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Posts posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. How was the PO suppose to know your wife was behind you? I am very glad this law was passed, it may have saved the life of one of my children or me for all I know. I also wish they would get all the drunks off the road.  They are there for our protection and I am very glad they are.


    I believe the point he was making was that he was stopped because his tail/brake lights were out, but he knew they weren't because his wife was behind him and could see that they were working.

  2. Discussed action on the Services Agreement with The Hiram Rosenwald Museum.

    Joan Battle stated that they are in the process of restoring the black school, which was established in 1928 and has been accepted on the National and State registers (one of only three in Paulding County).



  3. Know what's tragic and very scary? Many of the comments in this thread.


    After enduring more than a year of it, I'd like to say that as insults go, 'Democrat', 'Republican', 'Liberal' etc. have to be the lamest and most uncreative EVER. Imagine the reaction you'd get if you said that to someone's face on the street (think ridicule). Please try harder or accept your limitations and rely on skills you actually possess to get your point across. Thank you.

  4. I think I'd chalk it up to crankiness and forget about it unless they brought it up again, at which point I'd suggest obedience training for the dogs or earplugs and a couple Midol tablets for the owner :)


    Does the neighbor think it's a magic pen that will make the rabbits invisible to the dogs or something?

  5. I'd think it would be much tougher to grow up with no sense of permanence, having to adjust to whichever foster home was available for me at any given time, than in a stable environment with two committed, loving, same-sex parents who wanted me enough to adopt me.


    About ten years ago, we fostered two little boys who were both under 3 years old. These babies were moved a total of five times within two years, including a misguided attempt to return them to their parents, before being placed for adoption.


    I think any stable, loving family that a child can call their own is preferable to that.


    What makes everybody think these women will subject their child to ridicule by making an issue of their sexuality, anyway? The fact that many people feel compelled to advertise every aspect of their lives to whomever might listen doesn't necessarily mean everyone is that way....

  6. Boy you showed me. I'm sure your kids just love being told "Are you a parent? Doesn't sound like it." I bet they just love that little number.


    I never said don't. I just said be open with your kid. But hey, thanks for listening. I never said your kid was dumb, I made a statement which you took personally. If you are that worried about someone calling your kid dumb then I guess you didn't do a great job in the first place. He or she must have learned how to ignore what's being said from somewhere.

    You can track and hide anything on sites if you're smart enough. That was my point about kids being dumb. But what do I know. It's not like I have experience or anything. I'm not a parent.


    I'm not a parent either, but I was a kid for a number of years, and I believe that qualifies as experience in this case ;) I think some completely missed the point you were trying to make.


    It's one thing to check up on a kid every now and then, and quite another to pretend you trust them and then constantly snoop and spy on them behind their back. That's just dishonest. Why should they value honesty and integrity if you don't? If you treat them with suspicion when they've done nothing wrong, you're teaching them that things like trustworthiness, integrity and responsibility don't matter, so why bother?

  7. Well, that was my first thought- buying a new card. But then I was informed that with HP's integrated cards, you can't just replace the the card....is this faulty info?


    My bro-in-law told my sister how to disable mine, and she came up and did that and we installed the new one with no problem.


    Mine also has an integrated sound chip. Intel.

  8. This happened on a pc I have at home, not sure what caused it. I bought a new sound card at the office supply store, I believe it was between $10-$20. The original one had to be disabled before the new one was installed, but otherwise it works just fine. The OS is Windows ME (which I dislike very much).


    Someone may know an easier way to fix it, but this was the quickest, most hassle-free solution in my case. Good luck.


    PS-Nice ear you got there ;)

  9. obviously you did not read the thread in full.  we are not talking about leaving a pet outside a couple days in a row in 20-30 degree weather.  we are talking about leaving a pet outside...all the time...and it gets below freezing..20's and teens.  totally different situation.


