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Posts posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. My parents divorced when I was 8. They didn't communicate with one another except when necessary, usually regarding visitation, child support, and of course, any problem involving either of us kids, at least while we were underage and living with her. If I were 19, living at home and had such a problem, I doubt she would consider informing my dad a priority, though there's an outside chance she would have called him. I left home at 18, though, so I can almost guarantee she wouldn't have in my case, because I was no longer her responsibility.


    It would have been the considerate thing to do, yes, but how many divorced couples go out of their way be considerate of one another ? Odds are a lack of consideration led to the divorce, anyway....at least in part. I'm wondering why your other child didn't let you know, or even the daughter that was in rehab....if not while she was completing the program, at least immediately after she got out. :huh: My sister would have called my dad, of that I'm certain.


    I'm sure if she had needed anything from you, such as money or help getting your girl into rehab, your ex would have called you without delay. Unfortunately, it seems people are that way anymore.

  2. Told ya so


    Congratulations, Your score is 12 out of 15


    "You are a redneck. Be proud, Stand straight, Stand tall, but stand over there because the wind is blowing the smell of your skoal in my direction."


    I want to know which ones I missed :huh:

  3. The World Cup?






    Soccer freak...er, freck :wacko:


    Think I'll pass....thanks just the same.


    I guess I still don't understand how it's considered disrespectful to Christians to allow the sale of alcohol on Sunday (or respectful not to, for that matter), unless, of course, someone bought it to consume on church property or attended a service under the influence. Since there's nothing to prevent that now, I hardly think it would be an issue if the ban on Sunday sales was lifted.

  4. I cant believe a female would go out lookin like that.

    come on now....shivers

    No I wasn't bored.

    I was looking for something else. :lol:



    That particular female shouldn't even stay IN looking like that!


    What's she doing, flashing the rest of her goods (for want of a better word) at that man?

  5. The 10 Commandments are the basic laws of man. Somewhere along the line, that analogy got lost and hijacked because some do not follow it.


    It's like what Slick Willie did with Monica Lewenski. It wasn't the issue that is was Clinton's business, it was the fact that so many approved of what he did by committing adultery and then lied about it.


    What the heck kind of analogy is that? That is about as lame an example I've ever seen anyone use to illustrate a point (irrelevancy noted), not to mention the fact that you are just plain incorrect in your perception of the attitude of those who DID feel it was a private matter and felt their tax dollars were better spent on other more pressing matters. By the way, to all those who insist on crediting Clinton for subjecting the youth of America to an impromptu sex ed lesson, it wasn't Clinton who made sure it was included in EVERY media report from day one til the whole sorry mess was over. It was overkill, and a huge waste of money and time that could have been better spent elsewhere (my opinion, of course).


    Sorry if this is considered a hijack, but at some point it becomes obsessive. It's over. Move on already. Dang.


    I doubt his wife thinks about this as much as some of y'all do.

  6. Yeah, I thought the one bright spot of having a development in my back yard (literally) after 15 years of peace and solitude would be the location of a hydrant 750 feet from my home....however, that means absolutely nothing when the nearest fire station is almost 8 miles away.


    There are approximately 80 acres of houses directly behind mine, none any closer to a fire station than I am. Unfortunately, the availability of fire protection doesn't appear to have any bearing whatsoever on the current zoning ordinances for residential development in this county or any other, to my knowledge - which is, I admit, somewhat limited.


    Good luck.

  7. we managed to get the one single beta who was completely neurotic  :blink:


    Well I have the coordinating turtle.






    I could never get attached to my betas. I did feel bad when the first one died and there was only one left, but since they couldnt be in the same tank anyway, he really didn't seem that torn up over the demise of his uh, fellow beta.

  8. I'm not for sure but I believe Nicky Dodd lived somewhere near the hospital too, at least when he was young, anyway. My ex knew him and his family well, but I don't think my ex even lives in this state any longer so I can't ask him about it. I'm sure there is someone on this site who knows him or more about him than I know.

  9. That area on 278 would be the Hiram Board of Commisionars and the New Hope and Crossroads would be Paulding County Correct?


    I believe it will depend on whether the property is a part of or has been annexed into the city of Hiram. Otherwise, the Paulding Co BOC would be the presiding authority. That's my understanding of the way it works (or is supposed to work, anyway).

  10. I am a leader of a gang.  I recruit kids mostly from elementary schools.  I try to teach them how to take care of there self in 'survival' types of situation, what to do if they get injured and how properly take care of their injuries, I teach them how to handle a knife, and about drug use. I also them how to respect and display their colors. 


    I teach them what this country was founded on and what we stand for, what those colors actually stand for.  They have seen new colors unfold and old tattered ones retired with a proper cerimony.  They know names like Francis Scott Key and his poem called The Star Spangeled Banner, and even where it was written near Fort McHenry.


