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Posts posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. Yeah, it was. I think something happened recently and was added to this thread. Seems to have been an ongoing problem she was having, but I never saw any previous threads pertaining to this person.


    Guess she just wanted to mention that this was Tonny Beavers's relative, though I'm not sure why that matters if Tonny hasn't done anything improper.


    So much for clearing up fabricated stories.


    Oh well.

  2. I have been checking on Paulding.com every now and then, wanting to see what the next story or updates are on this Stacy Vaughn @ 420 Compton Rd...Well, I guess its time that I, (Stacie Vaughn)...yes, thats me...got on here and cleared up all of these fabricated stories, because they are getting way out of hand. If Paulding County




    I'm a bit confused as to how scanner calls could be fabricated, but since the whole incident is rather confusing, by all means, feel free to tell what really went on. I thought that was your whole reason for posting on this thread...or that's what you seemed to be saying right there^^^. :blink:


    JSYK, I think they frown on naming names of people involved in anything that can't be substantiated or verified.

  3. Okay...let me rephrase....Muscadines don't make GOOD wine. Only redneck wine! :lol:


    Uh, beg to differ on that point. My ex made some very good muscadine wine one year...actually, I think he made it from muscadines AND scuppanongs, mixed together. It was very light pink and not at all like the heavy, headach-y muscadine wine I remember drinking years ago....

  4. It's a typical quid pro quo. It's vote-buying. Voters have become inured to Republican fraud. That accounts for the lack of interest in the topic. No one's surprised!


    Yeah, that^^^.


    Nobody seems to have found a way to either discredit the story or blame it on Bill Clinton, so what's left to say? Most folks don't care to be taken for a fool, much less to have to admit to it.

  5. If nobody answers before then, I'll stop and look at the sign and post when I get home this evening. :)

    I'm pretty sure they're open weekdays, not sure of the hours, but for sure not after dark. Price, no clue.


    Been years since I went there.

  6. The house is almost across from the subdivision beside Sonny's old package store, right next to Yorkville Pass. It's on the left if you're traveling north on 101.


    Rev, it's on 101 N, beyond Yorkville Market if you're headed toward Rockmart.

  7. However, our system is designed to not surcharge you for any incidents disclosed before we are able to verify that the incidents are indeed chargeable.


    Obviously it wasn't a case of not knowing what was on the record, it was in the rating system, so obtaining the MVR wouldn't have changed anything in this case. Why would anyone design rating software that would not charge a violation or accident until the point of sale? Bad for customer relations, if you ask me...


    How are you supposed to provide an accurate quote if you can't rate violations or accidents disclosed by the prospective client until after the sale is made? :blink:

  8. I came through there and saw several patrol cars, fire rescue and Clark Ambulance at someone's house, but I couldn't tell what was going on either. I saw a couple of girls, maybe teenagers, but that was it.


    It was between 6:30 & 7:00 pm when I was by there.

  9. Yeah the State instituted an outdoor watering ban a couple of years ago. It hasn't been enforced by any counties lately because we are out of the drought. Paulding County has no watering ban going.
    So isn't it a little misleading to print on the water bills that there IS a watering ban? No, actually it's downright dishonest.

    What a surprise.


    The number of new building permits actually decreased.

    Could you be more specific as to which year there were fewer building permits issued, and how that relates to last year and this year to date? How is it possible that the number of permits issued decreased even as the number of houses per development increased?


    One point that hasn't been mentioned is that more houses per development equals more people placing a burden on county services and infrastructure, adding to traffic congestion, and increasing the number of kids in the school system. This is the most critical issue of all and one fact that cannot be glossed over or generalized to make it any less problematic.

  10. If there is an "abundance" of water, then why are we on permanent restrictions ?



    A question I've asked repeatedly and have yet to see answered.


    Maybe you'll have better luck getting a response than I have so far.


    We shall see, I suppose.

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