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Dallas Bigfoot

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Posts posted by Dallas Bigfoot

  1. Newt is right on as to fixing the problem. Insure instead of throwing good money after bad. Shelby from Alabama presented data from economic experts that said the bailout was wrong and that sparked the anger at the meeting. Why not get Forbes, Trump, Buffet and economic experts together to solve the problem and leave politics out of it. Heck, Bill Gates, Forbes and Trump could just loan the money to the bailout requestors and that would solve the problem. NO TAXPAYERS MONEY. WRITE YOUR CONGRESSMEN TODAY!.

  2. After you get the teeth cleared. Beet pulp and Alfalfa cubes....you HAVE to soak them for about 8 hours till its the consistency of oatmeal. It does an awesome job especially with older horses. They tend to get dehydrated and this gets them up to par quick. Please be aware that if you get the beet pellets you MUST soak them or you will have a guaranteed colic. PM me and I'll be happy to help you out with it. I've got a 25 year old walking horse who look like a 8 year old. When they get some age on them its very important to keep the fluid in them. Good Luck! :)


    P.S. If you can stay away from the real cheap feeds that are out there. It goes right through them. Look for the higher fat content feeds.


    Will this improve the health of older people?

  3. The Bush doctrine of deregulation and no oversight is similar to bad parenting. You can't have it both ways! Those of you who supported Bush are to blame for this clustermess! You supported him by telling him that the President has a privileged position, so-called "Executive Privilege". You trusted his office to maintain the "general welfare" with no accountability to the general public.


    Well, this is what you get with no regulation - a clustermess that Bush decided must be bailed out by you. This is his legacy!! And McCain has been right behind him, supporting him all the way. What I don't see is why there are ANY Americans who want four more years of SNAFUs!


    When was the last time you took a US history course? CONGRESS makes all the laws and regulations. Obama's top dog was CEO to either Fanni or Freddie.


    "Thank you, sir -- May I have another???"


    See, you can't, on one hand, villify the Democrats for high taxes. What has the four dollar price of gas at the pump been, but a ream-job by Bush/McCain/Big Oil? What is the bailout, but a two-by-four up the wazoo by Bush/McCain/Big Finance? These are taxes!!! You're paying for deregulation and no oversight. It's "pay now or pay later"!


    What have the dumbocrates done since they won two years ago to solve the problem? NOTHING! And they think it is patriodic to pay MORE taxes.


    You either have regulation and oversight (Democrats), which is a responsible approach, or devil-may-care, caution-to-the-wind, spend like a drunken sailor Republican tactics.


    It will take years for us to get out of this quagmire that McCain's/Bush's party has gotten us in.


    Quagmire Smuagmire. You are paying $4 a gallon for gas because the dumbocrats can't get of their pompous a____ and do something to FIX the problem. Oh right. They now agree to drilling off the coast. Why? It's election time. And Ramabama dingdong wants to tax you so YOU have to pay the mortgages for the inept fools who bought houses they could not afford. Listen carefully what he says. Neighborly is another word for socialism. So next time you get paid take half of it and give it to a stranger who has a big house he knew he was not qualified to buy.

    A long time ago, I gave this analysis about the McCain/Bush Party:


    It's like a friend who borrows your truck and takes it out to the swamp to go mudding. He gets it stuck up to the windows in mud and calls you to go get it. "It's YOUR truck" he says. "I left the keys in the ignition - It's not going anywhere!"


    And some of you want to lend the truck to the McCain/Bush Party again???? Why???


  4. I have a 2002 Siverado truck, 5.3 engine and 4 WD automatice transmission. Got in my truck to back out of driveway and had no reverse. Had to drive through yard to level ground to check fluid. Putting it in drive works but sounds funny. Drove down road and then checked fluid while running and fluid was low. Added fluid, drove but still no reverse. Nothing happens.


    Who is a reasonable transmission repair shop around Dallas/Hiram.

  5. Did you see where Nancy Pelosi and Reid both said it wasn't theirs or the dumocrats fault and it was all Bush's fault. The news media showed where the dumocrats were the ones who sponsored deregulation. Congress amkes the laws and regulations not the President. I am not too happy with Bush either. remeber that two of Obamas top advisors headed up either Fannie Mae or Freddie Max. SCARY if he is elected. I have been watching the discussion on tv and there is a lot of BS and double speak coming out of the head of the SEC and the tresurer secretary.

  6. I'm Scotch, Iris and English. I had two great aunts that traced our family heritage back to Europe. I am kin to Edward the first................the one that did in Wallace. On the Scottish side I am kin to the Stewarts who was a noble and which fought with Wallace and later with Robert the Bruce. I wear my Royal Stewart kilts every chance I get. Check it out at the Stone Mountain Highland games. As to being Irish, I will drink to that.

  7. We're going to my 4 year old granddaughter's soccer game here in Paulding and then rush over to Cobb to watch our 11 year old garndson's soccer game and then watch some good college football with snacks and adult beverages. Have a nice and careful day. Pray for our troops and the economy to get better.

  8. I just saw the replay of that 'Brits' comments on the news. Who is this jerk to come to America and tells us who to vote for President. He was 'smoked' to say the least. Next he will tell us we need to come back under the common wealth of GB.

  9. Just wondering.


    The deadline to vote in the General (Presidential) Election is October 6, 2008. The election will be the first Tuesday in November.



    Vote November 4.




    October 6, 2008: Last day a person may register and be eligible to vote in the General and Nonpartisan Election and Runoff. O.C.G.A. 21-2-224 (a)



    Please make your voice heard and VOTE!!!!!


















    Paulding County Elections and Registration



    120 East Memorial Drive

    Suite B

    Dallas, Georgia 30132

    Telephone: 770-443-7503

    Fax: 770-443-7548




























    Thanks for this posting. I wish there were a way we could get more people to the polls. It's a previledge not a right. this is a critical time for the country and we to elect the right people nationally as well as locally.


  10. My son, Mr Business major, says LLC protects small business owners more and is the way to go.


    If you for a straight corporation it, the corporation , has to pay income tax on the earnings. An LLC does not in that what monies are drawn out by the officers is paid by each individual officer as regular income. You have to have a president/CFO/treasurer and one other position such as secretary. You can do it yourself over the internet but if you aren't comfortable with it go to an accountant. Call around for the best price. Mine, who is in Roswell, charged me $250 but it was worth it. Then you can take the papers to a bank an open a corporate (LLC) business account and then go make a lot of money.


  11. Ever wonder why the violet protestors cover their faces? That's because if they are identified their parents might take away their Mercedes or BMW and not support them. Most of these people go from event to event with the intent on disrupting our way of life. I support the police cracking down whether with pepper spray or a crack on the head. These idiots have no respect for the law or anyone. Wonder how many are hopped up on drugs during their attacks.

  12. Found this one by the river the other day. It was HUGE.

    I was skeerd to get too close to it……… and I aint (usually) skeert of em.








    This looks like the spider I found hanging by our motion light except it had a large sack.............probably eggs. Sprayed it with wasp/hornet spray and as it started sliding down the web I blasted it with raid and more wasp spray. Lost it in the bushes and wasn't going to hunt for it. Hope it's dead. Biggest spider I've seen in years.

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