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Posts posted by sheri714

  1. While I understand your concern, the pound isn't always a death sentence for the animals. They have a chance of being found by their owners, adopted out to a new family, or rescued via any of the rescue agencies that check in. Sometimes, they become a "resident" of the pound. They do what they can to save as many as they can.


    It's only best to call, even if euthanize is the "future". They won't starve on the streets, nor will they suffer if they get hit. Sad but true.


    Careless pet owners Suck :closed eyes:



    I understand how you feel rschwartz , a couple of weekends I had a similar situation I decided to make a post on Internet cafe and four legged frenzy. you may have seen it re:chocolate lab loose, a good lead came in from the neighbor of the dogs owner ,that was on a sat.or sun. / well mon. morning as I was fixin to go to work i heard some commotion outside , the poor dog had gotten hit by a car it looked serious i called the closest vet and discovered he had been brought in , the vets staff couldn't divulge any info. I stated I was interested in helping w/coast if needed ,also wanted to know if his family was there with him and they were ( IF YOU WANT TO CALL THEM FAMILY ), i later found out from a replier to my post, the owners were going to have him euthanized rather than take responsibility they should have known came along with a pet even when you allow your children or another family member to bring one home . Reportedly a very kind lady that happened to be there took on the responsibility herself . thankfully for the dog, that day his guardian angel was there .he seemed like a really good dog and i hope he's made a full recovery . I have tried to follow up but know one seem to have an update . I apologize for rambling on but this brought back memories.

    ***IF ANYONE KNOWS THIS LADY, OR IF YOU HAPPEN TO READ THIS ~THANK YOU ! ! ! *** good deeds don't go unnoticed...

  2. :p

    What happened to your orig. post ? good thing you edited , not appropriate for this site...


    Your certainly right Sheri714, the topic is truly offensive not only to me but I'm sure the rest of the p.commers. Too bad you can't edit a topic, but I will say this, careful of who you trust with your passwords :ph34r: !!!! By the way, how's the morning sickness??





    NEVER underestimate your elders !!! You started it , only right that I finish it . I had fun toying with you. P.S. I wouldn't call a little hangover morning sickness ... I chose not to ever have morning sickness , LETS CALL A TRUCE no more childs play .

    Love Ya,



    PLEASE, accept our apologies to any who witnessed last nights behavior.

  3. aww... now guys, I know your heart is in the right place, but we don't know what the extent of the injuries were - nor do we know what the estimate was for treatment - sometimes, it is more humane to euthanize -


    Let's keep the positive thoughts flowing, not the negative :D


    Hey Brown Bag Girl , I think I understand your reply , but do you know if he was euthanized ?

    Did you see the reply by weesa ? She said a lady that was at the vets office "took him over".

    I was wondering if there was more info., if the lady that took him over (if he is still alive) that she may need some help w/ cost or finding him a home . Dr. Lugars office won't or can't give out any info. . I always seem to get attached to the dogs in the neighborhood and the ones I see on my way to work everyday esp. the ones chained to trees,I guess attached is the wrong word, its more concern for their well being .

  4. I'm sorry you are hurting so badly. I understand , no matter how old they may be or even how thankful we are that they passed peacefully in their sleep it always hurts so very deeply when they pass , I know you are going to miss that precious little girl for a long time . I pray for your comfort and peace , and strength and strong will for your fathers recovery .

  5. Does anyone know how many registered voters there are in Paulding? What percentage of voters voted?
    Not sure how many registered voters there are in Paulding Co. but it was stated over 10,000 people turned out , OBVIOUSLY NOT ENOUGH !!! I barley made to the polls from work trying to put in as many hours as poss. to pay taxes I owe !!!! (so they say), but who am I to argue with the GOVERNMENT ??? NOBODY !!! (so they say!!!)
  6. A sign was put up today , someone found a blonde cocker spaniel I have the phone # if anyone has heard of someones missing ,I thought I saw a post on here awhile back but I couldn't find it tonight. I saw the sign at Dls/Nebo rd. & Smith Ferguson rd

  7. Hi-C

    Try pinning the boys up at night or some time during the day w/o toys then when you let them out play tug toy or fetch something to wear them out a little , then a little later give a kong or nylabone alternate toys so they don't get bored w/ the same ones and pick them up when they are finished playing w/ them try this routine for awhile, it helped whith my dogs a 3yr and 2yr old , mine also love chasing the flashlight . They will get better the older they get.

