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Posts posted by sheri714

  1. I'm so happy Owen is home that's what is most important. :)


    the phone call that your son received makes me mad and it will probley happen to someone else.

    I found the post about the other prank caller. I am going to try and cut and paste it her so maybe if someone else receives a call like this they will be aware of the pranking punks out there.


    A young male called my cell phone saying he had information on my missing beagle Laylee. I go so hopefull and asked do you have her. He said I did but I ran her over with my truck. I broke down and started crying. Then he chimed in and started laughing. Then he hung up. What in the world would cause someone to wanna be so freakin cruel and mean. I hoep this is not what happend,.. I still wainting on a reply email from A hunter who was hunting on our road. But I still cant belive someone could do this


    Missing Female Beagle Laylee


    This was such a heartless thing to do I am sorry. I can't help but think that this person runs in the same crowd that called tbird about their dog. This sort of behavior should be dealt with one way or another! I read in another thread someone called and told the owner that another guy had the dog, and what was the reward? once the husband was mentioned they never showed or called back. I realize

    things like this happen, but there seems to be a lot of missing dogs and to many jerks trying to take advantage or just be down right cruel.




  2. Thank you Sheri for your concern! Dylan is better, but not great, now Caity is sick. So..............



    update on Bud:

    AC has been short staffed today there was only 1 road officer, and day before yesterday when we were out there he was NO WHERE to be found, however, 15 minutes after AC left, he came moseying back up. So, I talked to them today and told them that tomorrow they DO NOT need to pull into the driveway AT ALL, park in the yard by the mail box and walk down to my truck. I will give him the meds and proceed as planned but that is the only way his smart booty is going to get got!


    Tell Caity we said hey and get well soon.

    You are so right, If you have the meds. that's great! That's the only way to get him. I'm anxious for his successful rescue too. If you don't have him by Sat. let me know maybe we can think of something, even at the b...crack of dawn if you want. : )

  3. A young male called my cell phone saying he had information on my missing beagle Laylee. I go so hopefull and asked do you have her. He said I did but I ran her over with my truck. I broke down and started crying. Then he chimed in and started laughing. Then he hung up. What in the world would cause someone to wanna be so freakin cruel and mean. I hoep this is not what happend,.. I still wainting on a reply email from A hunter who was hunting on our road. But I still cant belive someone could do this :angry2:






    Missing Female Beagle Laylee


    This was such a heartless thing to do I am sorry. I can't help but think that this person runs in the same crowd that called tbird about their dog. This sort of behavior should be dealt with one way or another! I read in another thread someone called and told the owner that another guy had the dog, and what was the reward? once the husband was mentioned they never showed or called back. I realize

    things like this happen, but there seems to be a lot of missing dogs and to many jerks trying to take advantage or just be down right cruel.


  4. Sorry folks---but I just had to bump again.


    My son recieved acll today (from the flyers he put up) and we are hoping it was a prank call. It was untraceable and they asked if he was the one with all the dog flyers up and then they told him that his dog was dead and hung up. He is so upset right now and out looking again.


    Please, please, please---if anybody sees him---let us know.




    I'm sorry your pup is still missing, I hope you find him soon. I hate that someone could be so cruel

    as to make a call like that I hope it was just some jerks idea of a prank. I wish there was a way to trace that call I think there is a way if you contact your service provider to track any calls that come

    in, I don't remember what that option is called something like call tracer.

    I saw a post a few weeks ago someone made about their missing Beagle I believe she had some signs posted around also and she received a call like that, the caller said he had her dog that he ran over it with his truck and hung up. I bet it's the same punk, I wish we could catch this ... punk!

    Keep us posted. We will keep an eye out for your baby too.

  5. Sorry I didn't call you back yesterday, it was CRAZY! We had family pics and Dylan is sick, he has ulcers on his lower front gumline and is cutting 2 molars! Poor baby feels so bad he can't eat, cries all day on and off , and all night, so I took him to the Dr. to make sure he didn't have any on his little throat. Thank God he doesn't! I have a humongous swollen gland on my neck, and I feel run down, not bad yet, just not good.

    But in all this crap I have WONDERFUL news!!

    AC got the OK, after some going back and forth with Dr. Lugar, to give him a sedative tomorrow. So I am going to meet them out there after they call me and we should have him tomorrow! I am so relieved! I just hope this guy is adoptable and gets a great home! :wub:


    I hope Dylan is feeling better soon poor baby, I hope you got a smile out of him for the family photos.

