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Posts posted by sheri714

  1. My Doberman is 4yr. the vet said (w/o an ex ray yet) that he has hip dysplasia

    I am going to try the Glucosemine Conjointin it is used same as Dasuquin I'm not certain

    of exact ingredient by comparison but the vet carries Dasuquin and he told me to get the Glucosimine Conjointin it would be cheaper. The surgery's were discussed but he recommended not at this time.


    My dog limps and holds his hind paw up while he's standing, it seems to be steady pain not only after a good run. This has been going on a couple of weeks and never before showed any discomfort, I thought that possible he had injured the paw, leg, or maybe a ligament. I was prepared to have ex rays last week when I took him in and only held off until we try some of the vitamins along with Rimadyl or asprine as my vet suggested. I have seen several large breeds that have dysplasia and all of them seemed to be "down in the hip". I knew that displasia was a possibility but to me it doesn't seem to be in the hip. I will have him ex rayed after a month if it continues.


    So I was wondering if anyone looking at this post has seen displasia as I described with my dog?


    marine0351, I apologize for hijacking your post. I hope Maggie gets the relief she needs maybe some of the suggestions from fellow p.coms will help until you can research the surgery.

  2. That's the sound that Bigfoot makes. And coyotes are afraid of Bigfoot.


    I do believe it was Bigfoot. I'm certain I saw him later on my way home not far from the Willows at Legand Creek, I think the sound I heard was that of Bigfoot.

    The moon was a little less than full but just as bright, suddenly I saw him among the shadowes cast from the tall Pine's he seemed to be trudging along the edge of the woods out past the big pasture.

    This may have something to do with how Legend Creek was named. Dbl. eerie!!

  3. "Bud" is safe and sleeping well, out of the rain for the first time in his life. He seemed to know we were helping him yesterday during his relocation, everything went a lot smoother than we ever expected.


    I want to say thank you to MizCue and raclay, for your help and concern during his rescue, although I never spoke with anyone other than Ash and katcol in person, it was a great comfort just knowing that there were so many fellow p.comer's who took an interest in this little guy's well being.

    I did have the pleasure of meeting Momstradamus and family, you will never know how much you helped us. Ash and I were on the phone Thursday morning talking over planes to build a pen, when you called Ash. What a blessing, your loan of the pen was HUGE. I can't thank you enough. It is nicer than anything we could have dreamed.

    I also want to thank our wild life rescuer Ronnie for his time and the loan of his equipment that was essential to his capture. Alex Backery for his guidance. Last but not least Mr. Mitchell for his patience. Although I felt I was overly intrusive of his privacy he never uttered a discouraging word.

    A huge hug to Catie and Dylan, :wub: :wub: now you can have your mom back until her next...

    post-2069-1208598034_thumb.jpgHere he is after we got him settled in. He's safe, fed, warm and dry.

  4. He really is a neat dog, he's beautiful and very smart. He's going to be a wonderful companion for someone. Ash, someone like you!!! He's been a lot of work but he's so worth it.

    post-2069-1208476870_thumb.jpg he's waiting on us to take him to Ash's home.

    Thanks to everyone that has help out during his rescue.

    Ash is awesome for taking on the rescues that she has. Although her hands are always full, her heart always has just enough room to take on one more animal in need .

    Thanks to katcol for always being ready at a minutes notice.



  5. Bud's fine I think he was upset because I was late with dinner.

    katcol, sorry I was "just a little nervous" when I called you and thanks for not saying I was an emotional wreck :blush: THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP.

    He has made some great improvement, he will come up and almost take a treat

    out of my hand he was so close I felt his breath on my hand yesterday but he didn't take the treat. He will lay down near me at times, just a foot away and most days now he greets me by jumping around and drops his chest to the ground while wagging his tail. Thats awesome considering he would run off before. He has no faith in mankind.

    It has taken me over three weeks of going out to feed him and sitting quietly for about an hour

    each day, tossing him a treat here and there a little closer to me each time.

    I know this must sound crazy to some, I do work and have a home full of pets to take care of and my sweetie John, :wub: he has been very patient with me since I started going out there, when ever that was. I know it was the coldest, iciest day (all day) of year, this year or last.