  8. I called Dr. Luger's office b/c she is the closest vet in the area, they told me that there was a chocolate lab hit and brought into their office but that they couldn't divuldge any information. I just asked if his family was with him and if he was okay. I believe his name is Diesel posted by a reply by Weesa in prior post about "chocolate lab missing". If anyone knows his condition please let me know. Thanks. P.S. I have become fond of him since i've seen him around my home. :(

  9. He must live off Meeks dr. as weesa said, I was trying to coax him w/ some treats and my neighbors dog charged toward him , he ran across dallas nebo and down meeks rd. I haven't seen him since they say he gets out a lot , dallas nebo rd. is a high traffic rd. w/ many speeders , I have witnessed 4 dogs that came from meeks dr. get killed with in the last year alone

  10. Is Teet the same as nipple or does it include surrounding tissue area ? My male dobie had swollen a nipple I took him to Dr. Verner @ D'ville Oaks , he said probably irritated from something he had been laying on or scratched it and it would probably not go away, same as your lab he had no tenderness, that has been 4mo. now, it seems a little smaller to me or I am just getting use to it.

    I have several pets so cost is also important to me but confidence in the doctor that my pets are receiving the best of care is most important and good communication counts high on the scale. My two dogs are due now for their vaccinations my cat needs a 3rd opinion for a cyst because the 1st two are so different in diagnoses. All of the vets in the area are not "all reasonable in their fees" I have been to many over the past 23yrs. that I have lived here , vets in and out of our county reasons depending on illness and or species . I have been to both vets mentioned in prior reply and think highly of Dr. Luger and Dr. Judy father and son. Dr. Verner is great in my opinion and the fees cant be beat (he was recommended by another vet for a emerg. situation) the downfall is D'ville isn't as convenient . Dr. Judy is good and when faced w/ the hardest decision of all , he will tell you when its time to let go, I respect him for that . I like Dr. Lugar she is who I would prefer for all the reasons I mentioned but her fees are highest of the three . I called each and was specific about pets weight , and vaccination being sure I was getting accurate quote ten to twenty dollars can add up when you have several not mention the cost of meds. It is important that the vet I choose knows my pets med. history so I prefer using only one vet for all their med needs when poss.. ( not sure ?, but sorry if this was a hijack)

    I would get a 2nd opinion also , And I hope everything turns out well keep us posted...

  11. OMG !!!! This is one of mine for real , I bought my house in 98. One day while watching my dogs play outside I noticed something darting from tree to tree , and around the bushes teasing my boys and the dogs next door also. Ernest T. Bass of P.C. ... Anxious to meet this fella, I introduced myself. He is entertaining and very eccentric . One day a couple of weeks later I noticed something dart across my front porch all of a sudden a shadowy figure was peering through my blinds. As I jumped up to run for some assistance from Smith and Wesson, the door bell rang. It was my buddy. He really is harmless, it turned out that he inhabited these woods long before all these houses popped up around here. He is really a good neighbor and keeps a close watch on everyone, for their safety of course!! I deemed him "Squirrel Man". I really am grateful to have him as a neighbor, it could be a lot worse!

  12. There's been a choc. Lab mix, white chest, handsome boy he has a blk. collar w/ wht. paw prints, he won't come to me , I tried to get a pic. Last seen heading dwn. dallas Nebo towards Polies , dangerous rd. ! I will try to get him if he comes back.....

  13. Its talking about right there behind Grands and dollar general at those storage buildings there. Is this the one they were saying the transformer blew and caught trees on fire?????


    That same pole last summer the transformer box poped and droped causing a fire, power was out for several hours. Today we heard a pop and saw the flames power just out few sec. the trans. box was still at top of pole, this was strange 2x's less than year...

  14. Goodness folks.


    don't nobody boycott nobody on account of some stupid bond issue :)




    WOW PUBBY , reading my mind? i was just thinking the cafe was for easy light hearted topic's kinda like listening to PEACH F.M. b-4 turning in ... ya'll got me excited now i can't sleep!

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