    I'm sorry you not feeling well either, stress is taking it's toll. Sounds like everything is falling into place now, I'm certain all is going to go smoothly with Bud, I'm glad you are going ahead of them to feed him as usual and I'm sure it'll work fast. Let's just think positive as usual. I'll be thinking about y'all until I hear something. I know you'll post as soon as you can. Have a great day! :)

  6. I can't say it enough -- crate train, crate train, crate train. Specifically at human eating time.


    I totally agree with crate training I have had Dobermans for over 25yrs all inside dogs. most of them were rescues and never been house dogs. I bought the first crate a few years ago when I adopted a 1 yr. old Doberman that was going to a car junk yard to be used as a guard dog or either put down, because he had serious behavior problems (big time serious!) I had a hard time taking the advice to crate train at first because I wanted my dogs to have the freedom of the home and I didn't think they would be happy in a crate. Thank goodness we bought a crate on the way home with the dog, and another one a year later when I brought home his brother. It's the best thing for the dog.


    Try a water bottle when she starts to jump on anyone. Be sure to have it handy so you can spray her at the moment she starts to jump. Of every thing that I have tried for correcting this type of behavior the water bottle has worked the best with my big rambunctious boys (now four and three) If they get a little to rowdy or playing to rough, all I have to do now is ask "where's the water bottle" and they stop immediately and look at me, its funny when they shake like they really got sprayed and there's not a water bottle in the room. I'm glad you brought her in too, have patience and good luck!


  7. Well Ash I was hoping to read some good news. I know you had a busy day, hope all went well with the family plans, you needed the day off. It was soooooo cold my fingers still feel frozen. It was an interesting day. I'm sorry that you didn't catch him I know how badly you wanted to wrap this up. Your determination is to be admired. Bud has a good friend and doesn't even know it but I'm certain he appreciates the meals, your so right he is a stubborn dog. He must have really been mistreated by someone. If you need my help don't hesitate in calling. I was hoping that A.C. was able to get him today. I get out of work around 3:30 wednesday if you need my help. It was nice to meet you and your daughter.

    I really hope everything is alright. I wanted so badly to go by this evening but I figured it would most definitely be best not to, after what the homeowner was put through yesterday j/k, he is a patient and tolerable man. Give us an update as soon as you can.

  8. :lol: You were cautious with the way you worded your poodle offerings????? :huh: :p


    Does your Hubby have any idea of what might happen by his insistance? B) :lol: :lol:




    First of all "young lady"i.... :angry: ... I'm not interested in stuffed beaver! And Second of all... I have never tenderly wrapped my Beaver in a towel.....I have always allowed my Beaver to have exposure to the elements and air drying prevents chaf! B) :lol:


    awww MizCue no one has called me young lady like that (with a :angry2:) since my mother.

    That's been over 23 yrs., and as for the beaver: I recall a story "now don't quote me on this"

    but it was something about a building fire in Dallas and your heartfelt concern for the safety of a certain beaver. :wub: And second of all... I must confess a lie my hubby didn't take anything away from me or insist anything of me (nor would he), I must credit him as he was right beside me gathering supplies and helping in the creation of a home made "stick lead" . He actually was the one that tenderly wrapped the big pink poodle and placed it on the porch, (o.k. there I go streachin it again) It was me.

    Any-who... you are a hoot and quick witted much quicker than I, no competition here.

    Although... you may find that you have a new stalker :ph34r: , I now know where to get

    my daily chuckle on. ***Thank you, and I'm your friend, ALSO! :wub: .***


    I must be on my way to this "Very Special Project" in case Ash wants me to hold Rose and whimper and bark, enticingly. :wub:

  9. I see...so that means if Bud and his Poodle friend become emotionally and physically involved there will be lots of little RoseBuds in the Spring!



    You mean really strange strangers.....walking around with stuffed pink poodles wrapped tenderly in blankets and smelling of Doggie menses...? I can't imagine anyone having a problem with that going on in their backyard.... Now on the outside chance anyone ends up in Court concerning this "Very Special Project" and their sentence includes a "Treatment Special Condition". I have personal knowledge of a therapist who will take this case on with no charge!


    Alrighty now MizCue I was just waiting on that one. :p That's why I was cautious with the way I worded my offerings of Rose the stuffed poodle. I can't help but giggle myself, I can just see Ash trudging across this family's backyard with all her capture devices in tow. I bet the family will be sitting at the kitchen table having breakfast and looking out the sliding glass door in bewilderment. :o

    My husband has since taken my car keys away and insist I get your number for free therapy... :ph34r:


  10. Oh, and please put an old towel in there too. I will come get it tomorrow if the weather permits. Otherwise, put it in a ziploc baggie in a fridge (yuck I know, but that will keep it from spoiling), or somewhere COLD. PM me your number and address and directions, Yorkville is out past Rose's store towards Cartersville right? Or am I going to another lil area?? I get cornfrused!! :blush:


    It's cold enough outside on the porch. :p

    "ROSE" the pretty pink poodle is on the porch, awaiting her scented encounter with Bud :wub: :wub: :wub:


    Ash, I hope you don't end up on UTUBE :D


  11. I would love to have the pink poodle for him!! At least there would be something in there that should be smelling like some lovin'!! I would think even with the scent he would have to have something visual to draw him in. And dogs don't know that other dogs aren't supposed to be pink!! So, Thanks!!

