and outdoors in this beautiful weather instead of on the computer, but you are missed. I appreciate the time and effort you put into this forum, and it's obvious that many others do, also.


    Good luck with the house training. :unsure:


    I'm sure he'll catch on quickly; terriers are such intelligent dogs :wub:

  8. Were there several children around him when this occurred? If so, maybe it was just a combination of relatively new surroundings and too many people around him at one time.


    I hope they're able to give him more time to adjust when he's returned to them-sounds like they really love the dog. I imagine it was somewhat traumatizing to him to be brought from the shelter only to find himself right back there in quarantine, so he might even need more time than he otherwise would have to become settled in his new home with his new family. I hope this works out for the sake of all involved.


    I have a beagle/bassett mix that came from a family with five kids, ages 1-12. According to the mother, he was very good with them, especially the baby. For the most part his personality is that of a bassett, very laid back and chilled out (unless he sees a squirrel or a deer, then it's ON), but my friend brought her toddler over one day and the dog snapped at him as soon as he put his hand out to pet the dog. I just make it a point not to let very small children get too close to him. Maybe if your parents start by limiting his contact with non-family members to only one or two at a time, especially when children are present, or even allow him some time to become comfortable with the family members before introducing him to new people.

  9. Well, it was dang funny in and of itself, but the fact it was posted here, intentionally or otherwise, I thought was hilarious. Sorry they moved it, especially since you put it here for a reason.


    I didn't think it was offensive at all.


    Oh well, at least you tried..... :)

  10. I asked her a question...GOT IT? It does not even pertain to you anyhow. If she does not have a religion (because agnostics have no idea what they believe in and act athiest anyhow), then why is she here in this forum?


    Furthermore, do NOT EVER patronize me.


    Several of you come in here, non-Christains and some lost Christians and turn every single Christian topic to shreads. There is nothing wrong with me. You people attack and attack and attack every single time to get us Christians and you cannot deny it because many see it over and over and you know it. That is pathetic in my books.


    So do not play miss or mister innocent with me. I am not as dumb as you think I am. I know what I am fighting for, obviously you do not know what you are fighting for.


    Now that is a dumb comment to make. Do you know who Dr. James Kennedy is? Do you? If you say you are a Christian, then act like one once in a while. From what I see, I do not see one.

    Actual cases in print and filed do not need to be researched and I also do enough research thank you.


    OK. Quantity is not the same as quality, but half an education is better than none, I guess. You missed the point completely, but you're welcome just the same. :)


    PS-If you don't even know if someone is a male or female, how on earth can you possibly judge someone's Christianity (or lack thereof)?


    If you don't want to be patronized, maybe you should work at being less condescending and judgemental yourself.

  11. Hmmm First I've heard of that... I'll have to look it up, that kind of thing, taking without due process, by our government scares the crap out of me.


    Of course, if I caught him painting my fence, my 9mm and me would be scaring somebody else too. That's unacceptable.


    I thought Chairman lived off of DBR. I've seen the new stakes for at least 6 months. They go all the way from 61 to almost the Bartow/Cobb lines. He's got to have seen them????


    Chairdude, you been driving with the Force or something with your eyes closed??? :huh:




    I think he lives on Braswell Mountain Rd, not Dabbs Bridge.

  12. I think it's safe to say I'm not a member of any clique (here or otherwise), but common sense will tell you that if you aren't researching both sides of an issue, your conclusions are no more correct than those of a person on the opposite side of the debate. A person who wishes to be truly knowledgeable about any subject will obtain as much information as possible, even if some of that information is in disagreement with the opinion or beliefs held by that person. Show me someone who only bothers to know one side of an issue, and I'll show you someone who enjoys arguing....


    The half-informed, especially those seeking to champion some cause, are scarier than the ACLU could ever be.

  13. Maybe it would help if, rather than disputing other people's posts point-by-point, telling us who isn't doing what, the chairman would simply inform the residents of the county what is taking place. Seems to me that would make discussions of this nature less contentious. In fact, this site would be the perfect forum to provide accurate information to the public as it becomes available, thereby leaving less opportunity for so much 'incorrect' information to be widely circulated. You know, stay one jump ahead of the rumor mill. Most folks like to know what's going on even in non-election years......maybe even those who don't consider reasonable access to fire protection a priority.

  14. Wow, you are really splitting hairs here...


    The intent of the voters was VERY CLEAR. They voted against the airport.

    And saying that those voters were misinformed when they cast their votes,

    borders on an insult to their intelligence.

    BTW -

    You say it is not the county, it is the Airport Authority.

    Just who is the Airport Authority ? Are the names of members available ?


    I believe those names can be found on the Chamber of Commerce site as well as another thread on this board about the airport. I remember seeing it posted before.


    **Of course, this is coming from someone who isn't intelligent enough to decipher a zoning map, so........

  15. When I had my children , I worked with a Korean co-worker named Jane . I loved her and her boys were awsome . I think 1 is in law school now and the other is in pre-med.

    She told me

    First was to keep your kids busy . Even if you spend every day after work driving them around , keep them in activities.

    And .. watch who they hang out with .


    Chores and responsibilities go a long way toward occupying a child's time and keeping them out of trouble. Daily (unpaid) chores that they are to keep up without needing to be reminded or nagged. Keeps their hands and their minds busy as well as teaches them valuable lessons that will stay with them throughout life. It shouldn't be necessary to drive a child around from one planned activity to another to keep them out of trouble, and really, considering the price of gasoline and the fact that few, if any, activities are truly cost-free, that might not be a viable solution for many parents, anyway.


    Kids should also learn at an early age that they can't always rely on other people, toys or electronic devices such as a computers, video games and television to keep them occupied/entertained.

  16. I live off Braswell Mtn and High Shoals

    There have been 4 home invasions that I know of so far.

    High Shoals Rd, Braswell Mtn Rd and THomas Rd.


    My neighbor behind us got broke into this week. We live on a gravel road so theres not alot of traffic going down my road. I did notice there has been 2 guys on one 4 wheeler, come to find out the people robbing are on 4 wheelers.


    They hit my neighbor twice. I live about 10 acres from him, but it's getting scarey!

    Wanted to know if anyone else had heard.


    So I guess no one knows or everyone in Burnt Hickory is working or something ??


    When I replied to myself it added it under what I wrote the first time ? Strange..


    I'm confused (nothing new there... :wacko: ).


    Were these incidents robberies, home invasions, or burglaries?

  17. No it's not a good idea at all.....but they'll waste money on it anyway. Just as people who rely on machines to do their work find themselves with no work to do, and consequently lose their jobs, it's looking like we're about to see a consolidation of the schools and the church. The government is in a much better position to assume authority of the schools than it is the churches......I guess that sounds paranoid, but really it isn't because I don't attend church. Just an observation. (Though it's certainly not unthinkable, all things considered....)


    Of course it's really just shameless pandering to a block of voters. It's what keeps those government wheels turning anymore.

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