    When I saw Ash's post (Dog on Poole Bridge Rd.) and then when she added to the title by stating that she needed "help", after reading how much she had poured her heart into trying to save this dog's life, I had to reply I had no idea, thought maybe I would be part of the round up party to help her and katcol and maybe a few others ONE day but here we still are.


    Ash, I hope your father is better soon. I know you have been through a lot lately. As soon as everyone is healthy and your able to get back to the woods, I think a little Bud time is just what you need. We miss you. :wub:


    I do believe we will be able to get him soon, hopefully this weekend. :)

    post-2069-1207895204_thumb.jpgBud will be treated by a vet.and neutered. Just waiting for his consent. :D

  6. If this doesn't work out let me know. I posted a pic of a Siberian a few weeks ago that I found it turned out that his name was Demon also, he has been placed with a new home now. Randy w/ Siberian Rescue got my # somehow from that post, I'm glad he called, sounds like a great guy. let me know if you want or need to talk to him.

  7. The 5th house (29 acres) has also been up for sale for a long time. Not sure about the 4th house on the left. Across the street, (on the right, side of the road) between the big pasture and the 1st house on the right, they had a For Sale sign up, I called and they had 29 acres for sale. Maybe, just maybe the shopping center will finally take place. Where did you hear about this from?


    I'd rather not say at this time, I will say he's not from Paulding Co.. The reason I asked if anyone had heard this is because I "don't always believe everything I hear" I know we hear enough rumors and I'm not wanting to fan any fires. I am curious though, I remember years ago hearing about a huge shopping mall planned for Paulding Co. and also that there would be a Bypass going around the city of Hiram.



    Good lord, no joke. The missus, kid, and I drove by there today trying to figure out where commercial stuff would go...there are some old buildings on the NE corner of Ridge and Laird that I assume could be leveled to create new businesses and such, but you are right, the traffic potentially would suck.


    I'm all for progress, but aren't there A LOT of open business spaces in Hiram / Dallas? Why are there being more built? Can you say O-V-E-R-D-E-V-E-L-O-P-M-E-N-T?


    Yes, I think we all should be shouting it!

    It's my understanding that the area he's described to me is the wooded and pasture property between Ridge Rd. and Bill Curruth and from Laird to Hwy 92. In addition to the location I heard, the property owner and son agreed or maybe even closed a couple of weeks ago, a figure was mentioned of five million, not sure who, how or what that figure is for.

    I said I'm not about starting rumors, but this would have an effect on many levels.


    Yesterday his final comment to me about this was, "wait and see" so I will and at the moment I hope he's wrong but if it is true why did the first word of this come from someone outside of Paulding Co.


    So yeah maybe "just maybe the shopping center will finally take place".

    Lets hope it's not to be the LARGEST SHOPPING CENTER IN GA.



  8. Awe. Did he let you get that close to him?!


    I miss him, too. I never know when it's ok to feed him, though. Sheri, if you talk to Ash she can give you my number. Just let me know what's allowed as far as feeding goes.




    YES! Can you believe it? I could have reached out and touched him, but I knew he'd run, so I wasn't going to push it. It was awesome! I just love him.


    "ALLOWED" whats that mean? j/k, I don't know either. I try to leave work for a few minutes B-4 5:00 during the week so I'm in and out of there before the home owner and his kids get in. Who knows they are probably watching and laughing their tails off at me. I hate the weekends and Holidays because I just don't know when or who will be there and I don't want to disturb them either. just trying to make sure his belly's full so he wont get into trouble finding food in some one's trash can or another dog's bowl.


    I know what a great help you have been and so does Bud.

    I was so excited, did I forget to mention that Bud wants you to know, how much he appreciates you too. He sends you hugs and wet kisses (in his own way of course, ie. from a distance & w/ that huffy bark) and wants you to visit.

    NO, I'm sorry he said he loves you and wants to live with you. :wub:


  9. Ha I love them!! I got the one you text'd me, I love it! I can't wait to see my guy again! I'll call you when I get my sick baby to sleep. Thanks for this, that is soooo sweet! Love ya!


    Your so welcome Ash, we love you too.

    I wish the picture's were large enough for everyone to see Bud's sweet face.