    Totally different if you live in North Dakota, I suppose. :wacko:


    I have a beagle mix that sleeps on the bed in the spare room most nights. My cat doesn't go outside at all, never has-he sleeps at the foot of my bed. If my dog doesn't come in at night, I realize that there are numerous places he can go to get warm, and that he possesses both the intelligence and instinct to do so. Treating them like people doesn't make them people-thank goodness. Their physiology hasn't changed, just our treatment/perception of them.


    I, too, prefer the company of my dog to that of most people, and welcome him to stay indoors whenever he wants.... but that still doesn't change the fact that he was created to live outdoors and is perfectly able to do so. Even on the handful of very cold nights we have here each year.


    And yes, unfortunately I did read every single post.


    Edited to add:

    Why does Animal Control not pick up animals that are left outside all day and all night when it is below freezing outside?
  10. There are a lot of things others find funny that I find sophomoric and/or dull...but there are a lot of things I find funny that others think are inappropriate or offensive


    I enjoy intelligent humor, irony, sarcasm....and don't care for more pedestrian humor like slapstick or sight gags


    But then, I loved beavis & butthead.


    It's a quandary, really.




    Hate to ride along on someone else's answer, but I'm going to anyway. What she said basically sums it up.


    Except the Beavis and Butthead part. Don't really know about that; I don't watch much TV.

  11. To answer the original question, animal control doesn't pick up animals simply because they're kept outside in cold weather for a number of reasons:


    - They don't have a sufficient number of officers to police every dog owner in the county whose dog doesn't have it's own bedroom.

    - The shelter stays full. Where do you propose they keep these animals after picking them up?

    - They are always in need of volunteers to help feed, water and clean up after the animals at the shelter, and for donations of food and other necessities. Are you offering any of the above to offset the extra burden this would place on the shelter? If you want to help make a difference, you'd be far better to volunteer your time there than to fret because your neighbors don't share your views of how cold is too cold or how big is too big, or whatever it is you're trying to have enforced here. We're talking about an animal that might be cold VS. one who has no home, is confined to a relatively small area in the shelter, with its only companionship coming from overworked staff and volunteers or its "cell mates". Many are there on borrowed time, and it will be the last home some of them ever know. So yeah, let's pick up all the dogs that we don't think are comfy enough, just in case someone gets bored and needs some busy-work to do.


    As with most everything else in this country, rather than helping where it's urgently needed, we find it's easier to complain about things that not only aren't actual problems, probably aren't really any of our business, either.


    Domestication doesn't make animals totally dependent on us for survival, it only makes their lives easier and more comfortable-instinct is instinct. We still have it, and so do dogs. I haven't ever heard of a healthy adult dog freezing to death after a night or two outdoors (with shelter available) in 20-30 degree temperatures. Dogs as pets isn't a new concept....keeping them indoors and letting them sleep on furniture and eat off the good dishes, however, is.

    If you think your dog can't survive outdoors on a cold night, you aren't giving the dog nearly enough credit.


    And for the record, I am most definitely a dog-lover. Cats too. I say this on behalf of animal control personnel, the Humane Society, and the many selfless volunteers who not only help the shelter staff care for the animals so they are able to tend their other duties, but whose generosity and kindness makes life a little nicer for the animals during their time at the shelter. You are all very much appreciated.

  12. Do you know where they were headed? If you don't want to go to a local law enforcement agency, you might consider contacting the authorities at this person's destination?

  13. No problem with it here....but I agree with Lesley, it's one thing to prove that nobody minds, and a whole 'nother to show that it's something folks support and would like to have, so it might have helped to ask for yes votes for those who would like to see a forum for your ministry. It also might help to become a commerce member....


    A commerce member is one who pays for the privilege of promoting/advertising, etc. a business or other enterprise on this site, if I understand correctly.

  14. If nothing's been added but a smilie, then what's the big deal? Just ignore it.


    My grandmother told me that's the best way to get rid of someone who annoys you, just pay them no attention. Since that's all they want, they'll find something else to do or someone else to bother. Works every time.

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