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Dallas Bigfoot

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Posts posted by Dallas Bigfoot

  1. Beach Bum I think you fail to see the point. It is not up to anyone to prove, as in a court of law, allegations against Jerry. Be honest. By all the comments under different titles that the citizens of paulding County don't have any faith, trust or respect for Jerry. If by a long shot Jerry wins Tuesday, NO on will ever believe him, trust him and definitely not respect him ever again. Jerry should just pack up his tent and move on to the next road show. There is one thing for sure. By Jerry's actions in the BOC meeting he himself proved he is arrogant, pompous and disrespectful of the people who placed him there.


    Does anyone know where the David Austin victory party will be?

  2. Did you ever think that the king wanted someone to attack his wife about the wrong day so at the next BOC meeting he could say "see, they even attacked my wife about a letter she put out to help me. whine, whine, whine, whine, you are picking on me again". I bet in grammer school he got his behind beat a lot for being a smarty pants. Jerry seems to be the person that would call attention to the teacher that she forgot to assign homework. WHINE!

  3. I said I wasn't going to blog but I just couldn't resist these aforementioned statements. I would say that Jerry immediately got his attack dogs out to try and discredit the ethics accusations put out about ethic violations. Jerry didn't violate any ethics because he has none and you clowns are just p------- in the wind because the citizens who pay his salary know what he hgas been doing. Either you all are die hard Shearinites are your head has been in the sand too long. Get a life or find something more worthwhile to do. BLAHHHHHHHHHHHH!

  4. In the summer 2008 of 'The Pulse of Paulding' it has Shearin and others on the front page with 'Meet the Candidates Inside!' across the picture. Why wasn't Austin in the picture? The Pulse is edited and published by Paulette Braddock who is running for school b oard district 3. In her campaign ad on page 14 she is listed as Paulette Rackstraw. Is that name dropping or what? I thought her name was Paulette Rakestraw Braddock. Is she not proud of her husbands name or did she get a divorce? She has been on the school board for EIGHT years. They keep raising the mils and your taxes keep going up. Accountability or a change is needed?


    Enough said. No more comments for a while. Have you started thinking about our leaders?

  5. I know TODD and he's definately not a fool. He's a concerned citizen who is sick and tired of being TAXED out the wazoo.


    I'm voting for David Austin..., but I don't like the threatening of hellfire to Shearin. That's totally inappropriate and uncouth and downrigt "foolish".


    When voters look at issues facing Paulding's citizens, they will vote in favor of David Austin.


    I wasn't threating hellfire to Shearin. I just know what the bible says in Matthew chapter 5 verse 22. Go read it. And if you ask anyone who was at the meeting Shearin several times made reference to "making you (Todd) look like a fool". What else was he calling him....................... a concerned citizen who had his facts wrong? Todd should be praised for standing up to Shearin.


  6. After todays BOC meeting I am now wondering about honesty. Maybe the word should be misleading. Shearin said no increase in the rate this year. But quess what? Your taxes have gone up through the back door. Although your property is worth less your property taxes went up. Correct? That is the BOC tax increase through the back door. Figure it out people. No rate increase but they get it from raising your property value thus RAISE IN TAXES! Honesty or misleading?

  7. At the end of the BOC meeting today Todd Pownall asked the BOC about raising taxes referencing the email sent out by Pat Crook. He gave a copy to Jerry and Jerry said he had never seen the email. He belittled Todd by saying one of his opponents people had given Todd this to make Todd look like a fool. He said this several times...........making Todd look like a fool. Of course the other BOC said they hadn't planned to raise taxes and Shearin said the the rate would be the same as last year with an announcement being in the local paper this week. He tried to get Todd to say who sent the anonymous eamil to him and Todd didn't know who did it. Jerry tried to get sympathy by saying he got an anonymous email saying he sould have been on the plane when it crashed. THEN Pat said she sent the email to the BOC to let them know what had to be published should the rate be changed.

    Jerry LIED when he said he had never seen the email. Liar, liar pants on fire.

