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Posts posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. See, there is something to be said for us anti-social-ites. :p


    The problem isn't so much your judgement as it is other people's questionable character. I used to think it was a flaw on my part also, but I realized that if others cared how they are perceived, they wouldn't be so openly dishonest. It's just unfortunate that those who would like to believe in the basic goodness of others, can't. I used to be one of those people, myself, and dug in and refused to let other people's lack of morals, scruples or just general badness change me. It's impossible anymore, unless you want to be used or mistreated.


    I give my trust now only to those who've earned it. Not the way I wish to be.....

    oh well.

  2. I felt that way myself until my company gave everyone in the office a biscuit this morning...EXCEPT ME!! :angry2:  I was in the bathroom no more than 5 mins...and bang! I lose out. So I am having a crappy, crappy, and hungry day today. I hmay just vanish at lunch for 2 hours!



    I guess that'll teach you to waste time on such nonsense as bathroom breaks, won't it?


    If you'd said something earlier, I'd have given you mine. I sure as heck didn't need it :wacko:


    Sure was good though.....

  3. No bullets.

    No undue censorship.


    Maybe a minimum maturity level/sense of humor requirement are in order here.


    What about the comments made to and about Lady Raider and TBAR? For that matter, this "victim" was glad to exchange barbs with Arcaidy on more than one occasion, and from all appearances, enjoyed doing so.


    Does righteous not have the option to 'ignore' other members, same as the rest of us?


    I think the fact that many posts made by and about Christians/Christianity are well received by most attests to the fact that there is no bias against Christians here. Seems to me all that's expected by anyone is that the tolerance for our differences flow in both directions.



    Isn't that one of those cults? :unsure:

  4. Then why are there never any positive opinions?  Some people never agree or even comment on threads unless it's to be conflictive.  I just find that funny but that's my perspective.



    Maybe we don't chime in on the posts with which we agree because we aren't the cheerleader type. Of course, it could also be that some of us are cranky and disagreeable and can't stand the thought of another person being happy. Or maybe, just maybe, it's YOUR opinion that's negative, at least in our opinion (to paraphrase what Judgy....er, Lesley, said).


    Since you asked :)

  5. I have never felt I've actually prayed, either, despite spending several years attending church faithfully and having many things on my heart to pray about. It's not the language so much as an inability to focus, or something along those lines. It seems everything except the thing that I intend to pray for just fills my mind up and distracts me at that exact moment, and if there's someone praying out loud, well forget it. Then I can't seem to even focus on any one thought, much less offer up a sincere prayer for anybody or anything, including myself.


    I used to think it was a lack of concern for others that caused this, and that really bothered me; I don't believe that's the case, though because I spend a great deal of time thinking about the troubles people have and I worry needlessly over these things, knowing it does absolutely no good. I think the reason I can't seem to pray about such things is that it seems almost absurd to pray for a desired outcome and then in the same breath pray "thy will be done". I guess I can't see the logic in it.

  6. In daylight, you can definitely tell there was a fire. It looks like it also caused some damage to the upstairs apartment. On one end the window is busted out, the other two are open and the exterior paint in one gable end looks bubbled and dark.


    It just occurred to me yesterday how heavily people using the trail rely on this store, and unless I'm mistaken, it's the first store directly accessible from 278 after you pass the 278/120 intersection (behind the hospital in Dallas)-which is at least 15 miles, if not more. Of course, there's always Scott's and Yorkville Market on Goldmine Road, but that doesn't do much good for someone on the trail or who isn't familiar with the area. Then there's also the store at Braswell, but it's not open on Sunday at the present time, and I don't guess it's easily accessible from the trail, either.


    I hope for the sake of the people who work there, as well as the people who frequent the store, that they get back up and running soon.

  7. Last night when I was going home I saw that and wondered what happened. From the outside it wasn't apparent, but of course it was after dark and since there wasn't a light on anywhere near the building or in the parking lot, it was impossible to see inside. If there was damage to the structure, it was mostly confined to the interior, because I had no idea what might have happened. Thanks for posting this, though, because I was afraid it might have been a robbery or worse.....


    That young guy who works in the evening is always so polite and friendly. He makes a point to remember his customers and their regular purchases and such. Of course, I'm in there almost every day so it's not like he gets much chance to forget..... ^_^


    I hate this for the owner and the employees. I hope they're able to get it fixed up and re-opened soon.

  8. I'm sorry, I simply don't see where it how it could be possible to abuse a child with a flimsy piece of plastic (or at least not to the degree that some other objects would), nor do I think a truly abusive parent would bother with anything like that when a fist or even an open hand used by an adult to strike a child would probably be far more injurious; not to mention the fact that such bullies would likely gain a far greater degree of satisfaction from the use of the latter to inflict their damage



    I doubt you'll find child abusers making such comments, either, because most prefer to not draw attention to the problem, which is also true of spousal abuse. It's commendable that you feel compelled to stand up for what you believe is right, but considering the context in which the comments you take issue with were made, I don't think this particular 'stand' will do much to further your cause.....


    I am in no way attempting to advocate violence or abuse against ANYONE, regardless of their age or relationship. I'm just saying that sometimes you have to consider the context and spirit in which comments are made and reserve the indignation for those situations that where it's warranted and the odds are greater that it will reach those who need to hear it the most.

  9. Hmmm. Being that I'm the only one reading this thread right now, I have to say I don't like (or understand, really) that last post? :huh:


    I'm actually having an ok hair day and I'm fully dressed. Besides, goats eat all sorts of nasty stuff and well, besides eating too many sweets I wouldn't say that's me at all :(

  10. That's why I have an antenna. . . no dish (hate them). . .no cabel (hate them too). . .Free t.v. wow what a concept!!!


    Heyyyyy I got that too!


    Of course, I MIGHT watch tv once or twice a month, if that much, so no way am I going to pay for it.

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