    He is such a cool dog. I hope we can catch him soon and find him a good home.

    He has been abused so badly, if you toss him a dog biscuit he tucks tail and runs, assuming your throwing a rock at him.

    He wants some one to love.

    He is so smart a trap cant catch him, I think a warm sleeping bag and a good steak just might do the trick.


  10. A couple of pic of "Bud" for Ash (dog on Poole Bridge Rd.)


    Ash, I know you have been very sick and your son's surgery has kept you away.

    So someone wants you to know that he's sending out well wishes, love and hugs. He hope's to see

    your smiling face soon. :wub:






    * edit for pic

  11. Nope no tags on the collar.

    I think Nebo is kind of far from Burnt Hickory but it's worth the look into.


    It is kinda far from you, but I'll take a look on my way home and after I feed "Bud" (the dog on Pool Bridge Rd.)

    Last year I cought four Siberians that were running down Dallas Nebo rd. near Hwy. 61. Only one of them had a tag, they belonged to a guy in Lake Swan Sub..


    Thanks for posting pic he looks alot like the male dog I caught. I'll post back if I hear anything or see any signs at Polies Store or around this area.


  12. I got additional confirmation that this isn't just a rumor. Gary Gullege will be running for sheriff.


    I almost posted my support when I first saw this topic but decided to wait and see if in fact he's running for sheriff and what his planes are for Paulding County if elected. I have lived in Paulding Co. for twenty four yr.. I'm glad to hear that Gary Gulledge will be running for sheriff.

  13. I'm so glad that Dylan's surgery went well and we are hoping for a speedy recovery. You gave us a scare yesterday with your sky high blood pressure. I thought ya'll may both be in the hospital today. I don't know how you were able to go through with his surg. as sick as you have been this week and with your husband out of town, you had to do all of it by yourself. Just proves what a strong person you are Ash! I am sooo glad your feeling better and his surgery is over. I know the next few days are going to be tough, but once he's all better it will take a huge load off you.


    You are so sweet to think of others during this time. Your a wonderful and caring person I am grateful that we meet :wub: and very glad I meet katkal as well. Don't worry about Bud one bit. He's eating good and looks great he's gotten used to me and wags his tail when I go out to feed doesnt bark as much. Still as smart as ever, not sure any trap will get his a$$ he goes in it to eat and just seems to know what not to touch so not to trip it. He's amazing I love him too. He send his love to you Ash and well wishes to you both, AND CAN"T WAIT TO SEE YOU :wub:

  14. Proper etiquette and good manners are timeless and must be taught, just like "Please and Thank You". Common courtesy is uncommon. It has to be taught. The failure of replying to an RSVP is a breakdown of proper etiquette and perhaps a tactful reminder is appropriate, i.e. "I'm so glad you were able to make it, I didn't know if you'd be able to come?" Then, just maybe even if it only hit home with one or two parents, it would prevent the possibility of another parents concern for their child's feelings if the roles were reversed.


    Reply to RSVP.......I apologize but I will be unable to attend :p

    Happy Birthday to your daughter!


    Hoping for a good turn out!

  15. I was talking with an elderly neighbor Thur. the 13th 7:30pm, he said he saw a "Beagle" I'm not sure what day but I believe he was referring to Wed. / poss. Thur. he lives on Dallas Nebo across from Meeks Rd. that's close to hwy.61. I'll try to talk with him again on Friday. I didn't know at the time about the missing hound. My dogs were wanting out early Wed. morning, they were barking and carrying on for about three hours along with the neighborhood dogs, I didn't see anything but I will keep a look out for her too and pass the word around. Hope she's found soon.

  16. If you are only putting her in the crate while you are at work she may be stressing. If your not already, you need to put her in it while yall are home too, she can hear yall and won't associate being crated as only scary alone time. If she's crying to much when your around its probley because she knows you will give in and let her out, try covering the crate so she cant see you.

    This was a hard time for me when I was training crate training my last baby boy, he would play and was just fine until he saw me, then he'd go ballistic you'd think something was trying to eat him alive.

    Now they are sooo happy for nap time and bed time they race up to their bedroom when I mention those words.

    I love French Bulldogs, she is beautiful. Good luck.

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