    Jerry saying Todd was given the email to make him look like a fool is really calling him a fool. Matthew 5, 22 says if you call a person a fool you are in danger of hell fire.

    Why does Jerry think he has to belittle anyone to questions the BOC? He forgets that person is a voter. Why is Jerry so pompous? Come on Jerry and treat people with respect.

  8. If Jerry fails to file by 5 PM today billboards should go up about his lack of ethics. If he files a billboards should still go up showing his business associates and property rezonings approved by the BOC and also his out of Paulding County contributions. He may file but un-intentionally leave off certain contributors and call it an oversight. He could wait until after the primary to do file and plead ignorance of the law.


    Wasn't he fined a while back for campaign funding problems? Try and figure out what he will do.

  9. At the next BOC meeting everyone who can should show up with a name tag size notice with RAISE MY TAXES LOOSE MY VOTE. It can't be on a sign you carry but if it were put on a name tag it would not be disruptive. It is called free speech. And if anyone refused to let you wear it it would be against free speech and means more ammunition against the "king". It is one way to try and get the BOC's attention which at this point I think they don't really care what we think.

  10. By all means lets do be fair, what this really means is that our tax rate for all bonds issues By the County has now been almost Tripled, From .05 mils to 1.4 Mils and not for just this year, But for at least the next 15 years, and my guess is for at least 25 years.


    While some will say this amounts to coke a day, One must remember that this is for at least 15 years, and this my friend is a lot of cokes.


    Couple this increase with the School Board increase, and pretty soon, it takes a couple of cokes per day to pay our tax increase.


    Where does it end? for the Past eight years the Commissioners and the School Board have raised our taxes.


    This is not a conservative government, All they know is tax and spend


    Challenge to all taxpayers look At your taxes paid in 2002 compare with 2007 five Years and your taxes has more than Doubled


    Time to throw out all the tax and spend elected officials.


    "Tax and Spend" also "SPIN". I tried to tell you Jerry was really a Democrat. Jerry has one big ego. Two people love Jerry. His wife and himself.


  11. Haven't you figured it out yet? Shearin is a democrat in disguise. Who else would slam/slander an opponet when he is guilty of some questionable actions except a democrat. Shearin is falling right in there with his mailings and ads. He is trying to take the pressure/questionable behavior off of him and put it on David. When the people realize this they will tar and feather Shearin for calling himself a republican and acting like a democrat. Keep it up Jerry. You are digging the hole deeper. Figure it out.

  12. If what I have heard about our wonderful BOC leasing out the court house and the annex to a college is sooooooooooooo stupid. MORE TRAFFIC! And, not to put down students because I was one once, but they don't really give a rats ___ about how Dallas looks and if they keep it clean. The first thing we will here from them is the citizens of Dallas take all the parking or vice versa. Then they will want to "hang" out in downtown and party all hours. I heard that Dallas didn't want any restaurants that allowed beer or wine. Did the BOC ask the Dallas citizens if they had a problem with this.............don't think so because the BOC have proven time after time they do they want and will not accept inputs from us lowly citizens. What's next for Paulding county...............Hell's Angels bike rallies in Dallas.

  13. First, did yoy put it in yourself? If you did, you are supposed to put sand in the weight sections under the steps. You should have gotten plugs for the under sections to put into them after you put in the sand. This will make it heavy and should keep it stable. Another thing I did to our steps was drill 1/4 holes several places on the other edge of each step which, when placed in the pool, lets out the air trapped under each step. Do you have a deck around the pool at the steps? We put in one and took the stablizer arm over the deck, added a block of wood under after screwing it to the deck. Then screw the stabilizer arm to the block. Now no problems.

  14. When cleaning out the garage I found an old Bob Barr sign from back when he was a respectable republicans. I put it up in my front yard and sure enough I have at least 6 neighbors asked me if I was voting for Barr. One asked if I had lost it. Another wanted it taken down because he was for Osama........I mean Obama. Of course I said I wasn't sure who I was voting for except it wasn't Obama. Like to keep people on their toes and think for a change instead of following blindly like the Shearin crowd.

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