    I take alot of time with my recruits and spend as much time with them as I can teaching them the things that most people are trying to teach their kids at home, but in a different atmosphere so they will normally learn better and remember these things for a lifetime. 


    If more adults would step up and take the initiative to do these things, whether parent or just a concerned citizen, we wouldn't have to worry about the other gangs.  They wouldn't be able to find recruits or wouldn't be able to find as many.  My recruits like to fish and camp, walk in parades, clean up parks and waterfalls like we have in Paulding.  We help in cleaning up the Silver Comet Trail, and we plant trees at different locations through out the county.


    Therefore I would have to agree,  its not the size of the gang...its which gang they join.  If you can put your kids in the gang that I am a leader of, maybe you can keep them from the other gangs.  My gang is called Boy Scouts of America and I am a PROUD leader in a Cub Scout pack right here in good ole Paulding County.


    Excellent post.

  11. my daughter elementary school kid came home today and said to me,  dad, i have a friend and she is a mormon!


    i can just hear it now what you must be thinking i said back to her.


    i knew from the way she told me,  she was trying to inform me and see what my reaction would be.

    so i just ask her, "are you telling me because it bothers you or because you are happy with her?"

    then it all came out.  she started telling me what all the kids were saying to her friend and what the other kids were saying about mormons, (elementary school kids mind you).


    my daughter has never to my knowledge ever heard me say anything one way or another.  so i ask her how she felt about her friend and about what the other kids said about her.

    she said "i like her alot but are the things they say about her true?"


    i ask her what the kids were saying about her.  when she told me, i was amazed!

    where does these kids get all this stuff?  each thing she told me had about 1% truth and 99%  kids imagination,  or just their way of paraphraseing what they have learned.  i couldn't believe the garbage i was hearing.


    i'm sure what i said to her after this will surprize you,  but after what all she said, all i could think to say was "why don't you ask her?"

    then my daughter said, "because i don't think she is that way,  and if she is, she is not that way with her friends."


    then she ask me, "why don't they celebrate christmas,  again i just said,  why don't you ask her and she can tell you."


    my daughter told me she was not going to put up with the other kids making fun of her no more!

    this child,  with this child like attitude made me cry!


    **just thought you might want to know!**


    Where else COULD they get it? From the adults in their life, or other kids. Some kid, somewhere, though, learned this from an adult.

  12. Not to find out who T2DM per day.......  Mine is 22.23


    ***To find out...got to my controls and its in the upper right corner***



    Don't do it, it's a trap


    But if you must, GO to my controls, or simply click on your screen name at the top left side.


    Someone else can check mine, I'm not falling for that again.


    Hey...since when could you see your rating (bullet) thingy on the main screen? I can only see mine, but it's making me self-conscious.....

  13. In the past I have been a part of a couple of churches that were really great churches, some pretty well known within the county. 


    We had lots of money coming in, we had great sound systems, we had a great building, the most beautiful stain glass windows, the biggest steple, the best programs within the church for the church members....but nothing for the community.


    With all that money sitting in the church, there were hundreds of people within a 5 mile radius wondering where their next meal would come from, spent most of the winter without gas and heat.  What all could that church have done for those people?


    What does your church do to help the community??....especially, "The lonely, the least, and the lost"???


    I'm pretty sure I used to attend one of those churches :ninja: Probably am a member, to be honest.

  14. Ever think "I should have been born in a different age".  I would have liked to have been a pioneer I think.  Build your home, working the land for food and protect your family....its just seems so simple.  Today its just too complicated..... Of course the grass is always greener.... 


    Back to reality..



    Yes I have. Often. This would be the time I would choose, also, I think.

  15. I live on Braswell Mountain Road and 2 rescue and 1 ambulance came by.I drove to Corley Lake Road and didn't see anything.My mom lives on Tibbitts Road. She did't see anything, so it must have been on one of the other side roads


    Nope, those were headed to the city of Braswell. Saw 'em on my way home at a residence there.

  16. I have one of those stupid homemade jobs done with indian ink & a needle at age 17. It is a cross, though it is crooked & most people ask me, "Hey what's that X for on your arm?" :huh:  :blink: It is on my upper right arm/shoulder. It costs a fortune to remove it, so I always said I'd get a cover up done one day.


    My ex checked into having some covered. Not cheap either.....


    Mine is at my bikini line, also.

  17. I can't say I've ever been truly offended on here. Not once.


    Repulsed, yes. Shocked, sometimes. Disappointed, for sure. Angered? You bet!  Amused? Every friggin day.


    Offended? Not so much.


    Answer stealer!


    Me either. Kinda hard to offend a redneck hick (recluse). We do the offending.....and don't y'all forget it, either.

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