    I am calling him Bud, since the homeowners dog is Buddy, and that name is just natural when I talk to a stray male dog, I figured I'd shorten it and call him Bud, like Budweiser!!

    I will be able to go tomorrow morning, I have to do something tomorrow afternoon, family pics, but I may reschedule them to get this done.

    How many people can help tomorrow??


    Ash I wrapped the poodle in my dogs blanket so he would at least have a dog scent, I live at

    Dallas Nebo and Smith Ferguson. I would be glad to bring the poodle to you and food out to Bud this afternoon or tonight

    but I don't know where to go past the church and I'm sure the property owner doesn't want a bunch of strangers in their back yard, day in and day out. I will leave the poodle on my front porch by the door in case you want it and cant reach me. I Left you a voice mail a few hours ago, I thought maybe your

    having the family photo shoot (CHEEZZZ) :D I'm on the corner next to fire dept.

  12. Ash,

    I'm certain that the playpen doesn't have a bottom, also they are usually quite large, so it probably wouldn't double as a crate. It would be quite useful, if Wendy's offer still stands. No problem once he is corralled he can be put into a crate or restrained in the truck.

    ********** Ash******** Don't go by the Dollar store.******** I have a large stuffed pink Poodle you can have! (don't ask!) I thought about it b-4 but didn't want to sound, well you know...

    ***IT'S HIS TO DO WHAT EVER HE WANTS...**************************************

    I also bought him a large bag of giant dog biscuits tonight, (does he have a name?)

    and I could round up some wire or make some sort screening out of bailing twine I have plenty of twine and a little plastic mesh that goes around the trees.

    We don't want to overwhelm him all at once, so maybe if you can set up pen in a.m.. he can get used to going in a larger area (than the trap) to eat and meet his new friend, by evening it might just work. Who knows its worth a shot right?

    and I love getting out in the snow so if supplies are gathered and anyone is going let me know, I left my cell# with Sowife and Ash I can be reached after noon.


    Just saw Wendys reply after mine. besides being a slow type I have had many interruptions.

  13. got it on a pee pad and a diaper right now, who wants them??? :p


    seriuosly, I will hang on to it if needed, could also put an old towel in her bed for her to sleep in. Someone let me know. I am in Yorkville.

    Good thinking on the towel :D And good job on the pad! Im not sure where Yorkville is, but if you decide to go with this and no one else is close to Y'ville, pm me and let me know to see if I can help out. Thanks for all your help!!

  14. Anyone who may be seeing Ash and can come by Dallas Billiards...I have something I need delivered to her.... If we can get a female in heat inside the fence I bet that rascal would go right inside!


    I'm sure he would, maybe a female even if not in heat just take her out for a visit or two. Put her in a pen alone and back off, if you can get a scent pad or urine in a bottle to rub or sprinkle around inside of the pen too, (is there a vet or anyone with animal control willing to give you this?) Leave the pen open after you leave so he can go in and out without feeling threatened. I think Wendy's pen is large enough to run a divider across the center with some hog wire or chicken wire. After he has gotten familiar with it then close in with some nets or flexible fence (like the type they use around newly planted trees to keep dogs away.) We could even tack up some hog wire around some trees and make a temporary pen leave enough wire out to close in like a gate. Maybe someone has some to donate or loan.




    *** Ash,

    I can help you Friday, Saturday and Sunday after three until dark or as late as you want. If we tack up some fencing it would probably be best to do it when he's not around.


    Ash, call me after one on Friday or p.m. me if you don't have my number any longer. I will be glad to help I'm sorry that I can't help in the a.m..

  15. You know, I think the nastiness is uncalled for, I think everyone gets down on their luck sometimes and she swallowed her pride to even ask, and I would hate to think she would request a ride from strangers for some red man or beer :blink: People's ugliness cease to amaze me on this board. Susana, If I were home and saw your post I would have taken you, Im on Hiram Sudie, and I hate you had to endure such ridicule for asking. Lets just hope she didnt have a baby that needed milk while others were passing judgement. :angry: Also, from what I understand, her car broke down, she's not on here with internet access asking for money to pay her house note!!!!


    Hey I love your signature. How bout on the grill with a cold brew and...

  16. We are currently with Dish, I like it better than Direct TV. I know what a bad reputation cable companies have, but I would choose Comcast again over the two satellite providers. I don't like contracts and Comcast was the only one that didn't require one the last time we used them, that may be different now also it seemed more user friendly. I never had a problem with any of the three mentioned.

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